

Surely every country prints its own money

>what is inflation
It baffles me just how retarded most leftists are since they can't understand basic economics

>Printing it's own money
Pick 1.

Thinking you don't know what money is, or how it's created.

money isn't even real lmao

And who do you expect us to feed the homeless to?

Also, k-12 education is free. When you become a grown up you get to pay to further your own education.

But user, the amount of money printed is symbolic to the amount of gold held in treasury.
They can't print more money than there is gold.

Fiat currency user not money.

>what is inflation

Money is an abstract representation of value in order to facilitate more open and efficient trade. That's why.
>You can't eat money
>You can't build a house out of money
>You can't inject money into your veins in order to treat a disease.
>You can't learn about things by reading money.
>You can't wear money.
You can't just print money and feed, clothe and house the incapable without forcing others to make food, clothes and housing that they will not benefit from.



roses are red
violets are blue
taxation is theft
inflation is too

The US dollar is backed by oil. This is why it is the reserve currency of the world. How it works:

>Sunni monarchies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, etc.) have currencies pegged to the US dollar.
>This effectively allows the United States to print oil and the mudslides to pump dollars.
>It's a symbiotic relationship the lubes the engine of global energy markets, i.e. all international energy agreements are denoted in US issued debt.

In b4 "But the United States has plenty of oil, fuck those sand niggers"

>It's not about controlling physical oil, but global oil MARKETS.
>Hydrocarbon energy is still the foundation of Most modern economies because it is an essential input in the cost of production.
>Everyone needs energy and everyone needs dollars to purchase it on international markets.
>The US can essentially print assets in other people's countries without devaluation of the currency in a way that no other country can.

So if you're wondering why Donald Trump is playing nice with the Saudis, it's because we need eachother in this oligopolistic, cartel like market structure to maintain our abilities to import above the real value of the goods we produce.


You're a special kind of stupid

hehe, subtle jab at the EU

I'm a retard so can anyone explain to me this dumb question. If countries print their own money so why don't they just keep printing it until they have gorillions?.

Because paper money is worthless without something of value backing it, at that point it's just colored paper.

How is it being valued during printing?

>Muslim education

omg guyz we could all be rich but the meanies with the free money printing machines just dont want us to be

We spend too much protecting Europe from invading shitskins. Disband NATO. Let islam take Europe


dear god you're dense. the value of a currency is simply what you can buy with it. if you double the amount of currency, the underlying purchasing power gets halved because there are now twice as many dollars but the same amount of goods and services purchasable with dollars.

This has to be a shitpost.

Because all EU countries have the right to print money like Gree- ohhh...

For a very long time, paper money was tied to gold (thus the "gold standard"), so there was a hard cap on how much money could be in circulation. Many first world countries use fiat money these days, wherein the value of said money is based on the value given to it by both the government and the people. If the people of a country completely disavowed their national currency, it would be completely worthless, but this doesn't happen in most countries because we have an ingrained understanding of the value of money. I mean, you have to actively work to think of a one dollar bill as anything other than money, i.e. something of value.

>thinks we can print baseless money and share it to all
>education isn't funded by the state

Bad b8 m8