Are MRA's just complete faggots?

Are MRA's just complete faggots?

We are all either virgins or have had a bad experience during sexual intercourse. We believe we have a strong and personal message and hope to make our way to the African American community to help out our brothers who have been viciously objectified for their penises

Yes, 100%

People in general need to stop being huge pussies

no that is a reasonable criticism, women complain about the similar thing happening to females in popular culture so why shouldn't men?

do men not count?

men are not pussies
men strive to be better
do you think men should start having periods too?
fucking idiot kill yourself

men have to be better than women?

that is the type of rhetoric which led to feminism in the first place.

Because men shouldn't be sensitive cucks to this type of shit like women are

>magic mike
>unrealistic expectation
Just go to the gym, nucuck.

It isn't a reasonable complaint, firstly because women have always been judged by their appearance primarily, while for men it's just a plus, and secondly because no actual man cares even slightly about "unrealistic" images of masculinity.

yes, men have to be better than women, you idiot

the problem isn't feminists and the problem isn't mens rights activists

the problem is dumb fucking faggots holding signs next to their retarded fucking faces

>On average, women convicted of crimes have shorter prison sentences then a man convicted of the same crime
>Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
>Men make up a larger percentage of combat fatalities than the gender distribution would predict
>Women are significantly more likely to win child custody in divorce hearings
Women get off easy, feminist constantly bitch about equality, I say give it to them.

yep. anyone with a opression complex needs to be gassed

Yes. PUA, MGTOW, and MRA are the final devolution of men. Men who saw women turning to feminism because of how shittily men behaved, and deciding they needed to adopt the same tactics of whining about rights instead of just fixing themselves.

Because if you really really wanted to fuck a woman that is above your league because she feels you don't reach the standards set by a movie, you could just rape her. Women can't do that. So it's ok for them to complain about men raising standards, but not men.

You do realize this is satire, right?

Lazy faggot, you can achieve the magic mike body after 6 months of lifting. Try something that would take decades of lifting

>just rape her
That's not a good plan

That's nice, I didn't read any of that. Douche your pussy, legbeard, men are talking.


Solid point, Hiroshi.

He's obviously being sarcastic,

important reminder that Sup Forums has many, many anons from MGTOW and r/theredpill

This looks eerily this guy I went to school with named Matt, who was ACTUALLY cucked by his moon faced asian girlfriend in high school. He was one of the first to get a license in our (small) school, and ended up driving a lot of people around, to shows and to eat and shit. This is Including his girl, and a guy who ended up fucking her. Not sure if its him, he didn't have a beard at taht point.

There should be a movement like MGTOW but called like Women Will Follow Us. WWFU would be devoted to constant obsessive self-improvement for the sake of our male pride and happiness. Like the Greeks, we rejoice in evolution, not for women's sake but for OURS.

What we do not do is try to exclude women from our lives and we have faith in ourselves that good women will be attracted to us because we are powerful. This will greatly reduce male suicides and increase birth rates naturally. At the very least we are always winning and bringing back the nature of men of conquer that next goal and succeed, if women follow so be it but on our own terms only, we do NOT change for women, we do not hunt for women, they hunt for US.

Man you white boys really are beta pussy ass bitches lmao. Magic Mike lowered your self esteem huh? How about hit the gym and start lifting instead of complaining about it like a mindless feminist. MRAs are literally just male versions of feminists and just copy all the talking points of feminists by replacing women with men.

Lol, obviously you read it to infer that I'm a woman, which I'm not. I'm not saying feminism is right, I'm saying its just a reaction itself. Women want men, however they might protest otherwise, so, be a man. Crying about 'unfair' is the essence of femininity.

This user gets it. There is already at least an unnamed undercurrent of what you describe right here on this and other forums. Lets just hope it takes root in minds, and doesn't get drowned out in all the shitposting and nu/pol/


pretty much yeah, edgelords too


Nobody uses that term seriously. Always treat anything done under that label as a feminist parody. Look at his face.

As for MRA, people need to stop assuming that it's going to turn out like feminism for men. While it certainly has subsets that strongly resemble feminism (MGTOW), the movement as a whole has a different set of foundations. For example, your typical MRA does not believe that humans are completely programmable and everything is a result of bad programming, which is a key premise for feminism. Feminism is Marxism in a skirt. MRA is not.

As for calling out gender-related issues, the problem with feminism isn't that it fights oppression, it's that it fabricates oppression and makes ridiculous leaps in reasoning. Misandry in the court system is far easier to find than misogyny in the HR department. Manspreading is reaching really hard, the Provo principle is not. The idea that women in bikinis on TV shows that society views women as trash is literally built on the idea that men see women as nothing more than sex toys (objects), while the constant presence of the idiot dad is a direct showcase of the disrespect aimed at men in modern society. The "pink tax" and the "gender wage gap" show a deliberate effort to not pay attention to elements that will undermine their victim narrative, the fact that women are running off with the child support and alimony does not.

Simply put, MRA is a different movement with different foundations and problems that actually exist. People who have an issue with feminism shouldn't turn around and try to sabotage efforts to organize against the problems that feminism has caused, which is exactly what Men's Rights Activism is.

people who use that word are actually brain-dead. It should be masculism, it makes sence. To answer your question, yes

>6 months
More like a year if you're not naturally predisposed to that body, but otherwise yeah.

Yes. Men are subject to greater hardships, and are expected to endure with silent stoicism. This is a virtue, not a curse. Anyone who calls himself an MRA is either a faggot, a failure, or lacks drive to pursue more important issues. Especially white men. Especially now.

If you believe men and women are equal, you're either gay or a virgin.

>falling for this argument

There's nothing manly about silently taking abuse and hoping that it will go away. That's coward behavior.

No, you fail to comprehend the bigger picture. Ultimately, you must admit we are truly alone as individuals. We are incapable of fooling ourselves with regards to our true competencies, let alone our ability to select a single pursuit to devote our full energies towards. We DO have limited mental, emotional, and physical capabilities in the short term. But we can undertake serious preparation for a very specific target, once we know what the target is. Buying time, if you will.

To endure, is to recognize that greater struggles lay beyond our current situation, and time is the vehicle to take us there. To resist, is to sabotage a greater victory in the future.

Yes, that's why group pressure is so effective. Nobody ever finds a use for pulling money, holding big events, and setting up task forces to oppose things contrary to their agenda. Feminists are certainly organizing and working as a unit, and we need to do the same. That's what the men's rights movement is all about.

Ten years from now, you could be hit with a false rape allegation. There's a push across the west to try to change the burden of proof needed for a guilty conviction from "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt" to "preponderance of evidence". Furthermore, this is being done under a mentality that women are always the victims. You can either face a functional court that will not lock you up unless they can prove the crime (they won't, because it didn't happen) and receive a lawyer from a group fund specifically for your kind of case with the possibility of jail time for your accuser or your individual self who refused to join a team effort can spend the next twenty years in a cell and the rest of your life on their witchhunt list. The difference maker is whether we can gather a force that hits heavier than theirs.

The Jew brings universal suffrage, freeing the (((politicians))) from appealing to the family. The man and the women are forcefully divided and turned against each other through subversive political strategies.

Currently, I have absolutely zero, 100% confidence, interest in these fucking whores. Ten years from now we won't have a fucking country! When you have everyone so confused and disorderly, each individual looks to his neighbor for queues. You know what that is like? Deadlock.

I am truly alone right now. But I've accepted that it is I who must act.

Women flock to wherever the power is gathering, user. It's a survival strategy, and you'll understand how they interact with politics much better once you understand this. 50% of white female voters in the US voted for Trump, and women are becoming an increasingly common sight in the anti-feminist community. The tides are definitely shifting.

If you're looking to strip feminism's terrible influence from women, that's all the more reason why you need to cooperate with your fellow anti-feminists. An individual who acts alone is a nutjob. A group comprised of thousands of people marching down the street is a force to be reckoned with. Turn the power further against feminism.

This was a slide thread and you retards fell for it. MRAs are right about a lot of things, but western society is not socially functional the way they want it to be. Meaning, people think a certain way, and it's just incompatible with MRAs and how they think and what they want.

It really does make me think though, about how bitter MRAs can make people. Just look at this thread. The very mention of them makes all these people come out of the woodwork who whine about women in western society being oppressed when they have it easier than men.

Act alone? No. To prove myself and just... I guess just fucking hope I can draw the attention of those who share my goals.

We can only do one of two things at a time: (1) we can attempt to move up further in the hierarchy as an investment in greater influence later, or (2) accept we have reached the limit of our competencies and act now. I have chose 1, for now. But I'm waiting for an opportunity to execute 2.

Look I don't oppose your movement. I just don't see it as worthy of my effort. I see everything as opportunity costs. My talents are needed elsewhere. I'm not trying to blow smoke up my ass, just really need to play to my individual strengths. I guess being an abused, jaded, angry white man is just par for the course

All victimizations should be considered retarded.

>I guess being an abused, jaded, angry white man is just par for the course

See, even you admit that that's the case for you and for many of us. Perhaps all of us. Your mask has come off. You're a thoughtful man who knows what is going on. It's a tough but valuable lesson to be learned that as a man, you are disposable. I personally feel that we can affect change by using anonymity to spread awareness, as well as using the bubbles we live in to improve ourselves and the people we know.

Yes, similar to Tumblr landwhales they are ugly dorks and losers who latch onto this gender thing to feel better about the fact they're losers. It's a coping mechanism.

>born to a couple of psychopaths
>locked in the basement from birth
>routinely beaten and fed weird shit
>deformed and mentally disabled

>Don't call yourself a victim!

>live in a starving Soviet village
>soldiers march in and take all of the grain
>your mom tries to keep some; gets shot
>brother goes to jail as a part of their witch hunts

>Don't call yourself victims!
>People never do bad things to other people, and they certainly never use the guns of the state or their holding of power over one's livelihood to do the deed! Victimization isn't real!

The problem with feminism isn't that they have a victim narrative, it's that they have a FALSE victim narrative which they are using to create laws and policies that are filled with real bigotry and are actually oppressive.

Feminists have used both private institutions and the guns of the state to ruin the lives of real people over their bigoted world view. Not only are they continuing to do so, but in their infinite quest to paint themselves as victims, they're having men arrested for so much as spreading legs too far apart on the bus, and are constantly working to make criticizing them into a human rights' violation. They need to be stopped.

The danger of focusing too much on victimhood isn't in the fighting of wrongdoings, it's when you reach a point where you use your villain of choice to relieve yourself of all responsibility for anything that's not going your way. Sympathy for the devil. Outside of a small handful of MGTOWs, I don't see this happening. I believe that the typical MRAs wants to hang up their boots and live their lives as soon as possible.

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