Is he based Sup Forums? He exposed the jews in his new album

Is he based Sup Forums? He exposed the jews in his new album

>listening to nigger tier music

the negro on his own is no longer edgy, nor is his drivel, so now they must rebel against the masters that created them. The only problem is their masters aren't going to take it.

He's a spirit cooking sell out

Quote the album. Do you really think anyone here listens to him?

Does being friends with Obama nullify Jay-Z naming the Jew in the eyes of the media?

In what way?
Quotes, links...

>satanic gypsy taking the bbc, cucking beyonce
It's too late for him. His soul is condemned to an eternity of slavery, forever bound to Moloch's collection.

fuck off, helsinki boy. nobody likes your country or its neighbors and i hope you burn along with the rest of you pasty faggots up there

OP is, once again, a faggot who assumes we would pay for a niggers streaming service in order to listen to his technobabbles. Luckily, a thread was already posted with an example, and I'm just a whore for saving anything.

Apparently this is from one of his diddies

>Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime
The Jews share their truth on how to make a dime
Most black men couldn't balance a checkbook
But buy a new car, talkin' 'bout "how my neck look?"

Apparently, Jay A has had a history in "calling out" Jews, but it seems to be more of a homage then anything else. Regardless, since his fanbase is dumb as bricks anywhy, they likely don't get the significance of his wordage.


I'm assuming you all had internet to search it up on



He is not based. He's a goofball.

go love niggers somewhere else ya muppet

I would suggest a listen to 'American Dream' by Killer Mike if you want some real naming.

Seems like a reasonable thing to say. I'm looking for the "Calling out" or "Exposing" the jews. Everyone knows american jews rich AF and push their ideas through the news media, entertainment media and collage campuses.

Wut no mother fucker hates white people and trump

This is a satanic lie.


No man is beyond redemption.