It's over, guys. The biting wit of the left is simply too powerful

It's over, guys. The biting wit of the left is simply too powerful.

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flimpf flipped the fuck out

But it's true and people know it
which is all that matters

you think his momma said that cholate thing about him?

He has good books, but his brain is too soaked in shit now

WTF, I hate Trump now!

Stephen king hasn't been a very good writer since he was almost killed by that car. It is a shame he recovered, he would have faded as a legend like jimmy hendrix or kurt cobain, but instead he lingers and lives off his legacy and continues to create subpar material, like paul mccartney or keith richards.

>If I reference Forrest Gump, people will assume I wrote it

>White person
>Lives in 99% white area, in one of the whitest states in the US
>Liberal open borders faggot

Every time.


what type of jew are joe and stephen? they have the same mongoloid face structure

Freeze peach!

With Jews, every day is like Christmas Eve.
You stay up late sitting in front of the fireplace, excited about what tomorrow will bring

I would be ok with this is if they didnt try to paint trump as any worse then the democratic presidents in the last 30 years

>Fetal alcohol syndrome

He was always shit. His books are meh tier and he was basically a male Rowling welfare leech before his writing career.

His ilk will be replaced soon enough with AI trained with input dataset.


die out bright or fade to shit

That car should have taken out this FAS POS!

Isn't that retard shaming or something ? Seems pretty bigoted.

Stephen King is a mouthwash swilling alcoholic and 99% of his books are ass. I think the 1% that are tolerable is just a million monkeys on a million typewriters kinda situation.

Turns out he can only write good books when his brain is soaked in jim beam and blow

we need a canned response/meme for reply against these leftists that constantly use movies/music for their talking points.

It's such an honor to share the planet with people with such overwhelming intellect

Stupid is as stupid does.

He should just keep sucking bbc and ruining the movie versions of his books.

What a total faggot.

What a twat.

I liked the stuff he wrote when he was coked out of his gourd.

>Rich people living in all-white neighborhoods telling poor people they must not be islamophobic or racist and be fine with living with refugees.

Stephen Kang always writes books with huge dicked black characters