Describe Your Political Journey

This is mine:
Atheistic Communism
Democratic Socialism
Democratic Liberalism
Democratic Moderatism
Democratic Conservatism
Republican Conservatism
National Conservatism
Racial Conservatism
Racial-Paganistic Fascism (National Socialism)
Racial Traditionalism
Libertarian Ethno-Monarchy
Distributist Christian-Monarchy
Anarcho-Distributist Chrsitian-Monarchy

Other urls found in this thread:

Domething very similar to your last line

>political nihilism
>political nihilism

Neoliberal ->
Anti-Sjw Fedora Antitheist Gamergater->
Democratic Socialist ->

>Neocon (Environment I was raised in)
>Liberal-leaning, supported OWS and a myriad of other liberal issues. Still conservative in others.
>Anti-SJW Liberal
>Nationalistic Classical Liberal

Anti sjw leftist
Right wing libertarian
Radical centrist :^)

Dem Soc
Hitlerist Nazism
Strasserist Nazism
Evolian Mutualism
Neopagan Distributist with minor natural aristocratic social stratification and guild based economic structure

Democratic Socialist
Communist/Proto sjw
Democratic Socialist

State educated dummycrat
Rudely awakened retardlican
Radical losertarian
Apathetic screw-you-all-atutionist

Right-wing religious conservative socialism
Democratic socialism
Ascended third-position centrist

brief stint of progressive/socialist
liberal-leaning moderate
national capitalist

social liberal
liberal conservative
classical liberal

Laissez-Fair capitalist, Ayn Rand parrot
I don't vote or really have strong opinions anymore. I like the right more than the left because they're interesting and seem to put facts over feelings. That being said, I know that I can't change anything and I'm just going along for the ride, learning more about how other people think and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ since the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Democracy is bullshit

>democrats are good and republicans are evil
>ok this is bullshit
>i'm smart because i listen to npr
>holy motherfucking shit how is mainstream conservative talk radio even legal?
>well fuck there is no democrat talk radio that isn't 100% awful
hey man check this this 9/11 documentary
>well fuck everything
>is alex jones completely nuts?
>why the fuck do i need a photo id to get a book from the library fuck it i'll just buy them from amazon
what the actual fuck
how do people not know about any of this?
god damn it who can i talk to?
>what's this new board called Sup Forums?

Christian Anarchist
National Anarchist
Christian Monarchist

Center-right Conservative
National Socialist romanticism


Republican- didnt really know about politics
authoritarian communist- too much COD WAW
Libertarian Left
Libertarian right/ancap
civic nationalist
Fascist/christian natsoc-today

im 17 rn btw. Dont ban me pls.

Underage and b&




Anti-SJW, anti-PC
Right wing libertarian
NRx reboot with some modifications

Top tier

Under what mandate? What royal family would you choose?
Listen, trolling or not it's stupid to obviously flaunt the rules violations.

I like you, OP. Stop by /lrg/ anytime you want, you're welcome there.


>Disgruntled Centrist
>Authoritarian Corporatism
>Laissez-faire Capitalism
>Neo-cameralism / Formalism (Dark Enlightenment)
>Hoppean anarcho-capitalism

Now I'd consider myself not only a Hoppean, but also a believer in a confederation of ethno-territories similar to micro-monarchies/city-states, with corporations or princely rulers acting as justice and security providers.

Free helicopter rides, my dudes.

Right-Leaning Libertarian

I remember being 17. My dick still grew a little bit more after that (I kept careful records) but I wasn't as much of a faggot as you.

meh I dont really care, last time I got beaned I just went and watched youtube for two weeks and got unbanned. Ive been on Sup Forums for about three years now, but I really am 17.


I think im all done growing at this point. Im happy with it tho, but youre the one talking about cocks, you fgt

Atheist Libertarian
Asshole who just pisses people off and posts "hateful" shit but is likely a fascist.



>Now libertarian-centrist.

It was a journey away from hatred and extremism and being able to identify and see the flaws and benefits on both sides of the political spectrum.

Ultimately I'm now at the conclusion that democracy, liberty and freedom should be afforded to all people, at all cost, and that people should be free to make determine their own future without the intervention of snake-oil salesman or tyrants.

3 years ago:
start to get interested in politics seriously around early 2015:
>vague conservative
Early 2016:
>securely conservative
>centre right (slight Libertarian lean)
>securely conservative
>securely libertarian
Trump elected:
>securely conservative
>slight lean libertarian
>cosy up to Christianity
>securely conservative (voted UKIP)
>slight authoritarian lean
>Agnostic with christian lean.

Pro-Gun Liberal
Generic Conservative
Civic Nationalist
Ethnonationalist / NatSoc
Clerical Fascist

Nationalist Communist
Moderate Republican
Extreme Republican
Nationalist Paleo-Libertarian

>right-leaning lolbertarian (before interest in politics)
>semi-christian/christianity-based conservatism
>far right national libertarianism
It was a journey of about 1 year to the present. Didn't have to go very far.

(((Extreme Republican)))

>normie centrism/ neo atheism(muh christians are bad)
>right leaning normie
>white nationalism
>neo reaction
>trying to chose between neo-feudalism and neo-absolutism
>start thinking to much
>experimentation in future politics(what will genetic engineering mean for politics? does political trends happen in cycle? can we change them or just go with the flow? should we go full transhumanism? is the singularity coming? what can a single human actually do in politics? should I care about any of this at all?) Then I decided to not care
>accept the Bogs as the true leaders of human kind and prepare myself for a cosmic topologic journey in the bogverse

>pick one

Ethical Egoist
Anti-SJW Centrist
White Nationalist
National Socialist
Strasserite National Socialist

what in the motherfuck


Its not an oxymoron. The people are entrusted to keep to themselves and stay out of trouble, as there is no government security blanket. The nation's economy is a free market, but foreigners need to fuck off and stay in their shitholes.

You can be libertarian and a nationalist. Libertarian =/= Anarchist.
Libertarian =/= American Libertarian party.

The word libertarian defines a spectrum of people who believe government should have limited role. You don't have to try to extend your governments powers or even support it to be a patriot.

Eg. George Washington.

Holy shit that is spot on

but 17 year olds are technically suppose to be able to keep and bear arms

>Communist fellow traveler (thanks star trek)
>Libertarian (borderline ancap)
>Strongly leaning to Fascism/natsoc

Anyone else formerly an SJW?

National Conservatism

Conservative Republican
Democratic Socialist

I was pretty close

Someone hurt you. Who was it?

I can see that, but isnt the free market, atleast in the way you want it, a promotion of globalism? Your products will almost all be foreign, the only reason our homemade products can be so cheap is because of foreign workers, and it would be hard i todays world to get people to work in a factory if you have no safety net or fair minimum wage. And likely you would have poor quality products, remember theodore roosevelt and the meat packing industry? Libertarians have the fallacy that the people will choose the best quality product if they know how its handled, no they wont they will buy the cheapest. Even if thats a bad thing.

Yep. Blue-haired communist.

Sigh... I know, I know.

reading journey:

>God delusion(as all edgy 13 olds)
>some economics, got me into the economic political mindset of neoconservatives
>Burke, gave me a concrete idea of what is conservatism and made me realise it can be a intelectually strong position if you really understand it
>The Bell Curve and similar books with the help of Jared Taylor and other white advocates redpilled me and got me into pro-white politics
>Molymeme video on r/K selection(even tho he doesn't really understand it) redpilled me about the natural aspect of politics: politics is natural, your positions are influenced by genetics and neurochemical factors. Once you understand this theory(don't just watch molymeme, go read the book by user conservative) politics finally makes full sense
>Moldbug/Land and other neoreactionary bloggers fucked my mind even more
>just stop caring, now I'm having a good life with almost no politics

What made you change your mind and are you m/f?

Moderate Republican.
>Trump runs for office
And now I'm a right wing populist.

George wasnt a libertarian, he was simply a nationalist like the movements of the mid 1800s. He wanted only white land owning males to vote, believed in slavery even to barbaric ways like cutting off toes of blacks and pulling teeth. He also was imperialistic, he wanted to annex all of canada. I love him. He was no libertarian. The only libertarian thing he did was go with the constitution cause tariffs among the states.

>*Kick-flips over curb*
>Hey guys, Paul Ryan of the Republican party,
>you kids wanna know what's x-treme?!
>*guitar shred*
>not having premarital sex!

I have a gun.

Interesting thread OP I've been browsing Sup Forums for awhile and mostly see dumb shit kek, I've always been more on the authoritarian side because I don't really believe in democracy. Anybody willing to discuss monarchy in America. Always thought that would be rather interesting to see

Atheist Communist
Civic nationalism
I have to go back
P.E.P.E. Mystic. Shadilay!

Explain how you would go about taking America and turning it into a monarchy that doesn't involve killing like 10% of the population please.

not a faggot

*puts candy cigarette in mouth*
Want to talk about mitt romney? he had a bigger american flag on his coat then obama, shows that obama hates the country, huh? Bane capital? Never heard of it.

Depending on the 10%, that might not be such a bad thing...

> apolitical
> centrist
> nationalist
> fascist

No not really, just got access to more facts the older i got. Libertarianism is not viable in the current state of the world in this country and as an European with mortal peril in the horizon by the way of eu cuckery, demographics and other factors i choose self preservation over maximal liberties. I still fully support freedom of speech and gun ownership though.

Anyone mind explain how you could have a political ideology that is both anarchist and monarchist?

>saw 9/11 doc in college
>thought I was enlightened starting leaning left
>still challenged my professors w/anti immigration, flat tax, small govt etc got shit for it
>professor glorified communist manifesto, dropped the class really freaked out
>"obamas seems nice just hate his policies"
>watch Trumps announcement speech he's running, literally agree w everything
>Hillary is a cunt Donald's a goof, vote for the Donald
>realize November 9th MSM is fuckedddd, wake up
>YouTube rabbit hole in a manic state for 3 weeks
>can't talk to anyone they will think I'm nuts
>still trying to get any of my leftist friends to consider any other points of view---with no luck

How would you like the idea of that giant asshole you hate suddenly being your "king" because either 1. he killed his way to the top better than you or 2. he bribed his way to the top better than you.

There's a reason monarchies were done away with.

Mostly democrat until 2012 election. By end of Obama's 2nd term - full on nationalist .

every brotha iz be their own kang

Anarcho-Voluntarist Neo-Monarchism

better version


yeah dictators are better desu

(im not being ironic)

Come home white man.

Yeah, if you happen to like the dictator.

im not saying I know how to take the necessary steps toward it, but I just see that model as superior for some reason, like I said I don't believe in democracy. but having a true monarch that the people of a nation could look to for guidance and to be model on how we would live would be rather uplifting for the common man. Plus having the march work along aside the church for the betterment of the people spritually and mentally.

I'm no monarchist, I'm just saying that depending on the 10% done away with, monarchy might be worth it.



I would never bow my knee to a Protestant monarch.

2004 rural conservative atheist
2008 libertarian, anti federalist, Objectivist
2010 AnCapistani citizen
2015 wannabe OPA, now willing to just play the fucking game
2016 red anarchist :"AnCapistan without morals (NAP)"
2017 laughing in to a comma; this shit can't be real

I'll agree w/ that.

I do not like the idea of one unaccountable man having access to the nuclear launch codes for the entirety of his life.

Centrist democrat all of my adult life because I'm not an easily swayed child.

pic related: all the "fascists" itt

Economically I have always been liberal (as in capitalists) with a strong anti-trust/anti-bank feel. (AKA if the bank is too big to fail, it is split)

For governance I went from

more direct Democratic - > republican -> Libertarian -> to a sort of monarchism.

FPTP lower house, they do the budget. You have a strong upper house that serves for life (could include hereditary titles depending on country) with the idea that the best minds of their fields (Science, business, Military, and so on) would be appointed life senators and serve till they die (or a set retirement age of say, 75)

The longest serving senator serves as the head of state, and appoints judges to be approved by the senate.

>look at the time kids, Paully-R will catch you on the flip-side
>Get it?! *kickflips*
>remember kids, taxes are a civic duty of a republic, in thirty minutes my parking meter on the minivan rolls over
>gotta go fast
>*skates towards sunset* X-TREME PINCIPLED CONSERVATIVE

>Live in AnCapistan, formerly USA
>Sir Lawrence of York III is recognized throughout the northeast as the most industrious, wise and calculating man
>a natural elite, so to speak insofar as
>Sir Lawrence proposes he establish himself a Kingdom, a "covenant", so to speak, to protect the lifestyle of northeasterners
>most people agree
>People voluntarily establish a monarchy within the states of New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York and so forth
>the rest of the properties are either bought out or left alone as sovereign properties
>ta da

Hardcore Christian
Slightly leftwing
Soft conservative
White nationalist
National Socialist
Anarcho Feudalist
Anarcho Primitivist
Anarcho Primitivist Ad Hierarchical governance

>anarcho and monarchy in the same ideology

I don't think you know what those words mean.

usually turns out well, and you dont have the volatility of elections, and you can actually keep a good leader.

Plus I feel like a monarch could be evil but would always be loyal to there people, I don't see a monarch being bribed unlike the politicians we have today

>usually turns out well

Such as...?

Protestant, Catholic, what does it matter. Divine rule under God.
Come home. God save the Queen.

you should have stopped while you were ahead