Why is everything that's supposed to be "proof" that He exists so ambiguous and refutable?
Why does he allow things to be so shit if there's a better alternative? I literally dindu nuffin but exist and be the ancestor of someone who ate a fruit a long time ago according to The Bible.
The alternative just seems more plausible. Everything about how nature and even society works seems to be based on the idea of survival of the fittest and not the approval of some higher being.
Christcucks answer me RIGHT NOW.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, poor, poor newfag. This world is nothing like what you think it is.



See my ID?

religion is actively brainwashing millions of people as we speak...
critical thinking is a crime to religion

Organized Religion Goes against God's Commandments.

If you don't have a personal relationship with the Living God you will burn for eternity in the pit.

Agnostic here (pls no bully)

I can see a philosophical case for a god of some kind. But if there exists a deity, it almost certainly is not the Jude-Christian one, and it does not care at all about us, and we cannot hope to know it.

Actually God is Player One we are all NPCs

Hey user, I've been through quite the adventure.
The truth is hard to grasp, I'd understand if you chose not to believe in what I'm going to say.

It's larping user, I'm serious. It all starts with larping. The harder you larp, the more religious and spiritual you can get. I can feel the holy spirit when I want basically.

Go to some churches, research some shiet on what you want. Then larp away.

The great thing about it is, you get the benefits of religion and its culture all the while you're larping and are free to think what you like.

Watch Jordan Peterson's interviews with Joe Rogan, then watch his bible lecture series. Don't take religion literally, it's mostly metaphor.

What bothers me is that The Bible prophesied that people would say that in the future. On one hand The Bible seems like complete bullshit because it's too human. Like why do angels have wings? Why does a being that can basically teleport need wings like a bird to travel? But on the other hand: "The greatest trick the devil pulled is convincing people that he doesn't exist".
Also this. The only incentive I see for people to praise God is cause they don't want to get eternally BBQ'd. My parents are basically fanatics and are always talking about what God might take away if we don't get in line with his demands (hmmm almost like holding someone hostage and not looking for pure love).

You are posting to people that can prove the existence of God and not just that but actively killing human beings with paranormal attacks.

Yhwh is a blood demon, That is not God.

Yeah. How about the greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing people that he is God.

Nothing good comes easy. God makes it very difficult to connect with Him, and if you happen to take the spiritual path and do so, He ends up being a Spiritual attention-whore of sorts. But that's OK, because nothing is more blissful than walking with Him. 99% of us never leave Mother nature's embrace though and unfortunately won't know God in this or even the next lifetime... but we have to try.

70% yes - 30% no

but anyways this won't change the fact of how failure in life you are

god works in mysterious ways, his plan transcends our comprehension, suffering is a part of it.
Now be a good goy and venerate those niggers

>What bothers me is that The Bible prophesied that people would say that in the future
Nigga every cult and religion has built-in protection methods
>They will persecute you for your beliefs, because they are correct. Now let me examine your thetons.



Jesus is the Resurrection.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

No, but there is a force in the universe which acts like a pseudo god

>But I tell you not to resist an evil person.
>If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also

christian life is cuck life

I want to do lewd things with Christ-Chan

A heretic is not representative of my faith that guy in the white dress should be beheaded.
Mecca 9/11 crane collapse a bolt of lightning ignores conductive materials to hit people that destroyed an ancient temple.

There are a number of examples especially in 2016

What is wrong about a sytem of belief that just so happens to say that I am the hottest shit on the universe and that there is a permanent invisible dad taking care of me which also conveniently will grant me immortality? Of course it's real, I mean, I'm obviously this important.

In ye olde times if you hit someone with your left hand thats a declaration of war.

I'd send you off to God to be judged in a heart beat mate,I am an actual Christian not one of these little reprobate faggots I will celebrate your death.

Diesm is the real redpill


Christianity is bullshit. Jesus was a fucking Jew and a part of their agenda to push Judeo-Capitalism to oppress the rest of the workers.

If you are not willing to Fight for God what would you expect me to think of you ?

Jews are under God's Wrath for breaking their covenant and as such are to be treated as Forsaken untill they leave behind their jewish ways.

Judeo-Christians are to be stoned in the street.

smoke 5meodmt and find out for yourself. take enough puffs and you will find out

The Bible contains truth mixed with lies, it's crafted in a way to keep it's followers in line. Remember that Christ was crucified by people who aren't too unlike religious fundamentalists of today

Almost through Peterson's first Biblical series video. Found out about him through Rogan.

I grew up Catholic and left the religion at 19 because nothing made sense anymore. Been unaffiliated ever since.

Peterson is the first I have ever seen who is examining the whole thing from a very rational standpoint.

I won't be going back to church, but right now he has me thinking I threw the baby out with the bathwater. There are some valuable things in the Bible that unfortunately get lost amongst pedo fish-hat wearing priests.

>Thou shalt not kill
I mean, if you want to set your own rules do it, but christianity can either be manipulated to go against its own predicaments or followed like a good cuck

BRUH, Paganism and Roman/Greek polytheism is the true ancestral religion of Europe mate

>A heretic is not representative of my faith that guy in the white dress should be beheaded.

According to the canon law, the pope is infallible in matters of doctrine and the act of questioning him - or calling him a heretic - is itself gross heresy and grounds for immediate excommunication.

You may not like it, but Francis is the Vicar of Christ, God's chosen representative on earth, infallible and perfect.

If you love someone, do you leave them without any recourse to leave?

Door is open. Enter, or leave.

Do you think the bacteria in your gut knows what you're thinking?

Your mind is sm-all.

Of course he doesn't, don't be silly.

No dude. Religion is ALWAYS about control. Why do you think Sup Forums cares so much about it? It's not about faith or a personal relationship with God, it's about revitalization of the west and enforcing policy. Religion allows them to do that.

get that fucking knife away from that fucking cat before it gets shoved up your fucking ass

I am ok with being In Trouble with God for that if I make a mistake but he very strongly commands you to put to death Satanists on sight otherwise God will set himself against you for helping Moloch.

Too bad Ill kill him before that happens.
Also I am not Catholic that shits satanic as fuck.
(Templar flag is Ironic)

IT IS what God commands, Let no man call himself Father or Pope, Put to death the Worshippers of Moloch.

Pope is very very Pro-Moloch.

Therefore GOD Tells me to put him to Death, you trying to Tell me Pope's word is higher than Gods?

Stop attacking the Victim.

Start praying. Do it earnestly, from your heart. You'll start to see your life change. That will be your proof.

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

Most people have a very wrong view of God and how He works.

Firstly God created man to express God and His kingdom. Genesis says man was made in is image and had dominion over the earth.

Secondly, man was usurped and corrupted Satan through Adam. Satan usurped man from God. And through sin man was placed under the law.

Third in Romans we see that we (all man) we debtors to the law for our sins, owed a debt to God for our offences and we're enemies of God. The sacrifice of Christ deals with all these things.

Now we can having a loving and personal relationship with God. This should be the foundation of every Christian. We should believe not because it is "proven" or "more likely" but because we have touched the living God who is our saviour.

The Bible is a Divine romance where God is lovingly courting man despite all our flaws and failings because he loves us. From Genesis to revelation God shows us that he wants a people that corporately become His bride.

Our current life is not the end goal. We should not be discouraged, be negative or evil things that are happening in a corrupted world ruled by the enemy of God. Jesus Christ is victor and will judge Satan and redeem the whole Earth.


I want to see something supernatural happen with my own eyes. A direct communication. Faith can be determined as believing out of desperation, because you have nothing to logically analyze so you take whatever story that you can get that feels like it makes the most sense to you.

If there is a God, or if I was one, I'd find it disappointing that the growth of humans has led to the point where most people end up with this weak mindset of faith. If this is a simulation, this sort of thing really grinds advancement to a slow crawl, so my question to whoever is running this reality is - are you really ok with the way things are?

Are you possibly schizophrenic?

Read a book blindly and follow it. Don't let the Anti-semitic/capitalist/marxist thoughts set in. Be a good goy.

Which religion brought stability to Europe? Christianity.
Which damned heathens had homos and pillaged several towns? Pagans.

No, he doesn't, sorry to inform you. It's just a comforting fairytale and projection of our parents to try and help us understand a scary and confusing world because an illusion of control is easier than doing science.

Anything's possible. Are you possibly naive and misinformed on the depths of religious truths?

Everything the user wrote is perfectly cohesive and understandable

> From Genesis to revelation God shows us that he wants a people that corporately become His bride.

What a fucking cuck. I swear only an evangelical (((protestant))) could even come up with something so gay. Here's a hint: god doesn't have a fucking gender because he's transcendent.


exsistence of Israel is proof for God.

Christian Europe was never stable. It was always embroiled in wars and it persecuted high iq citizens. Only during the Enlightenment did Europe become relevant and wealthy.

You're right that God doesn't have a gender, but the term "bride of Christ" is 100% Biblical. In relation to the power of God, we are all feminine, i.e. we are all receptive vessels

>Why does he allow things to be so shit if there's a better alternative?
There was a young girl who was out near the edge of the sea, building an enormous sandcastle. Her hands were dirty and caked with sand, and she was staring straight down as she built her castle higher and higher, never looking up or looking away. In time, the tides began to change. The waves were inching closer and closer to the girl's castle. Soon one wave lapped up against its edge, and before the girl knew it a larger wave came up and swallowed half of her castle whole. The girl watched as the structure she had spent hours on began to melt and disintegrate. She wept bitter tears, of grief and of anger at the cruel waves. For the first time, the waves encouraged the girl to look away from her work and look to her side. She turned her head, and what she saw was the broad, wide, beautiful ocean. The girl went silent, then wiped her tears and let out a giddy shriek, and she ran and jumped with vigor into the ocean, realizing she could have been swimming the whole time.
Sandcastles are fine things, but they are temporary things. Relative to a sandcastle timescale, the only thing eternal is the broad vast ocean which they skirt for a time, and eventually to which they will return. If we have forgotten to admire the "ocean" of Eternity while living within Time, then suffering and death and these things will haunt us and plague our consciousness. But once you have "learned to swim", the death of the sandcastle is only a casualty of a broader system which is far more beautiful and life-nourishing than any pile of mud, be it a sandcastle or a human being.

GOD is real. However the books claiming to speak and spread "religions" in his name are lies. (bible, quran, torah)
GOD cares not for religion, only that his creation continues.
Be at peace with yourself and you will be at peace with GOD.

If you cannot bear the idea that the world's suffering is "redeemed" through its meaning in a larger plan, which I get, you can at least clearly see that you can take suffering and use it in different ways. Some are crushed completely by suffering while others bear it with dignity and allow it to strengthen them, and the degree of suffering doesn't really affect how one bears it. We see at the level of the physical, when you exercise, your muscle fibers are ripped apart so that they can be rebuilt even stronger. As a standalone process, ripping apart your muscle tissue wouldn't be good at all. But in the context of how your body uses it, it adds to your flourishing. Maybe try and use your imagination to zoom out and picture suffering as part of a similar process on the emotional and spiritual planes. Could suffering be something which, if endured in the right way, conveys great strength?
Picture a tree with a beautiful and fragrant blossom. Do you think the gardener put in fragrance and color at the roots? No, he put in brown filth, dirt and shit. Yet still the essence of the tree converted this to fragrance. If the tree took the filth and spat filth back out, it would be chopped down. Because it blossoms, it is nurtured and cared for.

> On one hand The Bible seems like complete bullshit because it's too human. Like why do angels have wings? Why does a being that can basically teleport need wings like a bird to travel?
Thats exactly why they have wings.
Because they interacted with humans.
Thats why the bible talks about Gods "arm" and "eyes" even though as a spiritual being he has none.
It is with regards to our limited minds and understanding that God choses things we are familiar and comfortable with.

Whats the point if Genesis had started with:
>In the beginning God had 2 P-Branes collide in a 11-dimensional non-euclidian space. After that he initiated the process of Baryogenesis using cpt-symetry-breaking...
Keep in mind that what the bible says and the analogies it uses are perfectly understood by the majority of humans today and by everyone in the past.
Farming, wings, animal husbandry... everyone was familiar with that. Thats why God chose to use examples from there to make us understand him.

Hmmm. Really makes me think.

No. But otoh i am not watching said bacteria masturbate.

So you admit you have no control over your own gut. You just let those bacteria run around without a second thought? How cruel.

>Thats exactly why they have wings.

Uh no angel in the bible has wings , that is just fanfic

If that makes you think... Do you know you are retarded? What will you do now with this revelation? is it going to 'activate dem almonds'? fucking tards.

>Why is everything that's supposed to be "proof" that He exists so ambiguous and refutable?
It is called faith in God for a reason. Faith is defined in the bible as "the assured expectations of things that are not seen".
If there were unignorable evidence for God, people would be forced to believe in him, they could not chose to.
Faith is not gullible, if you study the Bible, and even if you observe nature and its laws in detail, you will find that the most logical explanation is the existence of a creator.

>Why does he allow things to be so shit if there's a better alternative? I literally dindu nuffin but exist and be the ancestor of someone who ate a fruit a long time ago according to The Bible.
Because an important question was raised in the garden of eden: Does God have the right to rule humanity, or can mankind rule itself without God.
Adam and Eve rebelled and rejected God by eating from the fruit with the intention of "becoming like God", a clear usurpation.
To answer that question once and for all, time had to pass so that humanity could become numerous and try out different styles of government. And of course technology had to advance.
Once however it is clear that humanity cannot rule itself without God (and the Bible shows that this time is very very close), God will act and destroy all evil people as well as bind the Devil so that it cannot influence humannity anymore.
Then he will undo erverything bad on earth, including sickness, grief, poverty, injustice and death itself (Revelation ch. 21).

If God had acted before that point of time, people and angels could have later claimed that maybe, perhaps humans could actually rule themselves without God if only they had advanced a bit more, or tried out anothr form of rulership.

And of course Jesus had to come to earth to give his life as redeeming sacrifice to buy back the humans that were born into sin, thus without hope of eternal life.

not all, but some do have them.

Most people in these threads never sat down and read the bible, which is a shame because it's as good as any book I've ever read, better than most. Jews do good work sometimes.

They don't and they don't have to. They don't have the burden (or blessing) of realizing that they exist. I don't think the fuckers have the ability to think "why am I" like we do.

If God is some kind of individual entity we're capable of perceiving, we would've already found him with telescopes and shit.

From here on Christians still have some options. One of these is getting vague and saying stuff like "God is the love we feel in our hearts" (just an example, i'm sure the church doesn't really say that). In that case they're treating God like a concept (love for example) that's better suited for philosophy than religion imo.

Another option they have is saying humans aren't capable of perceiving God but are capable of sensing him when we do good or osmething. This is fair enough as we'll never be able to prove or disprove something that we're unable to perceive. This is what a lot of agnostics think.

I'd still go a step further because: if God exists and he is this imperceivable being, how can you guarantee he's exactly as described in the bible? Sure, if he made earth then he'd probably want us to act natural (so no gays or sinning) because he made us that way, but that way you're making the assumption this imperceivable entity is like an all powerfullhuman. How can you be sure he's exactly as the bible says instead of being Vishnu or Odin or Zeus or any other of the many Gods humans have worshipped since the dawn of our existance? Hell, how can you even be sure he notices us or is benevolent? Maybe this entity is just some giant cosmic neckbeard who fapped the world into existance after watching some holy hentai and the Japanese are actually doing God's work, but he has no way of communicating this to us.

So in the case of God being an entity, but imperceivable, we'll never be able to know what he is or what he wants and any guess as to what he is is possible, including there not being any higher power at all.

So drop the idea of a higher power and view the bible like this: An ancient text recommending a generally morally sound way to live your life, but written by relatively primitive sand people high on desert weed

What? The bacteria do that? I'll never drink yoghurt again!

There is no proof, only a logical argument (note that there is neither proof nor logical argument for the Jewish tribal god, Satan existing.)

Relax. What they wrote is actually worth thinking about.

Ever read Horton Hears a Hoo?

Yeah I think those bacteria turn everything to shit.

>what he wants
You assume that he wants anything. He could have just created everything to run on its own economy (like Zeus for whom there is no account of anything like him sending down a lightning bolt to some hapless dirt farmer who dissed him).

>that people would say that in the future.
The smart jew who wrote it knew that people would eventually realise it's all bullshit.
"Don't worry goys, don't listen to them and keep on reading my wise words of enlightenment!"

I agree with you. Roman Europe and Enlightenment Europe were great periods. Christian Europe sucks, Muslim Europe sucks.

Yeah, i hear some bacteria claim to know what i am thinking and expect other bacteria to have faith in that, also they want money so they can do nothing. I will not have that! I'm gonna have a hydrocolontherapy right now, see if E-coli survive that!

They will write a story about it and worship you harder.

Do numbers exist or no?

Are numbers more real or less real than the physical plane?

As long as you keep looking for proofs in the material realm you will find naught.

"O man, know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe and the Gods."

This sums it up.

Damn NOAH-coli!
Welp, I don't give a shit about them.
I don't care.

because if proof exists then you don't need faith, and without faith the religion is nothing.

t.not religious

Of course God is not real, the whole idea of superior powers existing is so utterly ridiculous. Religion is nothing more than an easy way to answer questions that aren't supposed to be answered, a way for the weak minded to distract themselves from the futility of existence of everything. Why are we still having this debate in c u r r e n t y e a r


If i have dubbs god exist

so basically God don't exist OP

Yes and he speaks English and has blue eyes.

>Of course God is not real, the whole idea of superior powers existing is so utterly ridiculous.

Not as ridiculous as streets designated for defecation purposes, Pareekshit.


Now that that's sorted we can move on to the moon landing.

>Why is everything that's supposed to be "proof" that He exists so ambiguous and refutable?
It's called having a low IQ. It's your problem, not ours.