I3 or V4?

I3 or V4?

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wots an I3 m8?

V4 has been interesting although I'm not sure if it's quite right or how it would practically figure in to an overall EU rearrangement.

Next step towards Intermarium. Trump was on their summit in Warsaw today. Haven't you heard his remarks?

Only a few of them. Don't really have time to keep up with everything these days.

Something closer to a full Intermarium seems more tennable to me, since you'd want to have a large enough grouping, financially and economically, to be able to maintain itself. And it would clearly control some strategic geography. But I would start to wonder about the right kind of military arrangement (maybe NATO would be good after all?) and about sufficient political unity to avoid destabilization.

What I'm really wondering about, though, is that if we assume hard brexit is going to happen, then what is done about PIIGS? I suppose if France-Germany remains the central power axis of the EU then they would be able to maintain PIIGS. And maybe the Nordic Union breaks off as well?




those tits

I think I3 will be necessary for a potential EU exit.

She has a manly jaw.

I will tell her youre not interested

not her

>Being afraid of strong facial features

Your son will have bitch face and get picked on

That ain't her. Just some model.


Should had a


How is croatian media reacting to all this ?

lol, no one really cares.
it's summer so everyone is busy ripping off tourists


Best President.

The Best.

Come closer "refugees".

The more widely reported stuff like this gets, the better I feel about the future of this earth.

I3 sounds like a US' wet dream to exploit V4 and everyone else for the sake of "Muh Russia"

>fake blonde

Make Pilsudski proud! The Commonwealth shall be reborn as it was meant to be.

How does it exploit the V4 for the sake of "Muh Russia". It is an area of geopolitical importance and an area that is going to be pro-American. Russia on the other hand doesn't give a shit. Ignoring all the stuff going on in the American media it is still a good deal.

What is v4?

Visegrad group.

thanks for the info polska

You are playing dumb to bump my thread.

Not true. I honestly never heard about V4. And i learned about I3 during yesterdays state journal on tv.

Usually the only times we hear in the news about mid-east Europe is when they do something stupid or refuse refugees. The only reason I3 was in the news was because Trump was visiting them.

> I honestly never heard about V4.
Are you new on Sup Forums?


>double spacing
You have to go back faggot.

>trusting romania
>allying with ukraine

I3 without those 2

V4 is real,we have army on Hungary-serbian border.
I3 can be maked it will take time,much more time about 10-20 years

I3 is cancer made by americans to weaken non-cucked countries and put them back under control. It'd be worth it if it wasnt just a puppet alliance against Russia but rather a solid independent economical-political aliance.

I think the V4 should stay together, get out of EU as soon as possible and start their own project without EU or US interference.

t. a butthurt magyaroscum
What the matter, Lazslo? Want your territory back? Too bad. It is our rightful clay.

>I3 or V4?
/o/ is up and over

truly the best

Borders can change.Just look at Crimea :)

Ukraine isn't in I3, actually I saw some of their journalists complaining because Poroshenko wasn't invited, eg. the Ukrainian newspaper Den' had an article like that

It's the future. We will expand while Germany collapses.