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What makes National Socialism/Fascism so much better then their opposition? You guys seem like the bunch to know

The National part, not the socialist/fascist part, protecting our homes from invading terrorists and idiots, etc.

National Socialism is bad, Nationalism is okay but does not require socialism or fascism to function.

Fascism = Socialism with dictator.

Socialism = Taking stuff from others to give to people who don't have that stuff.

Socialism > Small Time Gap > Communism.

Communism = Taking everything from everyone to give to everyone. Requires a leading force by which to take and give.

Leading force to take and give = Dictator.

their opposition is communism, anything is better than communism. Also, use the archive you lazy fuck.

This. We've lived to see so much time and money pissed away on foreign aid and needless military interventionalism. Fuck the rest of the world, spend our tax money on our own countries.

Right-wing movements have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. The left is a relatively new movement, it began somewhere in the early 1900's when women began to demand equal rights and stuff. The right has been around long enough for it to work, and it does. It's better because it's had the time to sort itself out and be optimized for our societal needs. The left is just a meme that was made by the Jews to lead us astray and corrupt our society.

Well, the "opposition" is the political systems we have in place right now. Modern Western governments get walked all over by other countries (China, India, Mexico, sending boatloads of colonists). Too weak to stand up for themselves. They function as a government, but they could be improved a la fascism

National Socialism is the only form of socialism that can actually work over a long period.
Having open borders and a welfare state makes no fucking sense.

Also, Nationalism with any other ideology wouldnt make much sense either. If you think you can have capitalism and nationalism it will quickly forget its national foundation and open its borders for profits.

There is not a single long standing and successful fascist country in the world. Do not spout the same lies Communists do about their perfect system that can't fail except when it does, but only because everything wasn't perfect.

Nationalism: One people, one identity, one lifestyle, one rule of law, one understanding. All are united through a way of life and through blood, the strongest bonds there are.
Socialism: Business must be done, but businessmen must never become rulers. We must allow success to the extent that it does not hurt the prosperity of our people.
Fascism: You are not free to assert that spreading AIDS and living on welfare is "just as good" of a way of life as the one that your people have chosen. You will be punished for harmful deviance or parasitism.

I cannot think of a better system.

How about one that has created a functional, successful society that still exists?

Im talking about national socialism, not fascism.
I do agree though, it is stupid to think that you can have a political system that can withold shifting cultures and values. Every system will become degenerate with time.

Nazi ism dident fail it was over run 10 to 1 if there wouldnt have been a war and germani only did the economic part of the nat soc thay would havw the stronk kes economi by now.

>Communism = Jews taking everything from everyone they haven't yet taken to give to Jews. Requires maximum kikery masquerading as Marxism.

National Socialism can only exist within a Dictator state. Eventually women will be given the right to vote, and then they will vote for more leftist policies as they have throughout all of history where they have been given the right to vote.

And then a dictator or fascist rule shows it's true problem. Not in the original concept, but the long run. Hitler and Lenin loved their countries. They would probably do whatever they could as best they could to help them to their fullest extent.

But someone like Stalin will always come along, and destroy everything. Giving unlimited power to one guy means that someday down the line, a bad person will obtain it and corrupt the system.

I more or less agree with what you wrote. Being too idealistic is idiotic no matter what ideology you support.

Plato's solution to the degeneration was to have a strict regulation on culture and values, but I think that would be too dystopian and foreign to most people (now).

What is that whole bit with the Jews anyway? They seem to be just people to me

Hasn't fascism usually ended in an overthrow of the government? How exactly would that be overcome?

On the slim chance this is not obvious bait, read Keith McDonald "Culture of Critique". It will explain the 20th century better than any other historical text book you will read.

Thanks actually, I'll look into that.

If you're really that new user, that's probably a topic for a different thread.

It's not really that I'm super new, and more that I need a cleaner POV then just libtard garbage

The best system is America. Not in it's entirety, but two very specific parts about it.

1) Basing the idea of "Us" on anyone living inside. Rather than specific groups. By doing this, it has far higher cohesion as a whole than it would if the same thing existed in somewhere like Britain.

2) A set of laws that supercedes the government written by the people who had the best interests in mind, and thus allowing the nationalistic population who has been raised to also be patriotistic in a different manner than usual (Will get back to this) to prevent any changes.

This is why America still has guns. Because it's not as simple as "Ban the guns" for the lawmakers. First they have to make it legal to ban guns, which is already nearly impossible legally, and thus if the lawmakers broke the law to put in place laws; civil war would ensue. That's why the civil war happened. The federal government went above state rights, and that caused a conflict.

The whole patriotism thing I mentioned is special in America. Instead of loving the country as a whole, like the British would think; and thus hating their country because of the government, or the people, American patriotism is based on the concept of America, and what it stands for. That's why it's so powerful, and stable.

If you take the idea of a state seriously then fascism is the onley way to go.
Anything else is shit tier compering to it.

Women were Hitler's strongest voting demographic, son

Hitler is an authoritarian leftist. Literally what women vote for.

Are you retarded?

Lurk more faggot.

If Hitler was a leftist, then I am too
If you want to be a libertarian, go and live in Somalia.

I know your snarky comments seem super well thought out, but you're only showing off that you have absolutely no understand of Hitlers policies.

He implemented TONS of workers rights policies. I'm not saying they're necessarily bad, but he is objectively a leftist by putting so many welfare and worker union type laws in place. So it's not surprising women voted for him.

The main issue is that down the line, they would either vote in someone who would destroy the country after Hitler died of old age, or they would get progressively more liberal leaders until the former happened after total communism.

>you shouldn't build societies because one day they'll fail
t. You

Nice strawman. If you had read my earlier posts you'd know that isn't my opinion, and you're simply screeching autistically.

Giving unlimited, ultimate power to a single individual like in the case of Hitler causes problems.

Really? It seems like it couldn't have ended much worse than our current situation?

America and Australia still exist.

Fascist Italy and Germany do not.

And to what end do they exist?
And just lol at implying Germany lost the war due to national socialism. They punch far above their weight during ww2

To the end that they aren't irrelevant like Luxembourg, or in ruins like Venezuela. You can pretend your country sucks but there are far worse places to live.

As I said earlier in the thread. Don't get in the habit of spouting the Communist meme that your political ideology is infallible, perfect, and yet somehow has failed every time but it's fine because those times weren't fair and or weren't real.

You didn't answer the question, m8. To what end does America exist. What purpose does it serve? You seem to have this delusion that places like Venezuela are shitholes because of their economic policy and not because it's full of low iq south Americans.
Also point out the point in which national socialism failed. It's been attempted with economic success, and was brought down due to the fact that they were at war with half the world. I don't see how Germany losing ww2 can be put on the natsoc ideology. Do you they would have held of the Russians if only they'd taken on more free market ideas and lower taxes for the high income earners?

What philosophical bullshit are you asking about with your "To what purpose does it serve?" shit. It's a country. It has no more innate purpose than life itself.

Ah yes, though. It's the low IQ south Americans that made Venezuela collapse. Convenient how the low IQ south Americans haven't made Brazil collapse, huh?

You have to understand. NatSoc is a relatively new ideology. The fact that it's first ever attempted applications failed, and there have been no new successful entries does not bode well for it. Until you see National Socialist Spain make a return and perform exceptionally well in the world, all you're doing is theory-crafting against the proven fact that dictatorships don't work well.

My point is that a national socialist nation exists to serve the race. America exists to sell soulless consumerist shit and to serve the jew. Even if America provides you with a comfortable life now, it doesn't provide anything for your children in its current state. It's a dead end.

Would you still want to live in Brazil? You were just shitting on Luxemburg and much rather be living there than any south American nation.

Show me how national socialism caused Germany to lose ww2.

>Edgy Natsoc talk about everything needing a higher purpose.

I'd prefer living in Brazil to Venezuela. I would also prefer Luxembourg to Venezuela. My point is that South Americans are not the sole cause of Venezuela's demise, or else Brazil would be destroyed as well.

Show me a single country that exists today that uses National Socialism.

What is the point if your country doesn't serve a purpose to you?
Answer the question m8. How did national socialism cause Germany to lose ww2

I'd rather not be forced at gunpoint to do what the government says regardless of whether or not they say it's in my best interest.

Oh shoot, darn it. You got me there. I guess National Socialism is actually the perfect ideology since I can't point to anything that directly shows that Germany lost because of their political ideology. I sure am glad all those Nat Soc countries are popping up lately, and are flourishing, proving their success.

Weird though how the three fascist countries lost against the non-fascist countries. Must just be a bug in the system.

So how is this relevant? We're at the stage where people spend time in jail for posting memes on Facebook. Do you think your country is above killing to further its cause? If America found itself in a war comparable to Germany's in ww2 you but put in a uniform at rifle point just the same.

Nice non argument there, senpai. Do you think German, shitily and Japan losing against England and her colonies, france, russia, China, the United States, Polen and others is the fault of national socialism? Especially when only one of these nations was actually natsoc. Why don't you explain how free market could have one the wR for them.

>There is not a single long standing and successful fascist country in the world