You can only post itt if your country won both world wars

You can only post itt if your country won both world wars.
Show some pride

this is now a British Empire thread.

France is excluded as the legal successor state to the 4th republic surrendered.

Proud to be a winner

>Winning wars

>You can only post itt if your country fought on both sides in a world war

Pretty sure you're alone there maaaate

France even surrendered to us. Then they joined us to defeat Germany.

Pyrrhic victories count?

You can't lose wars if you side with the ones who are winning

we also switched sides just before it ended

you just can't keep up to our level of ironic diplomacy

Hey you guys won those wars too?

italy and it's politicians has always been sly. As here the best way to become important is becoming sly and defeating your enemies without fighting physically

what if my country didn't participate in world wars?

I suppose staying out of both of them and selling shit to all sides is winning.

werent you still a colony back then?

nope for ww2, Egypt got its independence from the british in 1922


Reporting in.
Daily reminder to vote Salvini (still, Casapound is a more than acceptable alternative) in the next elections, italianons.

what do you think about m5s?
