Is it even worth moving to poland at this point or is it just a matter of time before it falls to jews and muslims too...

is it even worth moving to poland at this point or is it just a matter of time before it falls to jews and muslims too? do i have to move to russia or something

No guns, so not

Czech has guns so Czech yes

Poland isn't economically independent. So think of it like Germany is a pimp and Poland is the hooker.

Essentially the Pole is a crude sketch of a European man, and as such his nation is a crude sketch of a European nation.

At a glance his pasty skin may give one the impression that he is indeed a White Man, albeit a rather sickly one. However closer inspection of his facial features and physical traits, and analysis of his character betrays all manner genetic corruption owing to millennia of Asiatic conquest and subjugation.

Czech is packed with gypsies. They all move here.

Holy shit checked my nigger

>before it has fallen for the jews

well, son, i've got news for you

I wouldn't recommend moving here, just come for a tour, don't fall for the memes, ameribro

Yes we are full and also so many gypsies here (but we are trying send them to your island secretly).It looks like animal planet.You could move to Germany they have free space for you.

Fuck off, we're full.

>indeed a White Man, albeit a rather sickly one
I lived in bongland for a bit and been to the slav lands. You bongs are the sickliest fucks I have ever seen and Slavs are up there with OZ ubermensh for virility.

Poland is rightful American clay.

First you should take a look at the language. It's fucking complicated. 6 cases, 7 persons and way more letters, spoken or unspoken. Then think again about moving to Poland, i don't think they will like you if you can't speak the language.

how about fighting for your homeland asshole?


america isnt a homeland

im norwegian/slovenian lol

Question still stands
Why won't you then defend Norway or Slovenia?

Why should we ever take such stray dog as you into our country?

Good double

>Lives in the land of the free...(markets)
>wants to move into pooland
Are you retarded, OP?

>america isnt a homeland
why the fuck isn't it? trace your dna if you want to be autistic about it, but there is no reason to flee to a country that you don't belong in just because yours is fucked up. thay makes you no better than the muslim hordes infecting europe.

You literally copied and pasted this in 3 different threads.

Fucking Angloid.

Czech here, no want any amerifat here

Russia has one of the biggest shitskin populations in Europe, you dumb burger. And it's even poorer than Poland.

>is it even worth moving to poland
No. We are full.

>do i have to move to russia
Yes, do this. Russia is Sup Forums's dreamland - you'll love living there.

>fighting for (((america)))

Good goy.

And what's up with the idea that Russia is not under jews?
They took control back in 1917.

Move to Poland all you like. But leave your fucking degenerate ideologies and behaviours at the door.

If you like being slave who works for 2$/h, we welcome

>still forces his daughter to wear rag on head

Stpo being so honest pls

if they stay there, they can put a rag on their dick if i'm concerned

Please move to Poland, and keep us updated. I'm sure you will have an excellent experience there!

Also find a "white" wife and make lots of white children. Poland is utopia!!!

Switzerland is rightful Portuguese land now

You won't even get in with a PhD portunigger. The doors to heaven are closed for you. Go to spain or Italy and try your luck there.

Or move to Poland!!!!! It's the new U T O P I A !!!!!

Just need to live with seeing 24/7 slavic rat faces