Why do liberals like to point out Christianity whenever it's in bad light but are apologists towards every other...

Why do liberals like to point out Christianity whenever it's in bad light but are apologists towards every other religion?

Because it's been taken over by the Jews to a sufficient extent to reveal the true agenda of the Jews.

the usa is isis and that is why isis doesn't kill jews


Deep down they fear that it's true and that they are extreme sinners. Why do you think they incessantly talk about how "judgemental" Christians are? It gets to them because some part sees the truth of it.

They don't take other religions seriously enough to care what they say about them

1. Christianity is strongly linked to white Europe.
2. Protestantism is a leading factor it the evolution of capitalism.
3. Christians have in many ways been the ideological bulwark of individualism ( the divinity of man and the moral agency required for his salvation)
4. Christianity defines evil, big no no in subjectivism.
5. They fear it as well, Christianity has a long history of fucking people up for messing with it.

Just a few things that come to mind.


Can we bring back #5 please? We've seen what happens when you let society go loose with no ideological control

I think that 5 requires first point 3.
I am an atheist but I understand the importance of what Christianity has passed on to us. Point 3 is why i would be willing to fight and why I would fight with Christians if it came to that, but I don't think it will.

Christianity was born out of stories of a commoner taking on the Roman Empire. You can't let commoners be inspired to rebel against their government masters. The Kingdom of Heaven is code for life out from under the Roman rule.

Modern leftism is based on the hatred of whites and Western culture. It's literally a masochistic cuck cult.

Iraq got raped out of its natural resources due to the 2003 invasion. They brought "freedom" to the Iraqis.

>ISIS destroying artifacts and historical sites
>christians preserving the remains of ancient civilizations


the fuck you on about? stoicism "preached" equality way before Jesus. and Jesus himsef said "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" how the fuck is that rebellious in any way ?

Probably the jews


Seems like Iraqis still get massive royalties from the oil companies. If we really wanted to take your resources, the leftist media would still be talking about how ebil it is. The notion that your resources were "taken" is just a bunch of leftist LARPing so they can paint Bush as Le Hitler.

So I have a question for you, maybe you don not think this way but maybe you know people who do, plus you mentioned
>We've seen what happens when you let society go loose with no ideological control
From what I know of Christianity you can only find salvation through your personal acceptance of Christ. How could we ever legislate that? I would think that it is against the values of Christ as each individual must make and accept this willingly. Forcing it would be a lie.
I would love to see what a christian conservative would say to this, also no bullshit not takin a piss serious question and honestly interested.

it's a culture war and the left are the equivalent of child soldiers

the problem is that is has no connection with reality. you can literally pull a thesis out of your ass and build "reality" around it.the worst thing is it's complicated bullshit that's basically unreadable unless you accept the premise which probably is objectively false

I'm a liberal and I fully fucking hate all religion.

Indeed. I feel like much of the cancer of modern leftism was due to Soviet/Frankfurt School infiltration of our education and media system. It was literally designed to turn stupid cucks into 5th column troops and help collapse the US from within.

Yuri Bezmenov was right.

Christ fought the jew not Romans. Jews had however spread their influence within part of the roman empire.

>hobby lobby smuggling ancient artifacts out of Iraq

>has no connection with reality. you can literally pull a thesis out of your ass and build "reality" around it

This is called "post-modernism" and it's a product of Frankfurt School fuckery. Basically, they say you can create your own "reality" as a way of increasing your personal freedom, but it was actually designed as a tool for demolishing the centrial conservative-nationalist Western establishment. Compare that with actual communist countries, and they basically said"if you don't agree 110% with the state, go to gulag for re-education." It was all a tactic designed to fuck-up the West during wartime.

I'm not a conservicuck type Christian, but I think I shouldn't have to care what exactly you think as long as you're not being a destructive force to my world. I don't want to live in a theocracy and I don't want you to live in one, either. There are plenty of Christians who don't believe exactly the same thing I do, and we don't need to have trouble with each other, either.

That being said, like niggers, muslims, faggots, and jews, if you let them grow out of control then you wind up with a fundamental demographic shift that undermines what's good about about a Christian-centric society, which is objectively morally better than most alternatives.

Don't be so quick to hate my friend, calm down, read the Bible, look for the meaning, you will be surprised what you find. You cannot take the stories and read it at face value it is usually using a story to explain a moral precept. Take God out of it and replace it with nature or the natural world or cosmos what ever and you can often see that it is explaining that certain actions will punish you because you rebelled against reality/God.
t. atheist

They're fine with Christianity if it's niggers doing the praying. They just hate White men.

>Yuri Bezmenov was right.

It's chilling how right he was and how little we understood it back then.

Especially the parts where he talked about telling them what was going on directly and the brainwashing and manipulation of white guilt was so strong it wouldn't even matter. You could show the Yuri B video to any leftist cuck now with exactly the results Yuri B predicted.

He did that interview in a time long before youtube 15 min fame and etc. I don't think he was just trying to spook Americans unduly for attention or any bullshit like that but really warn us.

Not bad, and don't worry I was not implying the worst of you, this particular question has been bothering me for a while but desu the christian conservative of the 90s no longer exists so this is likely something we wont have to worry about for a while.

>That being said, like niggers, muslims, faggots, and jews, if you let them grow out of control then you wind up with a fundamental demographic shift that undermines what's good about about a Christian-centric society, which is objectively morally better than most alternatives.

This, to me, is a problem of Democracy. It would not be a problem if Gov could not act outside the law of the land (Constitution) They could be as degenerate as they wanted then there would be no welfare to support it at the tax payers expense, they could not circumvent the constitution like they do now, hell they act l ike it does not exist. I am not sure how you enforce it. So many republics ruined by the mobs who never understood it's value.

Well, if you didn't apologize for Islam, a religion that believes every historical artifact before the creation of Islam as Haram (must be destroyed), all the the time than Hobby Lobby and people/organizations might not have to buy said artifacts from them to prevent them from being destroyed.

I want to see what happens when Black Baptists and the LGBT fags start having disputes.

yeah, I know. but the biggest danger today isn't from communists. they are weak bitches. the problem is Islam, post-modernism allows Islam to infiltrate the West. The muslims are literally practicing "civilizational warfare". Wherever and whenever they find themselves, they take over whether peacefully or violently. Even the so-called "moderate Muslims" with their passivity help the violent ones in their fight. it's just so infuriating to watch and not be able to kick the shit out of these traitors and fifth columnists

I'm a former liberal current atheist but you need to realize religion is sometimes all that inoculates the masses against leftist cuckery.

If god doesn't matter, then it follows a hard sell that a cuck's life or family actually matters more than the 70 iq immigrant and sadly the cuck still has religious based self hatred wired into him from a life of conditioning from other white cucks.

So you get these atheists that think they're above religion while still subscribing to white guilt which is pretty hilarious because of course that comes from the concept of original sin and black "reparations" and other nonsense concepts are just what was made up to fill the void of religion in their lives.

You can break the code and then sit on a board in Sup Forums and be a centrist with nihilistic leanings or you can start being a code writer.

Religion is a very good thing for many people and a fine substitute for drugs, debauchery, or self hatred. The root of all evil is not money it is low self esteem.

Not everyone has the mental fortitude to be an atheist and still do the right thing for themselves and their people at which point the opiate of the masses comes into play.

I don't take any offense at it. I honestly don't care if you call me a pedo-loving imaginery sky friend kike-stick worshiper with a shit fetish and cuck obsession or whatever.

I just want what most people want: a nice place to live with people of a similar mindset. I care 1000x more that you are calling for a government that respects the Constitution.

First and foremost the constitution matters to me the most, but having grown up an atheist and never getting the full story from the Bible until I actually sat down and read it seriously I am a bit miffed. There are so many important ideas to take away from Christianity that neeeeever get talked about in these debates with atheists and Christians. With in the past 3 years I have come to realize I have more in common with Christians than I ever realized. I don't think I could be honest about believing in God so I have not converted, but you could certainly call me a cultural Christian when it comes to many aspects of my life now.

Well, those debates are designed to create divides rather than recognize what might be in common. It's what I like about sometimes hanging out in Sup Forums's Christian threads. You get people of all kinds and sometimes I get shit on for being mainly a cultural Christian who didn't really believe in God until much later in life, but it's easy to differentiate between the people who are there for an honest and productive discussion and those who are there for low-effort trolling.

the problem is we don't have weapons to combat civilizational warfare. We can talk all we want but unless someone takes up arms, Islam will advance with salami-tactics and when it's too late because we are a minority, we will have to flee from them. FACT is, we need a "new" philosophy(or religion) that will channel our Faustian spirit into civilizational warfare. To put in simple terms, the white man's burden has to become a mainstream view once again. How the fuck will that be accomplished, I don't know. But before we didn't have the internet.

Because the modern left is anti-white and especially anti-white male. Anything white males like, the left is opposed to by default. New leftism is a Jewish/CIA psy-op to oppose and pacify white males and strip them of their ability to fight back against the capitalist and statist overlords.

Tbh weren't they saving history from these places where they destroy it?

lol they must have smuggled out one of those fake fucking artifacts made of foam

Because their parents were christians and even though they are over 25, they still wanna feel rebellious

As a bit of an oldfag of the sort for whom Yuri was a rare redpill, the last decade or so has my head spinning about how things are changing. I did a full 360 and walk away from thinking the old psych warfare guys were full of shit telling me things were really changing fast to being unable to stop myself from bursting with optimism about the shift in common discourse and hope for the next generation.

So I can only give you the advice I was given. Just keep at it and don't worry about if and when you will be able to reap the fruits of your labor.

holy shit.... is that real?

It is more than that, even though most of them don't realize it, but this is a battle between two views on metaphysics and they are completely opposed and there cannot exist a middle ground between them. Some of their professors know it but probably not many.


Why do morons use gross generalizations, deflection, half truths and assumptions when shit posting on the internet?