I fixed the world, lads

I fixed the world, lads.

Quads then kek wills it. But probably not because this is gay.

Ukraine isn't a country...

>Making Australia cold
Yeah nah fuck off

India and China still there. Middle East still there. Turkey still there. You can't take chances with those roaches

Erase Africa, India, and china as well. and please put the Levant right next to Florida, I need a light skin mena gf asap

What the fuck did you do to Texas?

> Sweden surrounded in black
> black salty liquid
> tl;dr Sweden drowns in nigger cum in all worlds and timelines.

>not including Antarctica and it's secret tunnels leading to the center of the earth.

Taking the blue pill today I see

Where did Texas go?

>putting Africa right next to India
>Saudi Arabia blowing themselves up in the middle of the ocean all alone

Pure genius

Japan should be in Atlantic Ocean.

It's in the same place as the Sahara you absolute fuckwit

If you moved all the slav-thrash away from real Europe, then this map would be perfect.

I think this is meant to be seen in negative.

Why the fuck I'm Texas?

India BTFOed

this is fucking sick.

we would still be relatively similar to the environment now except maybe the blue mountains would dry out, and adelaide would be surrounded by a rainforest thick as the congo's. Mackay would be beautiful instead of just sticky hot.

>putting central America where Texas should be

I-is this bait?

>leaving saudi arabia on the map
you done fucked up

Now predict the climate.


What's your problem with Antarctica?

Nothing, it just wasn't in the original map

>leaving africa on map
are you sick user?