My wife just said she is doing nofap for a year, including no sex for a year. She wants to "purify" herself...

My wife just said she is doing nofap for a year, including no sex for a year. She wants to "purify" herself. How the fuck am I supposed to argue with this?




Divorce. Don't get married.

Tell her that you're going to bang other chicks.

What state you reside in user? May be able to show her this is grounds for divorce.
Also, women act on their feels, not their thinks. Just seduce her if it's really that bad.


At this point you are married so its too late to save any sort of face and dignity you might have in the worst case scenario.

I have never made this suggestion ever in my life and i hope to not have to do so again but, quite literally, just cheat.
Either talk some sense into that woman, only masturbate for a year or cheat and hope your scenario wont be the worst case scenario.

how does it feel, being a numale cuck?

op is getting cucked every half hour right now
poor bastard

Tell her you're getting a private investigator, because "Bitch, that is the clearest admission of 'I'm cheating on you' I've ever fucking heard."

I obviously don't want to divorce her...
I can't cheat, I love her too much, even though this is fucking retarded I cannot betray her trust, even as she refuses the martial duties for some who knows what fucking thing in her mind.

You be a man, hold her down and fuck her.

Tell her that without orgasms, her body will decide it's being neglected sexually and eventually she'll cheat on you. She won't have a choice, our brains make us fugg. It's called human nature and she can't fight it. Neither can you.
Tell her either she masturbates in front of you every day for the year or you walk.

>How the fuck am I supposed to argue with this?
dont it's good for you purify yourself as well


Threaten to divorce her.

The Bible says she has to fuck you

Try to wash yourself

What about her son? Is he doing nofap too?

Okay, you're a fucking idiot, enjoy raising another man's kid.

>How the fuck am I supposed to argue with this?

By repeatedly ramming your cock into her mouth, anus and vagina.


She's fucking a nigger behind your back, hide your assets while you can.

>married cucks
Also is she within 2 years of your age or much older than you?

Oh boy she's probably fucking some other guy user.

not Sup Forums asshole.

I'm 25, she's 22. No kids, but want some in couple years.

Rape her

oh yeah, she's definitely fucking jerome

i doubt its that, she's very naive and innocent. katie loves classic books-esque.

It sounds like she's not into you anymore. Can I have her number?

you are getting cucked friendo
also this, and bring them over and make sure she hears you fucking them

fake and gay, poor quality bait.
i thought we couldve at least had some enjoyable bait thread but this fag is too dumb for that.
herb is an option

She's having an affair and doesn't feel right "cheating" on her boyfriend.
LOL way to be a cuck

You excluded cheating.
Talk to her about your need to have sex as a creature thats sexual and then on top of that talk to her about the part that you are the more sexual half of the race of the creature.
Or masturbate for a year, its not too bad.

Tell her you're into scat and would like to start eating her poo. That way you'll get a nice meal and still get to be close to her in a semi-sexual way.

She is either cheating on you or about to.
hide assets and begin looking for another wife in secret. After you have done this, divorce her and remarry.

i wouldn't be surprised if in a week she breaks this off and uses it as a reason to fuck 5 times in one night. I'll have to tell her this stuff


She doesn't respect you, has no consideration for you or your feelings, this is the beginning of a downward spiral. Be a man and put her in her place.
Take that pussy, cheat on that pussy, or divorce that pussy.

There are a lot of issues with this graph. Indo-Iranian religion led to Mithraism and then bifurcate to both Zoroastrianism and Roman Mithraism. Gnostic came from Zoroastrianism predominantly with Hellenic influence. Neoplatonism and Zoroastrianism also influenced one another.

Every relationship, sexual nonsexual, multi gender, uni gender, communication is the way to get through it. However always say the minimum. Lay down the facts then slowly steer her to the goal.

Then find a woman to have kids with, not that deluded cunt.

Tell her if she wants to take such a radical step in your marriage she will have to agree to another radical step. That can be whatever you like from allowing you to cheat on her, to indulging your fetishs to the nth degree when the year is up.

>Purify self from husband
Nigga she met a dude who won't fuck her until she regrows her virginity and she's cucking you bard

If she loved you she wouldn't do that or you are just a shitty man

Stop being so beta

M8, I'm saying this for your own good, it's always "It'll never happen to me!" Until it does. Srsly, offshore some money or buy silver and hide it really, really well.

Thanks for the infograph...I think I could study this a year.

Re your wifey - get a divorce. It isn't hard to get a divorce really.

I'd give it a couple weeks and then leave her if she's actually going to do this shit for the whole year...

Are you going to purify yourselves together? You better have some couples activities every night that she has a slight chance of getting horny

>regrows her virginity

Tell her that in most jurisdictions, lack of sex for a year constitutes abandonment of the marriage.

And that's bad for her in a court.

Hold out for when she caves and you get that wild animal sex.


She wants a reason to cheat on you.

She would cheat you, run away

Women don't care about logic or respect

Thats why they embrace double speak, it lets them live a fantasy of having their cake and eating it too until reality fucks their shit up eventually.

>doing nofap
Does nofap even work on women?

sweet jesus, I'm fuly torqued rn

Maybe it's a girl (male)

She is fucking someone else. Do you understand what I just said?

She's fucking somebody else.

Divorce your wife, go 2D instead

When she caves it'll be in the parking lot of a bar after a couple drink with some Nigger.

The hymen can reform in some cases, though it's usually only heard of in women who haven't had much sex and then abstain for a long period.

If she's been regularly having sex then it's unlikely, but also I'm not a doctor.

Explain to her that this is basically rape. Forcing you not to have sex is no different from forcing someone to have sex. If she get's you to have sex with only her and no one else that's one thing, or if she simply says you cannot have sex with her. But to say you can't have sex with her OR anyone else is extremely wrong.

females shouldnt be "fapping" to begin with so that doesnt matter
as for withholding from actual sex i dont know what to tell you but chances are she is cheating or considering

How about you communicate with her? Tell her you don't want to. She says she wants to then you say "we need a divorce".
Idk why tf you got married in the first place, should've seen this dumb shit coming a mile away.
If you cant divorce, show her a graph of what sex every day does to you. Maybe that'll work?

Here is a red pill that will be hard for most guys to swallow:

Women need sex just as much as guys, maybe more.
Women are way more sexual than guys are.

When women get together they literally talk about dicks and how cute different guys are or how good they are at flirting. Talk about social things related to the social heirarchy so to speak which is all (at the very least sub conciously) related to sex.
When guys get together they will talk about women too but its more in passing. They also talk about hobbies, work, other ideas completely unrelated to women. Guys talk about that sort of crap so often that when theres not a woman in the room they will forget women even exist because they are enjoying each others company and their hobbies.

If your woman says she is giving up sex for a year you better hope she is so ugly no other guy will touh her otherwise you are literally getting cucked.

Came here to post this.

she put you in the nosex zone so put her in the nopayherbills zone.

she is fucking someone else
>leave her

no sex is grounds for divorce


Trips of truth

1. Push her against the wall
2. Growl in her ear, "I'm okay with no masturbation, but there's no way you or I can handle no sex"
3. Reach up under her skirt, or into her pants, and begin rubbing her pussy through her underwear
4. Don't stop when she says stop
5. Hold her hands back if she tries to struggle
6. Kiss her and finger her until she moans
7. When she's pushing her hips down on your hand, whisper in her ear "Do you want me to stop now?"
8a. If she says no, fuck her silly, problem solved
8b. If she says yes, say "Too bad," bite her neck, and then fuck her silly, problem solved

Important question

Are you the only man she's been with? If not, tell her that you feel offended and disrespected that she's going to cut of sex with you for purity purposes if she was impure when you met, and that she didn't have the decency to cut other men off from sex. Just you. Tell her you feel cucked, basically.

That's not normal OP.



What does her dentist say?

> whining like this

terrible instincts with women

wew lad

Ask her if she's an archeologist

I bet you're sick as fuck. I know I would be if I couldn't watch my wife have a wank.

Dude she's fucking someone else.

You're a goddamn fucking nigger tier faggot if you put up with that shit.

Say "let's compromise and you try 30 days." Meanwhile track her phone and her whereabouts to ensure she's not fucking Tyrone behind your back. If she isn't and is just a stupid fucking cunt and insists on more than 30 days then walk.

If you don't you're a faggot that deserves a curb stomping.

Well you could always hit her, but then you could go to jail like me. Not everything is as simple as Sup Forums memes make it out to be.

Weird, this is both magic and the truth, yet there's only one or two replies.

Anyways, this, op. Don't be stupid.

this, but don't tell her. play along, hire the dick, have him catch her or seduce her, divorce her cheating ass

Forcing women to care about respect without being on the path to God is as bad as a wife dressing her husband up like a housewife, making him quit his job and then divorcing him.

Women are dependent, not independent. In general they should have a man that inspires, attracts and leads them to where they should go. Like holding a child's hand to get them through a dangerous crowd. Women becoming trash is the fault of men who let go of that girls hand and then laugh when she gets trampled on her own, pathetic betas.

What is her definition of "purity"? I think that's where you need to tackle "refuting" this. Or at least start.

As a Christian, my definition of sexual purity is keeping the sexual relationship between the husband and wife.

Any withholding of sex from the other partner would surely not constitute "purity", and scripture explicitly states this.

If she screams or hits you, stop and go Jesus Christ bitch fine I'll file a divorce tomorrow jeez

Wow, that was spot on. Fantastic stuff user!

Never hit, only force. Learn to grab and pin women as the wrestling transitions into hot sex.

When you get her to hit you, you can pin her. Once you pin her, you can calmly ask her, are you ready to calm down? She will likely get turned on and say no as an obvious bluff while smiling as she tries to kiss you and grab your dick

Fucking this

Struggling against a man who firmly (but without really hurting her) pins her down turns on most women on a really primal level

A little play-wrestling and force gets women horny as fuck

I've fucked a lot of girls and realized I need to hate the individual and save the group

I will likely die alone (maybe with a disease, but none yet) but at least I tried to make women happy in the really long run. I tell girls why they should break up with me until they do and then tell them to tell their friends.

She is absolutely fucking someone else. She thinks she has caught something and is worried about giving it to you. Cut your losses and abandon ship now.

>he thinks it'll only last 1 year
Ow user. So gullible.

It doesn't hurt if you do it right either

Her punch will bounce off you lighter than her sex bites will and your careful strength will do no harm but contain her and build up sexual frustration at her inability to dominate and her deep wet desire to submit

I think about sex too much

Is she religious? If so tell her what she is doing is morally wrong. Unless she has cancer or is recovering from surgery then what she is doing is wrong.

No sex is an outright rejection of an essential part of your marriage, your self esteem and happiness. You need to be married to someone who wants you 100%.

>Get a gf
>Have sex
>She feels so disgusted afterwards she wants to put it on hold for a year so she can "purify" herself

Don't be such a bitch

Yeah withholding sex for a year is abusive