Liberals always claim that both Republican and Democratic Parties switch platforms in the 60s...

Liberals always claim that both Republican and Democratic Parties switch platforms in the 60s, turning the "racist" conservative south to Republicans but what happened the following decade in the Crater years where the south turned blue again? Care to share insights......

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it's almost as if Demorats are full of shit and rely on half truths to make a case
the truth is that the parties never fucking changed
my state of MA has always been democrat, since that damn party was founded. If what they're saying is true and that Democrats and Republicans "switched places" shouldn't my state be deep red?

That's a myth that idiots like Cenk Uygur use to absolve the Democrats of any blame for their past behavior.

Of course the parties have evolved over the years, but it's not like they said, "Hey, let's play a practical joke on the voters and switch platforms; won't that be a riot?"

this as well

forgot to add, the party of JFK, Pro-gun, anti-gibs, pro states rights, pro-military, pro nuclear family was killed after JFK was killed, Johnson turned it into the party for minorities, gibsmedats, increased immigration and big government.

>FDR was a republican
>coolidge and eisenhower were dems
Just extra chromosome things

Also, if they magically switched sides, how come their was no actual mass amount of politicians switching sides in that time? Of course the answer to this is because their platform revolves around identity politics, and their past wasn't very fond of the people they need to survive now.

A democrat is and always has been scum.

JFK and Jackson did nothing wrong

Rural and suburban retards used to vote blue.

City people used to vote red.

Post Van Buren they have been.
Nah he did plenty wrong and was the beginning of it. Sure he wasn't as bad as LBJ but you. Almost all the destructive shit done in the 60s would've been executed under his watch. He doesn't get absolved from those things because of a couple things he said regarding the Fed.

the mid 1970s began the political elite's use of the religious "moral majority" as a way to shill for votes.

Basically boomers became "fake conservatives" after crime, drug use, poverty, Sexually transmitted disease, etc sky rocketed in the early 70s. This led to a religious revival and people voted for Jimmy Carter based on his religious beliefs.

Economically Jimmy Carter was the first neoliberal and began the destruction of America's economy, foreign policy wise he helped fuck up the entire Middle East and began arming the Taliban.

>The parties switched voters in the sixti-

And everyone was progun. Until Kennedy got shot it wasn't even thought of as an issue. Saying you were pro-gun was like saying you were anti-pedophilia

there is no "but", the parties magically switching is an abject false narrative

JFK was kind of a fuck up

He helped crush American Labor, failed at overthrowing Cuba, and began the build up in Vietnam.

Oh and he let LBJ become a heart beat away from the presidency.

Democratic party is the party of government handouts and programs. Republicans are party of business and capitalism. Once the Democrats gave voting rights to blacks, they knew that no southern whites would vote Democrat ever again, so Republicans started appealing to those voters. That's basically it.

The move to ban guns happened during the early 70s when crime began to skyrocket thanks to the end of segregation and the emptying out of prisons and mental asylums by leftist politicians.

Guy was pro-gun, anti-open borders, anti-gibs, and most likely wouldn't have signed that disastrous 1965 immigration bill (Johnson did and it's why the south is now deep red) he was Jim Webb tier.

Exactly, after Kennedy the democrats especially went downhill.

>failed at overthrowing Cuba
I will never get this meme, all we did was fund a bunch of Cuban expats and helped bomb their shitty island, if we really wanted to get rid of Cuba, we could have done it.

>Jim Webb

I hope we see him join the Trump admin in some form

Kennedy took it as a serious loss

He was so pissed he said he wanted to disband the CIA.

This makes sense

I mean, uhh.. FAKE NEWS!!! NEVER HAPPENED!!!

In truth, didn't fail to "revolutionize" "Cuba" decided that it would be destabilizing and decided that system works as it is. If it's not broke, don't fix it.

There was dozens of deeply destructive measures taken in the 60s and if Kennedy stayed alive ~90% of them would have still went through with his blessing.

>He was so pissed he said he wanted to disband the CIA.
Well that explains why he was killed.
also vid related, yeah yeah i know (((uploader))) but it's still a good vid
This country will never be fixed until the democrats return to the ways of old, or disappear entirely.

Kennedy was the deepest state

Someone ITT try and outdo me by posting a better video on this topic. I bet you you can't.

Bill Whittle is bretty good, haven't seen him upload in forever though

He uploaded a new Firewall about CNN recently

>Republican and Democratic Parties switch platforms in the 60s
pleb-tier understanding of US politics detected

It's just a way to defame Republicans, by tying them to racism. Carter won the south because he was a southerner. The south was still very democratic all the way through the 90s until the Democrats went full SJW after Gore lost.

Al Gore was a typical southern Baptist Democrat and was supposed win in the south. He failed so they decided to make the south into some racist Boogeyman inorder to win votes among minorities and white liberals. It was also the first time I heard this "party switch" meme.

got a link?
Enjoy, this climate change vid was breetty gud too.

thanks bro, subscribed too.

I hate the switch "argument". Southern state didn't become overwhelmingly Republican until the 90s really. Even then do people just think sometime in the 60s Republicans and Democrats just said "Hey wanna trade?" it baffles how people can be this dumb. I remember arguing this with a family member and having to show them how representation stayed consistently blue in the south during the twentieth century

Bill Whittle is a neocon who couldn't be happier about good little Goyim being sent to die in Middle Eastern shitholes in wars for Israel.

THERE WAS NO MASSIVE SWITCHING. Politicians left their parties but didn't really join the other. But here is how the south went blue again:

1. The ones that switch usually went independent, or third party. Often to simply upset elections, to bring them to a grid lock. This was recently seen with Evan McMullin by taking votes away from Trump

2. From Reconstruction to Civil Rights the Republicans were the Black party. They even had two factions inside the party The Black and Tan, and The Lily Whites. It wasn't until NAACP started adopting socialist ideologies did blacks start to leave the Republican Party.

3. LBJ's expansion of the Welfare state lead to dependency by poor southern voters. JFK's policies that punished red states and kissed blues ones, like his price hike on steel and selective farm subsidies already made them more desperate to vote LBJ

4. Democrats in the 30's started to help liberal and democratic judges get elected or appointed. Democrat senators changed the rules to how judges work. (Look at FDR vs Nine Old Men). This allowed Democrats to influence more people and businesses by pressuring judges.

5. Democrats then started to manipulate media companies by telling judges to back off and turning a blind eye to financial matters like mergers and asset re-classification.

The only thing Democrats didn't expect was a natural recovery of the economy. Democrats do not want a healthy economy in the south. You can see this by the national ecomic policies that are pushed by DC, CA, and NY they want policies that punish the south.

>those comments on the climate change video

Things passed under Kennedy
>Food for Peace(international gibs)
>Immediately expanded welfare on all fronts
>entrenched government into higher education
>Peace Corps
>Area Redevelopment Act(gibs to shitty areas)
>expands social security
>expands farm subsidies
>jacks up minimum wage
>signed countless "jobs" bills
>threatened "predatory" steel companies
>intrusive food regulations
>"discrimination" laws
>major cheerleader for the "war on poverty" that began to be implemented shortly after he died

Kennedy was absolutely a pro-gibs, large government democrat just like the rest of them.

yeah. it's easy. liberal/conservative wasn't the meme back then -- the #1 factor was North/South.

different lobbies hadn't quite figured out how to divide the population along a few issues, yet - either.

Ford was a Yankee northerner.
Carter was a southern gentleman.

I was just talking about that with my brother. A lot of Southern States voted for Clinton in 1992.

Ross Perot shouldn't have dropped out.

If it were true, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II would have all campaigned on repealing Hart Celler and the various Rights Acts.

t. Someone whose never heard Bill describe how much he hates Neocons and Cuckservatives.