Give me ONE reason you didnt vote for her

Give me ONE reason you didnt vote for her


Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking ONE.


Because it's her.

Don't want a woman president

Donald J. Trump

She stuck by Bill. A rapist

Woman are weak

Gurlz r gross

I'm not a filthy United Statian.

You have to admit it was pretty funny.

Because she was a shit candidate?

Women shouldn't even be voting, let alone running for office

Because Gary Johnson was also on the ballot.


She's a woman. Women are not smart enough for politics.

I'm danish

Her kill list is really long man.

Comey reopening the email investigation.

Because I'm not a gullible retard



Women shouldn't be leaders

it wasn't her turn

Didn't line up with my faith.

Imagine eight more years of buttercups getting their way.


Women make shit leaders.

getting a rapist of a twelve year old girl off, admitting she knew he was guilty, laughing about it, money laundering, haiti, child trafficking, straight up murder, seth rich, vince foster, waco, the flip flopping and pandering, the blatant racism, the disconnection with reality, the spasms, the question dodging, benghazi, not giving a fuck about the troops, hating people that serve her, clinton foundation, dealing with countries that explicitly go against things she claims to stand up for. this list could fucking go on and on

I'm not a smelly >60%

Because Hillary's policies were part of the slippery slope that made Trump a serious threat, while Bernie's policies were generally good.

Unfortunately, she won the primary and when the general came along there was the choice between the senile crazy person who wants to ruin my country and a center-rightist, so I had to go center-right and vote Hillary.

Only really good reason. Pity Stein went nationalist, I used to respect her.

Created ISIS

Voted third party like a true American

I am not a amerifat

Putting a woman in power is the worst thing you could do to your country, look at germany, look at south Korea

Gun control

Simple. She's a woman.

She believes that video games turn people into psychopaths with no emotions and no empathy who will murder on a whim.

Hillary may not remember what the fuck she was doing as a Senator, but user never forgets and never forgives unrepentant bullshitters.

Hi, ShariaBlue.

Because i'm not american.

Because she faced no penalties for lying under oath, to Congress.
I can't make the justice system apply their laws to people, but I can vote. If she is above the law, it's not the person I desire to lead us. I would vote for anyone who runs against her until my time on earth ends.

The illegal Brazilians bus got a flat on the way to the polling station

We were promised punch and pie...never got it

Because OP is a fag.

she fucking eats children

She's a national security risk.
She was planning on dissolving the southern border, and forcing the "north american union" on unwiling citizens.
She is not a leader.
She is a terrible politician.
She is a terrible negotiator
... so much more