Filter kekistani flag

filter kekistani flag
filter phrases like "praise kek"
filter all other meme flags for max power
as a civic duty only reply to r/the_donald posters by calling them spergs and don't say anything else, don't address the content of their posts

congratulations you've now achieved 2012/pol/. Welcome back.

holy fuck I didn't know this was possible
thank you

Praise Kkk!

i miss when Kek was a religion feelsbad

fuck off sperg

I always cringe when I see kekistanis. Was the Kek stuff funny during the election though? I feel like it was kinda funny then and got stale REAL quick. Or was I just being a faggot? Was the Kek/Pepe stuff always retarded?

pepe still is funny you fucking sperg

Thanks, I was getting tired of the faggots.

whoops, forgot about this flag


I'm gonna start posting this multiple times a day, every day. We're taking our board back you fucking autistic faggot.

god fucking bless you

Pepe is still good but this "Kekistani" shit is so cringe.


I'm afraid you're far too late.

bye bye

added you first, kiddo.

I am posting under this flag solely to trigger faggots like you

at least try it out user. I've been doing it the past few days and it's far better. I'm just hoping people start filtering properly and it'll catch on and shift the culture a bit back in our favor.

>I have to use filters, because flags and kek posting triggers me
why don't you fuck off back to tumblr/plebbit, faggot?

So your post will be first to go, right? Then no one will see your suggestions.

yep, exactly

Kekistani kucks need to be shot.

We're in the new era of Sup Forums where we post on Reddit too and post all the good screenshots so you can see what's good by how much karma the person got


They bump each other's threads. The only option is to leave Sup Forums.


am i blind im not seeing anyway to filter a flag. i've had kek filtered for months

Do blacks just conveniently forget that all the greatest chefs in the world are white when they make theses memes?

They're in denial. For a while it was a trend for black women to post pictures of the meals they served their men. Some kind of "fixed my man a plate" nigger twitter fad. All the food black women posted looked even worse than that "Hannah" pic.

Niggers think smothering everything in salt and hot sauce is culinary magic.

leaving Sup Forums didn't turn out well for 8/pol/ why would it be different a second time?

It was funny, bc this old lady thought you could hate on a meme for votes


Sup Forums is already lost.

Pepe should have died a decade ago but autists kept on forcing it.

I'm an oldfag BELIEVE ME lol XD I was here in 2012 and the praise kek stuff started in 2013 haha real pol was a lefty board and conservaTARDS are the real ess jay dubble yous #feelthebern

Kys LARPing faggots