CDN Morning News: Someone can afford the rent-ada Edition

It's CDN Morning News, with your houst
Lazurus Leaf
With returning guest
Commie Flag Guy with Good Bantz

On to the news:
>Condo rents continue to rise in the GTA, says new report

SOMEONE can afford these rent prices, but it's not Canadians...................

Other urls found in this thread:

900k house in march now sells for 760k. and if you get 700k next month, you're lucky.

The correction is HAPPENNINGGG.

Can\t think of anything witty, but Gavin McInnis is the founder of Vice Magazine. So if you like him, know he's a double agent

>The Proud Boys: Small, retrograde and 'willing to go places and disrupt things'

>said the group was founded in the U.S. by Gavin McInnes, a Canadian who helped establish Vice Media and is now an outspoken political pundit with an internet talk show and regular stints on Fox News and Canada's Rebel Media website. (Vice severed ties with McInnes in 2008.)

NOT a bad thing, having California weather in Canada.
Literally ALL Canadians will be dead by 2100
Be scared of that you dense fucks. Not "carbon emissions"
>‘Borderline scary’: Scientists warn L.A.-hot Van City summers by 2100

Just prepping the retards, to steal from their with the "carbon tax"
>If you don't pay, the world will be ON FIRE by 2100 !! OH NO!!

DAILY REMINDER; More than Half of ALL Canadians will be dead in 40-50 years.

>Canadian seniors now outnumber children for 1st time, 2016 census shows

>More Canadians are 65 and over than under age 15, StatsCan says

Everyone has to die. Death is real. Carbon Emissions aren't

Holy crap this place is embarrassing...............

>Government has already paid Omar Khadr $10.5M: Source

>Speaking strictly on condition of anonymity, a source familiar with the situation said the Liberal government wanted to get ahead of an attempt by two Americans to enforce a massive U.S. court award against Khadr in Canadian court.

So fucking scumbag.
Who cares this guy killed American soldiers and their widows have sued him for 131 Million.
They\re Americans and deserve it.

Fuck I hate living in this country

Drink your fucking face off
Do cocaine
Do heroin
Die from Fentanyl

>'Stupidest possible day': Nenshi advocating against Canada Day marijuana bash

>Mayor Naheed Nenshi already has concerns about particulars of the city's stance on marijuana legislation and rules, but in the wake of this Canada Day, he's also dissing the federal government's plan to legalize weed on the same day as many Canadians will be taking to the streets in red white and maple leaf regalia.

Guy is worried about weed, when most Canadians are consuming body poisoning levels of alcohol and amphetamines.

People in this country are so fucking stupid.
Drink like fishes
Do cocaine and crack

HATE weed

>Darrrr I drank a 26er of rum, fought the whole bar, got my asskicked, spent the weekend in jail and facing 10 criminal charges now. At least I don't smoke pot eh??

He dindu nuffin wrung!!!!

>'He was a sweetheart:' Mother of man who died in Halifax police custody speaks out

>dem BAD Po-lice is always arresting us eh?? We just tryin to drink and diddle to our fiddle music eh?? Leave us alone eh?? Who cares if we like to do the crime sometimes eh?? We dindu muffin wrung!!!

Canadians are white niggers
I'm half-Canadian
Probably why I refuse to work and get all boastful for no reason.............

Canadians didn't live like Pioneers!!!
>Researchers dig into forgotten shanty town in Mill Creek Ravine

>It might feel like a serene escape from the city, but the Mill Creek Ravine was once occupied by a meat-packing plant and shanty town where disabled First World War veterans neighboured with low-paid industrial workers.

Disabled vets
Shanty town

People are treating it like an archeological dig site from the 1800s.

>Capital Pride won't stop officers from marching in uniform

Who fucking cares!! They've covered this "story" for like a week now.
Why does anyone fucking care??

No one cares, all your articles are from a shitty subway paper published by the Toronto (((Star)))

>Yet another awkward handshake: Trump with Poland's 1st lady

Get a life, you sad fuck Canadians..............

Anytime someone tries to talk Donald Trump to me, I say
>No Donald Trump here bud. We\re in Canada. We got Justin Trudeau running our country. I live in Canada. No idea what happens in America. I live in Canada. Canada isn't America. Trump has nothing to do with Canada

And they get a sad look on their face, cause you can tell they were ready to get all 'BAD DRumpf" on the subject

You cared enough to write that.Also bumped the thread.

Thanks dumb ass.

Canadians, can't do anything right.

>No one cares

these threads are great news aggregation nodes

>i tried so hard and got so far.mp3

'Greater Toronto Area home sales plunge 37.3% in June despite a jump in listings'

>deranged """italian""" out of the psych ward again
take your meds kiddo

This looks like Australia, lad.

Don't Want To Pay-ada
>Ailing retail giant Sears Canada seeks to suspend retirees' benefits

Ah well ya see eh, the money guys at the top who own the company, like their money, so screw the people who worked for em, eh??
Look pal, in Canada, you gotta take care of yourself first eh?? Especially if you're a richer eh?

>Canada's financial regulator calls for ban on bundled loans
>The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions also proposed rules requiring a stress test for all uninsured mortgages
-financial post

>in the end it doesn't even matter.mp3

CBC and Metronews should take their pills too I guess, for posting all these HORRIBLE UNTRUE LIES about Canada and Canadians, eh?

my bad.

i meant to post this luxury home which is going for $2.7 million right now.

Using Canadian Word Magic:
>More sellers than ever!! Housing market heating up!!


Can't afford that?? What are you a poor loser or something??
That's a god damned MANSION, compared to the dumpster I growed up in eh??
You young folk got NO IDEA, how good you got it eh?? Jobs, money, parents spoiling their kids.
Ya I own that "house" and paid $5000 for it in 1950.
It's worth 2.3 Million cause I say so!!


900k homes are now up in value -130k to 770k since march. What a country! best country on earth bud you better fuckin love it.

I'm too poor at the moment to consider home ownership, so it doesn't bother me if Boomers are getting fucked on their "investment"

Once they all die off, take whatever house isn't occupied.
20,000,000 of 35,000,000 are going to die soon.
I say 40 years, giving the 50 year olds till 90. Most are over 65+
Go outside, it's nothing but fucking old people.

More jobs added to Canada in May
Unemployment also rises
>Update: Sears Canada to cut 2,900 jobs as part of restructuring plan

Just shifting things around eh?? No worries. Those 2,300 can work Tim Hortons or something eh?
Shoulda went to University, like me and gotten a real job. Not my fault eh??
Now they're on welfare, taking my tax money!
God damned losers!!

>Meet the man who's growing Toronto's urban surf scene

>The Brazilian native
WOW, a NON-Canadian, in Canada, doing something. Canadians sure as fuck don't.

>In the water, Lennert tries to promote inclusivity rather than the fiercely protective localism that some surf breaks around the world have developed. After all, with the Great Lakes’ combined coastline running 12 times the length of California and four times that of the United States’ east coast, Lennert says there’s plenty of room.

Don't forget to mention America, and then figure out a way to use word magic, so Canada is better.

Canadian stats and figures are always juked to fuck. None of the data can be taken at face value.

You have to take it at face value. Asking questions in Canada leads to you being called names or being beat up.

Drunk Canadian Retard on plane gets Fighter Jet Escort
>U.S. fighter jets scrambled after 'unruly' passenger disrupts Montreal-Cuba flight

Canada got no fighter jets? What's the problem eh?? TOO POOR or something??

>Two small town brothers playing airsoft spurs ‘heavy’ RCMP response

Fun: Not allowed. Your fellow citizens will rat you out

that hunter who reported them is an asshole and an idiot. In the article it explains that the brothers spoke with the hunter and even showed the hunter the air soft gun, explaining its purpose. The hunter still reported them.

Any firearm owner that isn't a dumbass would know how to tell if a gun is real. I think this hunter just wanted to get these kids in trouble, or possibly shot.


you're bac. hurrah.

Ya Canadians are scumbag fucking loser, who take joy out of causing others problems,.

Fuck I hate Canadians.

Just junk, trash, shit people.

Beep boop beeeeeep
Thanks Archivebot

>No Problem
In a robot voice

Call the South Africans!!!!
>100 Mile House fire grows to 500 hectares, evacuation orders issued

That joke will die, when all Canadians are dead.

>Huge fire
>refuses help from everyone
>Calls in South African "firebeaters"
>South Africans leave within a week over pay dispute

I can't even begin to explain how fucking cringe that is.

Canadian pay was so shitty, they'd rather go back to South Africa broke.

fucing baizu why won't you just fucking obey. reeee

>Chinese investors 'lack patience' for Canadian infrastructure rules: envoy

Chinese people don't have a right to vote in China. Admirable.


A deeply disturbed young man': What we know about Hannah Leflar's killer

Deeply disturbed?? He's a normal Canadian.
This was a prison colony for deranged lunatics and murderers.

That Karla Hamolka bitch, helped rape and kill her OWN SISTER.
She's now wifed up to some rich dude, who can afford to send their kids to private school.
Private School. Not Free. Not Cheap.

Some rich ass sick fuck, has kids with a woman who helped rape and murder her own sister.

Kid is a normal Canadian...........

I'm out for today, feel free to keep the thread running.

Just remember:
>Life goes on, time goes by, people you once knew, seem strange to the eye.