You can't deny this

You can't deny this.

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Like churches do or don't I'm confused

Same sex marriage produces kids , gay ones don't , gay marriage does not deserve equal rights.
The end

marraige and the tax advantages it gives you is a right for people that produce offsprings, future workes and a actual future for society.
Marriage and the tax breaks are not for couples that cant produce children and only consume their entire lives without leaving any offspring that balances this out. IMO of course but their needs to be a advantage to couples that take it on them and actually produce members to society.

gays can adopt, you ignorant bigot

Churches can't get married

because cock sucking is a religion
fags demand recognition for it
fags base their whole identity on their victim complex
disgusting mental illness that should be kept away from children.
angry not enough attention is being showered on them for cum guzzling.

>faggots please stop using your butthole as a race card. just because they are similar does not mean you can use a preference as a social crutch. This is mental illness.

Gay marriages can't produce kids.

God I hope not. Churches aren't taxed so they don't have legitimate role in government.

>muh nature
What a weak mind.

Churches aren't taxed for a variety of reasons, partially so they don't "officially" interfere in the democratic process, partially because of their charity work. Fuck off faggot.

Marriage serves to secure a stable two-parent home for the children to come.
Homosexuals don't have kids, so why must they marry?
Equalising the playing field disrespects its purpose.

So I guess businesses should not pay taxes either?

But letting gay people marry is tax evasion by default, so you having the right to dodge a tax which is a privilege granted to married couples for they are supposed to feel slightly eased in a financial sense because they are expected to have kids and raise another taxpayer.


well it's just kind of gay

I don't but by that logic there is no white male privilege either. However you still need a new amendment to the constitution.

It would be about equal rights if straight people had the right to marry the same sex, but gay people didn't. That's not the case. Gay people can have a regular marriage just like everyone else, so they have same rights as anyone else. What they want is a redefinition of marriage.


>Homosexuals don't have kids, so why must they marry?
They do though
Ever heard of adoption?

You are for total market deregulation but you oppose gay marriage?
lol what kind of logic is that?

Aren't churches non-profit?

I don't think gays should be raising children, but if they must, then that should be the only time they are awarded marriage rights.

Although I'd say that the state has no business in marriage anyway.

In the meantime we don't live in that economic environment.

>Same sex marriage produces kids.
No they dont

Ever heard of the death rates due to HIV?
Ever heard of the split ups?
Kids that get adopted by homosexuals typically end up in a single-dad environment, and likely a whorish dad too.
I don't think kids should get adopted by fags for those reasons, and to diminish the value of marriage by making it a joke is degenerate.

So make your own gay religion, stupid.

Why would churches pay taxes? Property tax? Income tax? Ministries aren't businesses.

They are as non-profit as working as politician is for the greater good.

Wake up.

faggots are a danger to society

Because have a wonderful reputation for their relationship with children....
Why doesn't the state just start handing out free kids to convicted sex offenders?

I'm #WOKE now, thanks

Apples and oranges.

Marriage is a religious sacrament. The fact that you then later sign papers for the separated state to indentify you as married is irrelevant, for it is nothing more than a union.
Ergo there isn't a single married fag couple out there. For no legitimate church would marry them.

It's also hard to deny that Anon5 keeps getting shilled. A larper wouldn't be getting attacked like that.

Dumb gypsy, there is no same sex marriage

Privilege would be special programs to promote homosexuality in schools. Wait a second...

No they do not. No sensible government allows for an innocent child to grow up in such a depraved and unnatural environment

>fucking kids and dogs isn't a privilege
>having sex isn't a privilege
>marriage isn't a privilege

Gay marriage is privilege. Every gay man has as much right to marry a woman as every other man, allowing them to also marry men puts them above straight men in the law. And not just churches, every religion's place of worship is exempt from tax.

Homos make great parents

While there are some people born gay and some people born straight, there is a huge swath of people in the middle that can be swayed by culture.

The current gay culture will encourage some people who would have married and had kids to have no kids. Even the people who end up "straight," may end up experimenting more and partying more. They won't grow out of this until their 30s, if ever. By that time, the women will be dried up, having maybe one kid at most.

The problem isn't so much the gay revolution as it is the sexual revolution. Its end result will be that the white race is bred out of existence. The Jews are literally genociding the West and most whites are willing participants.

In an ideal society, there would be no gay marriage. That's not to say that there shouldn't be ways for gays to discreetly have relationships. Once again, some people are born that way. It's just white gays need to realize that there are more important things that gay marriage, such as the survival of the white race.

I personally don't agree with gay marriage, but your logic is flawed and that's a terrible argument to make. Someone will point out a straight man can also get gay married

>murrican sherlock using 'logics'
privilege: getting treated special because of a certain condition..
white privilege = hiring Chad instead of Ahmed or Tyrone if they are all qualified the same.
Using very basic logic:
Gay privilege = Hiring somebody just because he is gay if they are all qualified the same.

Do. you. understand. the. difference?

Not helping your cause, degenerate shit eating faggot.

Hopefully not. For a healthy development, a kid needs a father and a mother. That's the law of nature.

Tax exemption is hush money



Marriage is not a right.

Yes i can, marriage is based on a religions institution not a constitutional right. For that fact, no one straight or gay as the RIGHT to get married. It being a right would imply you are entitled to it meaning i can randomly pick a person and say, im marrying this person and there is nothing they can do as it is my right to.

Marriage is a privilege shared between a man and a women because that privilege is granted to them by the church.

In the eyes of the government any two people should be allowed to get a civil union for tax and insurance purposes, but its not marriage.

My church is always donating money to charity and going on mission trips to help those in need. Why should they pay taxes?

It's true. I'm a liberal and I think gays should be allowed to same sex marry because people should be free to do whatever they want to do with their own time and resources no matter how perverse or retarded it is (unless it hurts other people).

That being said 1) they shouldn't get special snowflake benefits from the government on taxpayer money and 2) they shouldn't be able to harass other people's businesses with muh oppression if they refuse to serve gay people due to their personal beliefs.

if I don't get to marry the woman I love have my rights been violated?

>I think gay marriage should be allowed
>Dont want to give them special treatment
Pick one, you literally cant half both, because if you give it to them you are giving them special treatment.
>Dont want them to harass
This is what happens when you pick option one.

Marriage, from a state perspective, is a method of subsidizing/incentivizing a population increase.
You can complain about DINKs if you want, but there is literally no reason to give marriage incentives to gays.

>subsidizing/incentivizing a population increase

you misspelled "steal shit from suckers"

Kick sign over

Faggots eternally BTFO by a nigger!

Are you talking about tax benefits to married couples that would be wasted on the homos? Simple solution to that. Limit the tax breaks to couples that actively raise their own children. This also has the effect of saving tax dollars spent on childless normal couples that receive tax breaks for no apparent reason.

i can ignore it

and successfully (:

Im talking about you cant say, "I dont think we should give them special treatment" and "I think they should be able to marry." Those two things are exclusive, you are giving them special treatment by allowing them to marry.

nice passive aggressiveness in the last sentence

Tell that to Creflo Dollar or the entire Kennith Copeland minsistry conglomerate.

this is correct

Same sex marriage is gay marriage you dumb cunt lol

I didn't know tumblrfags can go out and write shit in public.

Amazing parents ones

Okay but I don't believe that everyone needs, deserves or ultimately can have equal rights.

So... where do we go from here?

Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

don't worry West, you can't sink below anymore

So basically...
Affirmative action?

In my country there's benefits to being married. Insurance, pensions and what not. I don't see why these couples can't have the same percs. A number of gay couples hAve been together for years. They're still sexual deviants in my eyes but realistically there isn't any reason not to allow them to marry.

>You can't deny this.
Don't talk to homosexuals because they are degenerate, ergo I'm unable to deny anything they say.

In my opinion homosexuals don't exist so acknowledging their radical theories or arguing against them is just further trickery by (((liberals))).

It ain't their own kid

Was thinking you know how churches don't pay taxes and to be recognised as a church 3000 people must say it's their religion in a census. So whybdont people organise and write in each others names as a religion in a census to the point where everyones a religion. Could be funny.

501(c)(3) retards. learn to read.

i know a lot of gay ppl who don't pay taxes but it's cause they donate more and are more involved in community outreach efforts.

We should taxes religious institutions. Especially synangogues and mosques.