How will Italians ever recover? BTFO by Xena herself

She's the bravest lesbian warrior princess I have ever seen! Xenaphobics absolutely destroyed!

lucca is a cool place. i was there once. mostly boring though

so much sanctimonious virtue signalling i want to kill myself

>look how righteous I am


get the gas chamber

A whole lotta nothing!

>Tfw no Italian gf to make fun of niggers with

I bought an airsoft pistol there when I was 10 and shot geckos with it back at the house lol

I remember when I was at high school she came to talk to us about Greenpeace shit.


This old slut is some sort of Anzac and she thinks she has the right to tell Italians who belongs in their country? Get the fuck out of here.

Oh no she has the short hair bleached hair cut.

She's dead to me

Id say what right does she have telling people how to behave in their own country but then she might come back to mine. Drongo cunt perpetually stuck in 18yo uni mode.

Oh sheeeiit niqquh! I new Xena had a cult following with dykes, but her too! Well just jizz on my face and call me Sally..

>"Had I been better prepared or had I better Italian, I would have explained calmly that past generations Italians were immigrants in our countries and that their behavior tonight is a form of terrorism."
I don't know what is parody and what isn't, anymore.

>And there is no doubt who were the chimps here

Never happened

what did xe mean by this?


Good lord, that self congratulatory bullshit.

Xena needs to go back to getting railed by french niggers in a fake show about rome like the fucking gaulish whore she is

Fucking anglosplaining REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
