Jesus Christ is in EVERY BOOK

So a man's a Carpenter before the walk in the mysteries of Nachezideck, gets baptized by John, root and offspring of David who's Jesus Christ and bright and morning star. Born from the Holy Spirit and of a virgin womb, there is the most sacred body part upon earth in flesh, Mary's Umbilical cord. And do I not also have access to these mysteries, knowing THE WORD was begotten, into a Son of God, and we are children of God, and Jesus is Son Of Man who does all things by the Will Of God only? Jesus is Lord, to Him we go to God. And from Him whence we came. I recognize Jesus Christ in Genesis ALSO.

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The moment Jesus allows you the eye contact with Father, only in the spirit do you have no sin. But the body does sin.

When I sin, it is the work of the devil. For I in myself as a sinner, my spirit is clean. I am made Holy. But my flesh, when it wages war, the spirit has to fight always, and then when one gets tired they sin again is this not the natural laws of this world? Is Jesus not the savior? To be in the perfect instead?

Out of all the flags I can pick on the Geographic Location I know they are not flags, but ideologies, thus I say even with mine in the mix I choose to keep my flag, for I can vouch for my country.

Yea, and when I said I needed a break all my breaks ever were were me crying out to the architect...

Couldn't fuckin obey the STOP signs kept cryin for Abba I ended up saying Holy Spirit, David! I cry out to you! And what. They wonder you know.

If an angel in Potter's clay was saved by a man with unfound grace a +1 because someone kept holding on and learned the gospel when you kept attacking instead? Thus the man is Holy? So Satan frames thee? Is Jesus Christ and the words in the Holy Bible Text not on the alter of the places?

Jesus Christ was made up by the romans, whicj is why josephus and plimy the elder, two famous historians during jesus's supposed lifetime, never wrote about him.

he was retconned.

never existed.

Your claim by literal logical basis of reality is not true. And any who think like you, you are already dead. Yea, I am ready to not kill by murder never! But if the Holy Spirit by conscious, says you can reap, and the reapers came and the angels went and there was a harvest. And no physical attack no! Bodies just dropped. Will and intent. They thought their magic would hurt me I said I blinked once and you died?

The only true god is Kek you heretic

I warn you, I pity that you guys think it's a joke now. But I seen a man who literally killed laugher from me, though if I laugh I am in diabolical grief. Didn't like that radio show and the mental folk abused by the sword of sick words

I mean if you were with Kek and I was king, and this kek false god actually thought he wasn't my property because he causes sick chasos from the beginning then u all unite as what, political light? I'd have you be the first watch of a temporary bonded see Kek beheaded into a guards outhouse round the castle back. It's just some damn FROG.

If tr|ps if d|_/bs if sings if a confused pair of digits people think but what if.

My ro|| here let's figure it out if I said it's probably nothing.

Here's you out of the 3 headed frog's mouth as it's demonic deity. Clinton style.

And Kek, was more Hillary Clintons, for it became evil as the false god to compete to be more than moloch yet they're both the same dumb IDOL! Look it's not about Trump. It's this shit here also you all fall!

Seen a fuckin golden bull on the soil I don't know. Think it's dead.

I'd be a Kek killer. Would grow bigger than ISIS they'd be the bad type of fascist in the end not the moral Nazi. They'd say they need all of Sup Forums. You put them together you get a later in the ages very very corrupt people. Kekistan, your made up country. I would drop The Mustard Seed Bomb. Larger than MOAB FOAB yaya atomic nuclear etc. I'd drop the Mustard Seed Bomb as an alien bomb from space. Dropped down from the top of the firmament tip top supported by the hidden station and you NASA fucks went too far? I think so though however. Would the Mustard Seed Bomb be huge or a small meteor that when it hit it did so on a small point like on a grid but that, was the point of chain reaction?

The gore threads on Sup Forums, are only but a crumbs size, compared to what you who do evil and rebel against God will partake in hell. Did the evil not already offend Adam and Eve if they were children? I'd say so.

come back to /bant/ and post more about canada you shit


mate, there was a check once and alright the damn captcha on the sign hmm. But how would there be proof living is worth it being what a man with many dreams but I threw down my walking stick also. Dead boy from 13. That's me.

I'll just walk watch the people act like it's ok I wish I was a private citizen, like a hidden citizen in the grey the rich guy who could live poor at times and pay his TITHES.

Fuck off. See me?

You two don't follow this kek guy I know the cartoon will sometimes seem like they alter ones against me like the cross and the bible but on the frog idol but don't fall for that crap trap frog! I seen people with autism milked for money from that fuckin Ghost on TCR!

just use legacy you dip fuck

you'll get replies on /bant/ talk about northern christianism interspersed with shit about mountains

If you looked up and seen a sphere that came as a dim twinkle but it expanded without magnification from lens. Would that be all I need if I said ok I'll, just. Just, use one thing here real quick would be a legacy people would take pictures of it but what would be saved when the thing hits?

start a thread here

Nice and you guys knew as I figured about the unlinked and linked etc. You see you guys, you observed me. You who did, more enlightened. Now, go, and make sure any in the underground sin no more. But as a minister go and know you'[re equipped. You had me you see. But I say be moral people. You know a lot those who know me. Even if you love me or hate me.