Hey guys you do know that the 13th amendment allows the state to basically use prisoners as free labor right...

Hey guys you do know that the 13th amendment allows the state to basically use prisoners as free labor right? I don't see anything problematic practicality wise or morally in using prisoners in the United States or even from foriegn countries as slave labor to build our buildings and tanks and houses and factories and vehicles and ships and machines and whip them when they aren't doing shit right.

We have more prisoners than any other country in the world and I say we take this into our economic advantage and use them as free labor to build that afformentioned materials.

Every civilization that had slavery used slaves as a means of not having to pay for building beautiful buildings and awesome architecture and technology. Why the fuck should you pay money to have your home built and your roads built and buildings built and pipes built and clothing made by greedy private companies when the government can use the prisoners to do all that without spending any money and it would be easy on the tax payer because you won't have to pay prisoners.

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I think they should be paid (half minimum wage or something) and be given proper recognition/qualification for their work so when they get out they can join the workforce and be productive members of society.

It would still be extremely cheap, legal labour, while also improving ex-con chances of fitting back into society and not relapsing on crime.

>hey guys, let's take the subset of the population stupid enough to commit crimes and use them to build things we depend on!

This is why we don't want you as a state.

I have a better idea: we ship all of our prisoners to Puerto Rico. You'll be our Australia, but even shittier.


You're forgetting that there would be overseers ready to crack a whip on them if they get out of line.

They'll get paid in the most minimal amount of cheapest food possible.

>You're forgetting that there would be overseers ready to crack a whip on them if they get out of line.

Right, I forgot whipping someone magically adds a couple of points to their IQ. That's why our African descendants of slaves are so intelligent.


The problem is that this creates a financial incentive for the state to put people in prison and keep them in prison as long as possible.

Then what if we imported prisoners from Africa?

Cant tell if you're joking but that's literally the idea behind slavery, which as history shows was fucking stupid

Slavery wasn't stupid for the Egyptians and Persians and the romans.

yeah not doing shit yourselves brought you the niggers into country that you have now. XDD Get fucked.

>free labor
they get paid for their work. it's a pittance, but its still more than zero.

No Jews did that

niggerjewfaggots kek

>I don't see anything problematic practicality wise or morally in using prisoners in the United States or even from foriegn countries as slave labor
Are you an idiot? How can you not see how this creates a perverse incentive to put more people in jail? Ideas like this are literally Red China levels of stupidity.

Eventually some lanky bearded fuck will be elected President and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans so he can set the African prisoners free, who will proceed to pillage our major cities for generations.

Educate yourself.

Oh they'll get paid but in the cheapest and minimal amount of food possible.

>I don't see anything problematic practicality wise or morally in using prisoners in the United States or even from foriegn countries as slave labor

Ok the state ups incarceration rates and we have 10 million working for free. Now tell me how that effects your job security.

There's only been one successful slave revolt and that was just because some french retard gave toussaint louverture military education.

China's is probably doing something right then.

I'm talking about utilizing all the prisoners we have and using them the same way ancient Egypt used their slaves and build homes and factories and everything in society without spending money.

The primary problem with slavery is that it undercuts the wages of manual labor. This disincentivizes technological development and the employment of citizens.


Then you force the prisoners to work on the metals and extracting and gathering the heavy materials that skilled and professional engineers map out and other stuff.

Yeah this should be common sense, heck prisoners would probably prefer having a project rather than rotting in their cells with nothing all day

I'm not a big fan of prison. It might be better to give criminals a few lashes or time in the stocks and send them on their way, if they haven't done something worth execution. If the goal of prison is reform, it's not working. If the goal is extremely cheap labor, it's a bad goal.

>give every prisoner a sharp metal object
>don't expect them to start shanking guards

Because we can use the Army Corps of Engineers for big jobs. There's not much work that prisoners can do that will be safe for them and for the public. It needs to be unskilled (most prisoners are uneducated), it needs to be safe (most prisoners are there because of violent crimes).

Also they have little motivation to do a good job - as long as they're technically "working," they get time reductions of their sentence.

Trump probably has this plan too when it comes to our wall. Im going to love it when we start arresting antifa and then making them build it.

>did you guys know that the state said its ok for the state to use slaves
>because the state is my moral authority, its ok for this to happen.

frick off

This architecture looks kind of weird, I would like to know why they chose such an irregular shape.

How the fuck are we the "land of the free" when we have the highest prison population per capita of anywhere on the planet?

What if a prisoner says no I'm not going to work for you?

Is slavery legal?

yes, prisoners have no rights

It's not like you can make them work. Sure, they may get in trouble, but you can't force them to work.

They usually don't force you to work. You earn a few pennies an hour so you can buy hot cocoa and shit from the commissary. The main motivation is that you get credit for working. They take time off your sentence, like normally 1 day in prison = 1 day served. but 1 day on good behavior can = 2 days served, and 1 day on good behavior while working can = 3 days served.

Slavery is basically communism. So if anyone wants communism, they should be sent to prison- Sound fair?
>Guaranteed Employment
>Equal Pay and Food for all
>Free Shelter and Medical Treatment
Explain why this isnt a good deal?

Because their crimes have limited the freedoms of others. Shooting someone takes away their right to life, blocking a freeway limits their right to free movement..

These other anons are ignorant. In almost every case if you refuse to work, you'll be deemed antisocial or uncooperative and shunted into solitary