Why is Trump being friends with Putin considered a bad thing?

Why is Trump being friends with Putin considered a bad thing?
Isn't it good that the world's two superpowers get along well?
World peace is guaranteed under Trump

Giant cheeto being subservient to a kelptocratic dictator is bad.

No, it ruins the the Trotskyite dreams of total global war to achieve apocalypse True Communism and infinite satanism.

well leaving aside Trump, the friendship between the West and Russia should not be made with Putin, he is ex-KGB massively corrupt and a brutal autocrat who believes the breakup of the Soviet Union was the worst geopolitical event of the last 150 years.

Because Putin outsmarted them.
You can feel the butthurt whenever they talk about Russia.
Hillary failed when it comes to dealing with Russia.
Now Trump has to fix it. Possibly deescalate. And they don't want it to work.
The thing is, the sanctions are taking a huge toll on Russia and they will have to negotiate soon. They're apparently running out of foreign currency this year and Trump might be able to strike a good deal. This drives the democrats mad.

The 'Russia is bad' narrative is carried on because the EU needs an enemy to legitimize their militarization and eventually evolution to a
'United States of Europe' where the EU acts as the official central government of the European continent.

I will also add that our military and intelligence agencies are also full of neocon 'cold warriors' who mentally cannot accept that the Soviet Union has collapsed. They have a deep seeded hatred of Russia and believe that Vladimir Putin wants to retreat the Russian empire and eventually challenge the US to world supremacy.

We got to many old farts in our government.

Trump breaks this narrative and thus he must be destroyed.

don't be so nieve

>who believes the breakup of the Soviet Union was the worst geopolitical event of the last 150 years.

In all fairness, from a Russian perspective, the breakup of the Soviet Union was pretty bad for Russia.

my eyes are open.

Yeah the 90's was hell for them. However Putin has said.
"If you don't miss the Soviet Union you have no heart. If you want it back then you have no brain."

Excuse me the exact quote was.

"People in Russia say that those who do not regret the collapse of the Soviet Union have no heart, and those that do regret it have no brain. We do not regret this, we simply state the fact and know that we need to look ahead, not backwards. We will not allow the past to drag us down and stop us from moving ahead. We understand where we should move. But we must act based on a clear understanding of what happened"

cuz reasons.

I don't know who writes some of Putin's lines, but a lot of them are pretty damn good. Sure Russia is a shithole and Putin is an apex criminal, but he's so worth a fair listen sometimes.

It was

Keep in mind. Russia is paranoid about their borders. They've been invaded by the Polish, by Napoleon and the Germans twice within a few hundred years. Those of us in America (and to a lesser extent Britain) can't understand their fear because we have large bodies of water which has prevented mass invasion.

Russia is supporting Israel's enemies

The media is run by Jews

Its not that hard to figure out.

I don't really get it, Bush Jr and Putin were best bros.

It's just sour grapes among liberals who lost and are trying to find someone to blame (other than Hillary and her shitty campaigning, spending all her time pandering to Latinos and other minorities while ignoring all the working class whites in the rust belt and other parts of the US).

Not really. Bush had a lot neocons in his cabinet. They saw Putin as a strong leader for Russia and hated him for it.

Thankfuly, other leafs like him are still in touch with reality.

It's only a bad thing to (((people))) who want whites to destroy each other so (((they))) can sweep in and rule over the niggers until the end of time.

>Trump's a russian plant
>not a jewish one
It isn't the media who is stopping the american-russia relationship, it's Trump's (((masters))). They should be doing a special investigation into Israeli/saudi influence.


The DNC is being held together only superficially amd being upheld by the media.

The niggers, the LGBT, the women, the bernies. the antifas? They do not see eye to eye, despite claims to the contrary, and they will not work together.

The only option was to try to "unite" and so #resist was begun, a halfhearted mess from the very start. They went after women first, since they are so painfully easy to manipulate as long as you imply they are being insulted or degraded in some way and also suggest that there really is some kind of sisterhood rather than female society being daggers in the back and hatred all around.

The Russia thing is just a conspiracy to unite behind. The media is actively producing propraganda to prevent the collapse of the DNC and a unified, one party America from rising.

SPOILER: It's too late.
Ivanka will run in place of Donald if his numbers are too low in 2020. No matter what, Ivanka will run in 2024. She will handily beat any democrat alive in this world today by running an Obama style manipulation campaign of smiling and speaking well. By this time, Barron will be an international sex symbol like JFK jr was and young women will consider it hip to be conservative.

It's long and complicated.
I'm giving you the barest footnotes here
>China attacks US Dollar
>China ropes in Russia with it
>the US under Obama leadership executes a plan to push back
>Plan gets unexpectedly delayed until Trump is in and the Dems already put their prints all over it
>Now Trump both knows what each side has been doing wrong
>If Trump negotiates good relations with Russia, the attack on the US dollar is off
>if US dollar is not at stake, Trump doesn't have to keep holding the Dems dirty secrets
>Trump will toss the Dems to the wolves(the people)

They're in panic mode because they've created an Us vs. Them scenario. Again, I'm leaving a HUGE number of details out for brevity.

>nu/pol/ wants a globalist, liberal, jewess to be president
>posted with a nazi flag
pls kys

This is about BRICS, right?

She's not a globalist, she's just a woman, silly.
Ivanka will have the same exact people behind the scenes that Donald has. Hopefully Kushner will die before then, wouldn't that be the greatest coup in the history of the world?

Anyway, Ivanka is a scary woman, super tall, extremely well spoken, former model, pretty glamorous. She's unbeatable so long as women are allowed to vote.

>Ivanka will have the same exact people behind the scenes that Donald has
>shes not liberal
Nice fan fiction

>Ivanka will have the same exact people behind the scenes that Donald has.
Gloablists, billionaires, and Goldman-Sachs executives? How delusional do you have to be to think Trump is doing a good job and hasn't been the best goy possible and then to think he's kike daughter wouldn't be an absolute disaster
