The robot revolution

This robot stands 5 feet tall and weighs over 400 pounds. It replaces the job of a conventional on-site security guard. These are already being used in the real world. They also are already more affordable than their human counterparts, with maintenance, etc. included.

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Can it shoot people? How fast does it move?

At the moment, those are only good for surveillance and assisting people with simple questions/directions.

>Can it shoot people?
No this is designed to replace """security guards""", i.e. of the observe and report variety. Moves at a normal walking pace.

>be wearing a burka
>robocop glides over barking "danger, danger, do not leave bags unattended"
>slip out of burka and dump it over the bot
>second robocop glides over and hassles the first one "do not leave bags unattended"
>infinite loop muhfuggers!

Cunts really are the best shitposters

Grade A shitpost.
I am in awe.

This would work well in an area which didn't need much security. Anywhere else and it will be vandalized, stolen, pushed over (!), barricaded or broken within a day or two.

Once integrated into a wider security network, these units are quite useful.

A team of them can be used to cover a specific patrol route, sharing information between them as well as passing suspicious persons information to the network as a whole.

CCTV cameras combine with these robots and cheap aerial drones will be necessary, especially as terrorist attacks increase across Europe in the future.

There are already systems implemented in malls and shopping centers which track everyone. The system measures facial reactions and body language in response to things like advertisement and products.

It will have obviously been implemented as part of a security system now though.

Just wait till they are rigged up to the NSA and five eyes databases to notify security services or follow people deemed to be "radical"

>Were fucked

Truth. Dont think it can be stopped at this point. We are along for the ride of technological progress and ever boon and terror that comes with it.


i like that weird boop beep boop noise they make as they trundle around

Why is the robot white?

>system measures facial reactions and body language
To[human resource #7482772] you were measured not smiling today during your mandatory consumerism field trip. 10% soy paste ration will be deducted from your supply for 22.5 days.
Reminder to check in on Facebook during your mandatory consumerism trip, your citzen profile has been downgraded 2 points.

inb4 somebody tries to throw a mcdonald's bag into it.

And the worst part of all is that the normies will accept this as being a good thing.

Also bongistan will be the first country to try it out naturally, being an orwelian society already. Oh yes drones that can follow you around with or without your consent, alongside an improved version of the snoopers charter. What a ((safe)) place to live this will soon become.

3 of them could corner detain a perp, a green dazzler non-lethal weapon could be fitted in future models

Until these things can either be built a) cheap as fuck or b) more durable than a literal tank, there's no way that they'll become a thing. Drunk people would be kicking these things down staircases and blacks would steal every single one they could find.


man, ill hit r2d2 with my car.

great its a dalek

>5ft tall
>when will they learn

I don't know man! They got death rays n sheet!

>with maintenance included
Humans do maintenance tho

for now

Just hire a real damn security guy dammit

Here I am dying

Didn't one of these run over a toddler in a mall? Can't wait for these to become affordable.

This will only be used on civilized people. White people. To control and spy on us. Niggers will just use pic related.

Give it a sherrif badge and a cowboy hat and im sold

It looks nothing like security robots from my childhood movies.

He's a capable human...

Kick the fuck out of it and roll it into the river
t. Hooligan

it has flashing lights that will incapacitate any (epileptic) criminal that comes near.

Didn't a kid get run over by one of these things?


another job bites the dust

How many people do you think it takes to make this robot?

How about how many it takes to make sure that it's functioning properly and that the information it's gathering is being reviewed properly.

Being a security guard isn't a job

First they came for the niggers, and I'm ok with it.
This is the future I chose.

Big up to da CCTV network who wos there wen Lee Rigby got decapitated, an wen MP Jo Cox got stabbed, an da Westminster Bridge car ov peace, followed by da Manchester junior ho down, an tha London Bridge van of peace. Dat I can understand becos tetchnology iss only human right...
But when dem drones get up in Allahs face he interferes wit dem sistems an me brovas get da Finsbury Park Mosque car of peace instead, you alls know this junk is totally haram, right. Know wha I'm sayn.

When will they learn?

A few software designers, a few engineers, robots are good enough to construct the entire thing on its own but most of that shit is outsourced anyway, only need 1 dude to sit in an office and watch all of them.

This robot isn't much like the majority of automation nowadays though, 99% of automation that happens in the modern day is that of more intelligent and skilled work, not just manual grunt work. For example, a lawyer bot can sift through documents at a ludicrous rate with far lower mistake chance than a Human. Doctor bot, lower misdiagnosis chance than Humans.

Eventually it'll be one dude, who get's pings from programs that look after all the survielence bots, he then pushes a button to send out the police bots.

Or what about driving, millions of jobs in transport industries, that can be automated easily.
Service? Robot butlers are a thing, they're slow at the moment but they'll get better. Their biggest strength is their ability to replicate actions they see.

Music? Sony's releasing an album of songs created by robots.
Paintings? Robots can do that as well.
Fly a plane? They already do pretty much.

maybe robots will help fix the obesity epidemic by giving people the opportunity to eat real home cooked meals rather than LeanCuisine and seamless

Just hook Butler-bot up to one of the many programs that handle indexes of recipes, then link that to a program that tracks what each warehouse has.
The robot takes goods from warehouse to delivery area, drone picks it up, takes it to the house, Butler-Bot collects, butler bot prepares the meal, butler bot delivers it to you.
Entirely possible with what we have right now, don't even have to get out of your chair.

Underrated post.

>woman being raped
>botlet sees it
>at his max speed of 5m/h he proaches and confronts the suspect
>"cease your criminal activities imediatly, a police officer is on the way"
>man ignores it because he knows botlets cant do shit since they dont carry any weapons
>keeps raping woman
>police oficer arrives at scene 30 minutes later because the police force fired half of cops since now they have botlets and budget issues
>by the time the cop arrives woman is dead
>dude had to just jump a little fence and the bot cant follow him any more

2030:I hope you enjoy the new police service

>Implying by 2030 there won't be mandatory microchips in our brains to automatically apply deadly neurotoxin in case we commit a crime.

>This robot stands 5 feet tall and weighs over 400 pounds

that would wipe out all the niggers in a week and leftitst will cry its genocide.

Someone then uploads bots video of rape to the internet

How does it deal with thieves or hackers? What does it have non lethal or lethal weapons? What can this bot withstand even at its weak points? How can it go up stairs? Can it be placed in buildings that don't have industrial floor support?

>Implying all leftists won't get their mandatory lobotomy chip that provides stimuli to their pain receptors if they have any free or independent thought that the government didn't supply to them doesn't like so they don't commit thought crime against the poor oppressed minorities ever again.

Its point is to be a mobile security camera, it drifts around and provides surveillance on people. OP is blowing it out of proportion.
A deterrent.

>niggers get picked up by robocop.

Dassss racist!



kek i dont know why this got me

Ah so it'll blend in with the average American?

Why the fuck do people wanna fuck up our own species

lol, those are literally junk. They just got rid of the one at the Stanford shopping center because it ran over a lil kids foot. I flip them off every time I see one.

The bantz in this thread

>ywn live long enough to see walking sentry bots patrolling the streets of chicongo after dark, pumping niggers full of lead

Look on youtube at the homemade emp.

looks like a dalek. does it have a poison smoke app?

This thing is very heavy. It could push you around easily.