Tfw Sup Forums will encourage and promote Chad fucking every virgin girl he can lay his hands on without taking any...

>tfw Sup Forums will encourage and promote Chad fucking every virgin girl he can lay his hands on without taking any responsibility but if a girl has had sex in her life more than twice she's a ginormous slut unworthy of life
>this "locks and keys" mentality obviously makes biological sense even though there's only one lock per key out there

When will Sup Forums realize the only way to have a stable society is to limit or even cull the outlier Chads who go through life ruining dozens if not 100+ girls a year?

They actually liked his bio.

They like how he looks so they ignore the bio or hope it's some sort of frat boy joke.

Sounds like you're just trying to alleviate sluts of any and all personal responsibility.

Chad gets her first, you get her later in life when she is less attractive. That's life OP.


>women literally more interested in guys that hate them and insult them
I've noticed this too, actually, I'm so sorry to all women reading this I'm actually completely wrong.

This is all western women.

Non western women aren't like this.

Only women who have heard of PUA or feminism literally need to be bullied into relationships, you're fine with some playful teasing and cute negs for that little brown girl from whatever Asian country (as it fucking should be, just cuteness on both sides).

But for white women? No! No cute! Cute men no! You must bully me and make me feel like a trashy whore before I accept you might actually be more sexually valuable than me.

(red pilled women know all this so they may choose how they'd like to act, they have the capability to rise above this)

r/incels REPRESENT.
Be honest how many of you fucks are posting in Sup Forums?

ITT: Lads who have never seen a vagina.

Go out and get a girl, lads. Or fuck off to

why would i not post here or there? i'm a subhuman, thus i feel like home on both places.

Chad genocide when?

>not wanting to bully girls makes me a virgin
You realise you have some sort of mental illness, right?



She probably sounds like Lois Griffin, I'll pass

No. Society is the root of the problem; We have to go back to living in self sustainable communities. Chads are enabled because society breeds a space that allows them to corrupt teenage girls. But most of you dicklets have no idea what I'm talking about. Instead of adapting to the times you all waste your time on boards thinking how it should be instead.

The only way to beat the Chad is to become the Chad.


Sup Forums is not about this shit. I like beautiful women and I don't give a fuck about their intellect or any of this other shit.

Go to r9gay or reddit with this fag shit

Unless it's a fetish, I can't understand why a woman would want to be treated like dirt.
>tfw I just want to playfully bully a cute man

Message her "I bet you look hotter kneeling and sucking my cock". Instant reply.

r/incels ago couple months end up infiltrate by feminist, this is pretty obvious, only asians and Indian incels posting, every other thing begin satire,shitposting or shill, people start to spam r/incel by whole reddit, gets a lot attention, r/redpill end up begin way more smart, each time begin proof if you are weak in front women them would destroy you.

You're just jealous, little boy

She's definitely not hot enough to have that kind of ego

Fuck off back to /r9k, by the way you're going to be a virgin forever if you keep blaming chad for the fact that you're a fucking loser. Try looking in the mirror instead

i think it's an evolutionary adaptation for men to avoid disease and has nothing to do with Sup Forums

i'll fuck any chick that doesn't look horrendous really (under the right circumstances), but if a chick has fucked even one quarter as many people as me, i'll never consider getting serious with them.

the upside of this is i get to sleep with a lot of chicks who are younger than me. the downside of this is several were just too young and dumb to handle pregnancy or the idea of having a kid, so i've ended up with 3 girls having a total of two abortions each. of-course once they get the abortion they're damaged goods and i completely stopped communicating with them.

Disgusting, fucking whore

It's pretty simple I think. Jerks have an identity. Nice guys are putty willing to contort to please. Girls don't like that shit.
Instead of just 'being' yourself, know yourself and don't change. It's dishonest at best.