Pan-Turanism, not Islam, Motivated the Armenian Genocide

Pan-Turanism, not Islam, Motivated the Armenian Genocide

idgaf about this thread, but what fuck it that pic?

Arctic worm

Trump's final form

no, it was uppity kurds who saw land they could steal and took it. Kurds steal whenever they can. They stole from Assyrians(700's), Armenians(1915), and Syrians(2011-present).
THEY are to blame.

does not look kosher

Armenians and Jews are one in the same.

nah nigga wtf is that shit

Name of species?

What the actual fuck does that eat ? Looks carnivore, but there cant be anything in the ice ?

We've gone over this countless times. That wasn't a genocide.

Jesus that pic looks like a xenomorph

didn't the guy who coined that term basically call it that? or is this just another lie?

It lives in the Arctic Ocean

Is it poisonous?

Who cares, the definition keeps shifting too. It lost all meaning, like terrorism.

turkroach trying to undermine the genocide

roaches gawn roach

Can any fishermen tell me if this penis worm would make good bait?

eulagisca gigantea
>google to find another photo for you
>picture of condylomata gigantea shows up (hpv tumors)
I fucking hate google


Whoever eats that vile creature should be put to death.

Not sure, but it's probably from Australia.


Your image is so horrifying, I can't read what you are saying.