While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny"...

While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration


Trump wants to increase Immigration for whites while denying most of the third world if not all. He's interested in repealing the 1965 immigration act. As a result the Non-Hispanic White birth rate Will grow even more if he succeeds in this plan. The immigration of whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa at the most. SA because Trump supported the apartheid and might want to help them out as well. This might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America if they happen to breed. The Non-Hispanic White birth rate is slowly rising and with this plan for white immigration it will only continue to grow more. With this plan, Mass Deportations, The RAISE act, Extreme Vetting and Lowered Taxes.

We will stay a white majority country for a longtime.

Man, I wish this shit was true

It will be hopefully, once it happens you can gladly come live down here.

How do you get something like this passed exactly? Are republicucks going to back a bill like this?

Hispanic Birth rate is collapsing hard their projections are already off America will be Majority white for alot longer than they thought.

If Paul Ryan loses his position in 2018 and is replaced by Paul Nehlen. Probably.

This would be the final nail in the coffin.

>1965 Immigration Act

holy fucking shit.

That is the bill that started everything.

That is the bill that they promised to the 1950's-1960's America wouldn't change the demographics of the country.

If he does this then it's over.
We get transported back to 1950's America with modern technology.

I'd hope, fuck man. I know Nehlen's trying to get cuck Ryan's seat, not sure if he'll be automatically given the position of speaker though, don't they have house elections for those?

pls mr trump save us

>no free healthcare but tons of guns

as if any sane european cared to come to your shithole.

you're country is doing perfectly fine, so keep it that way.

If Trump does something like this, fuck it, he can bomb Syria and Iran all he fucking wants, this would have our country back to the fucking top.

> implying 50's america were a bad thing
> implying that's not what he meant with MAGA
Pic kinda related.

>repealing the 1965 immigration act
oh fuck I would love if this happened

Why not? White immigration is already artificially limited by the '65 immigration act; it wouldn't be artificially boosting it, it would be repealing an artificially imposed limit on it. There's the economic benefits of bringing Europeans in, and considering what's happening there, you can spin it as a humanitarian thing too. All the arguments the left has set so much stock in, as to how it's our duty to take in beaners and kebob, can also apply to white South African, French, and Swedish refugees. Only better, because they're not actually insane rapists who turn welfare dollars into property destruction.

It's not political suicide anymore, the Overton window has shifted just enough to the right to make it viable.

Ha, as if immigrantion from South Africa would increase the birth rate of white anglos.

I wasn't saying it WAS a bad thing, I was saying we would be in a new golden age like 1950's version 2.0

>We get transported back to 1950's America with modern technology.
The future is bright.

what kind of sane white man is interested in immigrating to trumpland


You'd be surprised, my area is absolutely full of ex-euros and it's not even that large.

They aren't having kids because the niggers would end up killing them.

fuck. I could shed a tear of hopefulness

>case dismissed
>not convicted
>law repealed

feels good to have a responsive government that isn't run by a retarded narcissist with no skill or experience in the field

what about mexicans that came before 1965?

my great grandparents came in the 1910s fleeing the mexican revolution, they hated pancho villa according to my mom

So, we're still going to take in beaners at the same rate, but we're going to take in whites as well? I mean, with the wall I suppose there's discouragement, and also the RAISE act and the bans can limit the sandniggers, so I maybe could see that work, but I think it'd also be much better to also put a limit on beaners in the bill, but then again that'd catch the eye of republicucks. So many fucking layers to cleaning this country up.

Feels good to live on a continent currently acting like the 4th reich bringing niggers in in the millions

You'll be staying at this point

They were either already here or few and far between. There were less Mexicans pre-1965 then Polish Americans today.

Lemme guess, are you a Texan?

yes, why?

>we will stay a white majority country for a longtime.
Said the increasinly nervous burger for the 10th time.

I have a dream, a dream where the uncucked American male replaces the useless liby American woman with newly red-pilled euro women. I have a Dream.

At least we are trying, also best the luck with you guys too. I'm glad Austria is resisting the browning of Europe.

It's pointless as long as he's anti-abortion. That's the only thing keeping the black population in check.

Someone who was really pro-white would build free abortion clinics on every street corner in Detroit.

We need to keep the pressure on him for this above anything else

>can you feel it

Yep, that explains it, Texas is where all the hispanics went to pre-65, they're the "conservative hispanics" texans on this board love to brag so much about, lots of the hispanics whose families have been here for a while are Texans, they've been here longer than my family for fucks sake.

It is all a scam. They say:
but they do the opposite and all the retards believe them. Also there is election in October.
The entire system would have to come down to stop this shit. Won't happen though

>non-hispanic whites
>falling for the not counting white hispanics as whites
>falling for the jews tricks

German whites assimilated into mainstream white culture, so did the nords and the slavs.

Soon the white hispanics will start dropping the hispanic label for themselves start assimilating into the mainstream white culture and voting republician. That combined with the deportation of the illegals will buy us a little bit of time to try and raise the white birth rates

>said 54% to 95%

We could accept the entire population of South Africa. 4.5 Million. We would fill our "quota" without any ill effects. Then let SA descend into madness. Multiple birds one stone.

It would take a wile We have to deport the 20 million illegals here and bring in 20 million Europeans. We did it before . Then have national incentives and tax breaks to reproduce .

It just goes to show you that we fought and died in WWII only for kikes to take power over our countries.

White Hispanics are a mixed bag, some are actual whites of European ancestry who immigrated from Latin America while others are Castizos who are part-Mestizo part-European.

I would think millions want to get out of Europestan

Eh, when it comes to hispanics, there's quite a few that do act and look exactly like whites, I mean look at Charlie fucking Sheen, but the thing is that those hispanics are far outnumbered by the brown and dark brown cunts, and the ones that don't speak English and self-segregate make me want to tear their heads off and ship them back to their cartels, they are fucking annoying, if every hispanic was like just a white American, I'd have no problem with it, the thing is there's just so many of those fuckers that move an inch past the border into Cali or Texas and then make zero effort to speak English and adapt to the culture, and just soak up welfare, it infuriates me. With the way we keep getting new ones that don't give a shit, when the immigrants finally do assimilate, there'll be 5 more for each in their place that just don't care. It's shit.

America should grant them free citizenship, We have tons of Empty houses down here in Pittsburgh that can fit well over 1,000 people.

Russians and other slavs in eastern europe

to ameri'Qua?

I would Figure most want out. Are there mail-order brides from Sweden yet?

In Mexico class is clearly defined by Whiteness. That's why so many are desperate to get bleached. The anti-white thing is the height of hypocrisy.

To be honest, this is mostly contained in unsustainable big cities.
PSA y'all, do a little subsistence gardening.

Still, it ate up the cities, it's eating up the suburbs right now, it's gonna get to the farmland eventually, we've got to push back and take our country back.

>That's why so many are desperate to get bleached. The anti-white thing is the height of hypocrisy.
What the hell are you even talking about.

>non whites living near wilderness and wild animals
>trying to take on hunters
>eventual economic collapse will stop gibsmedats
>can survive without it

>we would be in a new golden age like 1950's version 2.0
all we need is another post-war economy....

I'd just prefer we'd sort this out before it gets to that point

WW3: The fight to take back Europe from the neo-Caliphate

>Trump's interest in White Immigration
The god Emperor I'd interested in America taking in every single Boer from Africa, not filthy eurocucks too spineless to fight for their homelands who will just attempt to create balkanized communities to preserve their nations history and culture instead of becoming American like they're supposed to
Fuck Europe, let them drown in their mistakes on their own this time

Trump can't get anything through Congress, not even a tax cut.

America is the greatest cultural virus the world's seen. My only hope is that it and Islam wipe eachother off the face of the earth in the near future.

Don't listen to him, remember 1 in 4 American Sup Forumsacks are not white.

thx dad, love you too

All this is such bullshit. Da fuck you get such rubbish ideas? You want us to not see what is happening? Trump could give 2 shits about whites and he never did - he is just a civic nationalist that will follow some business imperatives. Big business will force him to keep the door open to immigration and but he will make it more like Australia's which still means an endless flood of 3rd worlders and cultural marxism apace.

Shill thread. Sage.

Can i come?

Sure, there's like a ton of places over in the mid-west with deep German ancestry, especially in the Rust Belt, you'd fit right in.

If Trump makes it easy for europeans to move, I'll very seriously consider it

I unironically think the US is in a better position to save itself despite demographics

Western Pennsylvania and the Midwest is fully German, We even have Germans with dual citizenship living here.

Please be true.

It should be on the other way around all whites leave US to lefty, shitskins and beans

the 1950s were great because men were in shorter supply because of ww2 as well. This meant women had to behave.