Why does he do this when trying to shake hands...

Why does he do this when trying to shake hands? Any body-language expert would tell you not to do this if you want to maintain the high ground. He does this every single time with world leaders.

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He does that because it's confusing. No one shakes hands like that. By setting up a handshake in an unusual manner, he puts the hand shakee in an uncomfortable position. It knocks them off their guard momentarily, allowing him to assert himself as the alpha dog in that moment, making them go at his pace. It sets a precedent for the rest of the meeting.

dunno dude, but it doesn't look submissive to me.

By going for the handshake first it makes the other person look weird, since he will be able to keep his chest open while the other has to come with his hand across, which is a more defensive position.

The palm up maximizes the weirdness for the other person I think

chimpanzees make this same gesture when they're basically asking for forgiveness after beating the shit out of another chimp or something

this is Trump's way of apologizing for winning so much

It's a mindfuck/don't give a fuck/put her thar kind of attitude. If you really read into it, it's a mindfuck, and he comes out on top. It's conciliatory and, by being conciliatory, he's demonstrating he is in the position mentally to do so.

Cause trump is a big fat bitch cuck that's why

>winning so much

Does he hire body language experts to tell him to do these things?

The left would rather see him fail than America succeed, as his son put it

He is actually offering them something that is invisible

With his open hand, he is extending a small amount of pride and integrity

All cucked European leaders refuse to accept such an offer

>caring about what people think as opposed to results
this is why everyone laughs at you, leaf

>cherry picking this hard

Slap me some skin, little cuck.

>The right would rather see him fail than America succeed

It's called mediation. 4d chess

>body language expert
please tell me you don't listen to these fucking goons

Its a Power play, Offer the inferior position then grasp with the other hand. He dose it all the time.

Learn to interact with people you stupid Dane

>it's in the form a high five
>it's folksy
>he's reaching out to them, asking for something of them (in this case a handshake. but it's important to get people in the right mindset to make deals)

He failed.

king leafs legs are close together, and his arms and hands are closed off even his fingers are interlocked, body is limp resting on the arm of the chair. And (you) think god emperor reaching out to the timid king leaf is not maintaining the high ground?

he did it with putin today too. he's just letting him have a pity "top" handshake. nearly all people he does this to seem very reticent to accept even though they'd appear to be in the position of power

it's just posturing nonsense really. might as well flop the old wad out

you have to go back faggot

Right wing retards think 16 million jobs and 4.6% unemployment is failure. That's how fucked up you morons are.

(((approval rating)))

You made Trump's chin smaller and Trudeau's nose and chin bigger. Well, I like your logic.

deumpfy-daddy also had a .797898% chance of winning didn't you know?

This is why no one can take you leafs seriously. You're all just daft.

>i know you are but what am i

Its inverted psychological pressure.
By breaking normal codes forces forces the other party to expose their true hand (power level).

Barack Obama led to the rise of Donald Trump and the reddit-right. Anybody who could lead to the rise of such a monster deserves to be acknowledged as a failure (or an evil genius secretly planning to destroy society).

I want Trump to learn that Justin Castrudeau is the son of Fidel Castro, and I want him to make a tweet about it.

I mean, so would the right if Clinton was elected.

A Murican called me Dane. Sugoi. Some of them aren't retarded.

no bitch, it's called luring you into a false sense of "trumpcurity" before ripping your head off and shitting down you windpipe.

Because his America is not in our hest interests. Sorry but selling children, weapons all while being pro killing of law enforcement is why everyone wanted him to fail.

Also being king nigger doesn't help

Usd,Canadian funny money from Jan to now exchange rates /thread

>giving obamaleaf (you)s

ayyy lmao is this true? he does look like him.

Just imagine yourself, open hand gesture with your palm looking slightly upwards. Looking around at your environment.

It's generally a request for help, and it can be submissive.

Think back to Bernie speeches, with his gesturing hand always facing downward, expressing that his case is not open to discussion and that he's very settled.

But for this specific case always watch how he handles the handshake, while it's happening.


He is "submissive" to make them comfortable with shaking his hand. Then he alpha-dogs them on the handshake. It's a trap.


look a trudeau, he looks like he would take anal from trump

He sticks his hand in peoples space then pulls his hand back into his very quickly. Its almost like a frog tongue hitting a fly.


>reading into the body language of "world leaders" who have been coached and groomed for life in the public eye while they interact with each other in front of cameras


I know this is probably bait, but i'm gonna respond anyway, obama took office at the height of our recession, the only way he possibly could have not had job growth was if he was the worst leader in Western History. The reason hes a bad leader is because a good leader, or even a goat, or paperweight could have created more jobs in that time by staying out of the way of the market. P.S.(I hate how i sound like an ancap)

>Any body-language expert would tell you not to do this if you want to maintain the high ground.


Even the cucks at the BBC are calling a win for the don. Get FUCKED.


>body language experts
>putting your hand on top is a power move
Lmao no. The Trump handshake position is what you do when you're leading a girl onto the floor ballroom or Latin dance, and sometimes during the dances as well. Pay attention the next time you shake a woman's hand, your hand will almost always be underneath hers.

There is no smoking gun that proves it is true, but if you look at the facts, it may as well be.

Justin Trudeau's 'father' Pierre Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada between 1968 to 1980. Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret Trudeau made a lot of headlines back in the day about various affairs with her husband.

One of those affairs is speculated to be Fidel Castro. She may have actually carried his child.

Those similarities are quite striking....

It's not submissive, its a show of openness/honesty. It's pretty well known that that is what open palms indicate. Submission is more about being closed off

Trump has a reputation of being a blowhard and domineering. Of taking over a space and bowling people over. Foreign leaders surely would be tentative while first meeting him

The open palm gesture is a disarming move. It's like going into a situation ready for a fight and found the adversary just wants to have a couple of pints and a good time.

The move would likely put foreign leaders off balance and more likely to find him endearing afterwards

He's showing his hand (literally) it means he doesn't have a thing to hide. You should look into more in depth body language websites before looking like a dumb nigger.

Republicans crash the economy. Democrats thrive the economy. That's my point.

u know that wasn't a poll right


>body-language experts
shouldn't they be the most powerful people in the world? like if they could read minds or some shit

It's a one two punch like :
Step one "I'm a little bitchboy please Shakey my hand"
Step two clap left hand over back of their right hand locking in hand sandwich and loom over subject

It's literally a "I come in peace" gesture because he's literally an outsider.

>because it's confusing

THIS 100%
I'm the farthest thing from a Trump fanboy but I can't help but kek heartily at these shut-in slovenly NEETs who try to critique the body language of one of the most successful negotiators in the world... when they themselves can't even look another person in the eye IRL without stuttering, shuffling their feet and putting their hands in their pockets or flipping their fidget spinner.

It's the equivalent of what we used to do in high school in the early 90's (yeah, I'm almost 40)... where we'd put our hand out for a "fist bump" or high-5 and then pull it back before contact and run out hand through our hair or say

Fucking shut-ins need to stop commentating on the habits and behaviors of functional humans.

Alrighty then daddy-o

the right really just wanted him to stop going and endorsing every dindu nigger that caved someones head in

My guess it that it's because an underhand grip gives you more leverage than an overhand grip. Trying doing reverse curls and you'll know what I mean.

>according to our Sample-pool of 100 REGISTERED USERS AT SALON.COM

lol right wing retards are fucking hilarious

u cucks are in such denial

>the right is this fucking delusional

This. Even if the person recognizes it for what it is, like Putin did, they are still compelled to have to go for it because if they don't they lose face with others as a result of refusing the welcoming gesture.

I don't remember being called. Has anybody you know been called? (((Statistics))) are bullshit, didn't you learn that last year?

He only did it twice. It's just a gesture of goodwill in low pressure environments.

>I don't know how polls work

the post

You have to go back shareblue

>Real Clear Politics
a literal Soros funded (((journalistic outfit)))
is where Salon gets their "data" from

GTFO fagtard.

The largest sample size here is 2000, which is a relatively small sample size. I assume the letters after are for states? I'm not ameican, are they polling lefty states only or a mix of both?

Hint: he didn't get where he is listening to "experts" and their cock-gagging sycophants like you.

I swear you psychology majors are fucking retarded and the reason the world is so unclear. All these interpretations, fuck. Just like that stupid pic with the author talking about blue curtains being interpreted like some depressive shit.

I'm going to offer you this hand shake fake viking bro and then I'm going to knock your cuck ass the fuck out. In a submissive way of course! :^)

>His enemies call him a bully
>He Hugs people and is humble when shaking hands

Not everything is a dick measuring contest, he wants to get these stuffed suits to the negotiating table so he can Trump them there.

Nice info graphic there. What was the dot com bubble?

>alpha dog
>knocks them off
>making them go at his pace
dude, he's 70yo orangutan with tiny hands

he was doing the old down low-too slow trick


user if you look how he shakes to me it looks like he "handy caps" himeself and show that he still gets "donimanace", like, see even though I appear nice "DONT FUCK WITH ME".

>I think that (((pollsters))) are infallible.

a hilarious right wing retard meme

Denmark... whats denmark?

I guess if you ignore those pesky facts and details you might have a point.

Oh no. Not the crystal ball that is RCP!

>hurr he puts his palm up when he shakes hands, that means he's a betamale - t. behavioral scientist rebecca goldsteinberg

Kill yourself op

Seems like an open gesture of friendship that an insecure faggot would be too insecure to make and scrutinize others for.

Obama lost over 1000 democrat seats across America. He has been the biggest liberal failure in American history.

...who happens to be a multi-billionaire real estate mogul with one of the most succesful tv shows in modern times and who achieved one of the biggest political upsets in US history to become the most powerful elected official in the world.

Oops. That last one should've been Wisconsin.

Right wing retards have somehow convinced themselves that Based Bill Clinton is the first and only president to have technological innovation during his presidency. This is hilarious to me. You people are so fucking stupid.

Lol right wing retards with their most retarded meme ever. Muh dot com. Who programmed all u retards with this meme?

The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com?

Bush had much faster computers, internet and "dot coms". He still crashed the economy.

You've never shaken hands like that before or at least started a handshake either over or underhand? Happens all the time here, especially when sitting.

Lol, the same polls that said Trump had %3 chance to win the presidency. LOL. (((polls)))

Either government jobs took a huge loss or that chart is lying considering there were less jobs in 2010 than there were in the years before.

In fact jobs didn't actually get created until 2014, and a lot of jobs became part time because businesses didn't want to pay for stupid Obamacare so they did what they always do and found a loophole

Looks like the national polls were dead on. Thanks for proving my point retard.

> Not the crystal ball that is RCP!

You know RCP aggregates polls right?

Fuck u retards are dumb af

He's a master

Left creates spread, Right eliminates spread. The purpose of economics is to reduce spread, not create it. You are the ultimate middlemen.

holds his hand out for money like a jew. Suprised maple syrup didnt get on his knees and start blowing the emperor of mankind.

No he didn't. Lol are you retards this dumb? Wtf does Obama have to do with state legislatures?

lol u retards are fucking hilariously stupid. u know that wasn't a poll right? how can u retards actually be this fucking dumb?