If you haven't contributed to the Great Meme War, now is this time

If you haven't contributed to the Great Meme War, now is this time.

The second phase of the Operation to disable and destroy CNN will need to be to cut off the limbs and supply lines of CNN? How? Advertisers.

We need to inject the current meme flood with the same CNN memes but with the addition of advertisers. CNN pummeling the Reddit bot with all the advertisers standing around cheering him on? Good start.

Once we get the memes going with advertisers included we will start distribution through social media. Once the shitstorm hits, advertisers will start to threaten CNN unless they get the situation under control.

But they can't. And they won't. We will continue the storm and the advertisers will start to pull since they are getting dragged down with the sinking ship of CNN.

So give me your best, Sup Forums. Use this thread to coordinate and produce advertiser-inclusive memes.

Other urls found in this thread:



A good song while doing this.

Just continuing to shit on CNN will discourage advertisers

We really need a list of advertisers ranked by contribution so we can begin to pick off the smaller advertisers through meme inclusion.

Meme fuel like pic related with a logo over the face of the guy being thrown out the window, for example, would suit us very well once distributed to normies. Prudential, Michelob Ultra, Men's Warehouse are some companies that may be quick to windraw.



So exactly what do we do?

Spoke to a normie friend who doesn't like Trump about CNN and the blackmail debacle yesterday.

Concluded with "even when CNN wins, they lose" and he laughed.

They are becoming a joke.

But we aren't done winning yet.

We've won the first battle but not the meme war. Does anyone have ideas for cutting advertisers to cut support? Our strongest tactic right now is lumping advertisers in with CNN memes which are a wildfire right now.

Official discord for discussion: qG54W

Make memes including CNN advertisers as posted in OP. The "out the window Simpsons" guy with some text like "When youre an advertiser for CNN and CNN single-handedly starts a fight with the entire internet over blackmailing a kid over a meme and it makes worldwide news" would be great to start
Or I'm sure you guys can make some great variations including advertisers with the guy being thrown out of the window meme

If there was a way to convey large advertisers as egging on CNN to doing horrible things, or supplying CNN with the means of committing a crime.

If someone has a shittone of time to waste, they can watch several timeslots and record the frequency, order, and run times of the adds theys see. Repeat that for a few days and we should have a good idea of who contributes the most.


Theres got to be a way to look up eachs companies contributions to CNN. It should be public record as a donation. Someone well versed in corporate finance may be the person for this job

If we can get these memes to catch on with the normies, maybe start a twitter war with whatever cucks still support CNN, we could draw public attention to it. Then start throwing around advertiser memes when shits at its peak

>you will never be enough of a useful idiot cuck to shill for the interests of a billionaire with subhuman low hanging fruit meme spam

So what's the diagnostic here? Is Sup Forums pretty much just an astroturfing ground where retards get told by Jared kushner which narrative and meme to shill?

We made nationwide news in less than 12 hours after started producing CNN memes yesterday morning and "CNN blackmail" is the number one Google suggested result for CNN. #CNNblackmail was the number one hashtag on Twitter yesterday and it all started with a push from Sup Forums yesterday. If you really want in, join the Discord.
The first day was fucking amazing. Now is the time to hammer down and be am unrelenting storm until CNN's limbs start to bend and break.



And we post them where? Didn't CNN remove the option to post pictures on their Facebook page and shit?


what can i do to fight against cnn...what im saying is that i need more options

uBlock is on our side. They don't just fuck up their advertising, they make the whole site look like incomplete amateur trash.


Why would Turner Broadcasting itemize their ad revenue like that?

Post them here dingbat and on Twitter if you have twitter.

I'm thinking contributions (not ads) would be on tax returns or at least public knowledge in SOME format. I dont fucking know. This is what collective knowledge is for.


They are, but in aggregated form. Look at their annual report. You'll see a line for as revenue and perhaps an offset for charitable donations if they made any, but neither will be itemized. They're under no obligation to break it down to that level of granularity.

t. MBA with Finance Concentration.





NOTICE: If you are going to download the CNN mobile app and give it a bad review, do NOT do it for the current version. They can just release an update and all of them will go away.

kek did mcdonald's bail on them?
although i doubt it i can still hope

>make a fake black twitter account
>tweet this at real black twitter users
>use common black twitter hashtags
>urge black twitter users to contact CNN's advertisers with us

Thanks for that. So in your opinion, what would be the most effective way to get an advertiser to pull support on a major company like CNN? What level of social outrage would generate that?

Twitter and facebook helps bring the normies into this shit


This battle shall be glorious!

I'm sure someone in the industry has some analytics on who pays what for various spots on CNN... But as for outrage level... You have to acknowledge that Sup Forums and Reddit are obscure, relative to the size and scope of an organization like Time Warner (parent of Turner Broadcasting). Compare to the fallout at Fox after O'Reilly's ouster. He was accused of effectively trading sex for employment, and he still lasted for years before the optics forced him to step aside. These organizations wield almost unlimited power.

I'm not saying don't speak out. I'm not saying don't vote with your wallet. I'm very, very, anti-dox. I'd fight for ViolentAcrez. But realize that this WWE meme and doxxing is a speck in the zeitgeist.


Once shit got out about bill he was fired in like a week. CNN is a whole organization but they can still get fired by their sponsors.


yes, r/the_donald is effectively a forum of people that sort through whatever we shit out

I know this is called the "Meme War," but is that really all we're going to do? Sit on our butts making memes? Are we at least going to change it later down the line?

Also I'm positive those advertisers are soon going to realize they're getting calls from the same people and start ignoring them. Unless we know how many people are apart of this "war," calling them will be useless.

We must continue to make CNN trend on Twitter, for every hashtag they take down, we must put 3 more in it's place. #MakeCNNTrendAgain