Holocaust Denial

I'm almost positive the holocaust did happen, but I wanna look into it to make sure. I googled "arguments against holocaust" but all I got were instruction manuals on what to do if you meet someone a "holocaust denier." Can you guys give me some evidence against the holocaust?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm almost positive OP is a faggot, but I wanna look into it to make sure. I googled "flaming homosexual faggot cakeboys" but all I got were instruction manuals on what to do if you meet someone a "queer." Can you guys give me some evidence against OP's gayness?

Here, kikes can't literally refute any of these. If their Holohoax was irtight, why would they make it illegal to even question it?

You haven't even tried to verify a single claim in that screenshot have you?

Goebbel's diary, March 27, 1942 (pp. 147-148)
>the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.

Now before people start posting about the Holocoaster, "it was real in my mind"-guy, yes, kikes have been lying their asses off for shekels and sympathy. But fake and exaggerated witness accounts doesn't disprove that it happened.

Watch the documentary ITT:

And if documents and diaries aren't good enough, have a speech by Himmler:
If you admit this speech is not fake/edited then you can't deny that they were executing Jews because they were Jews.

Nice try, the refutation is right there in the comments of the video.

Now back to the OP. A government does not decide to try to genocide a race for no reason. The best source for understanding why, and why Jews need to be stripped of all their power and fuck off to Israel, is The Culture of Critique. I promise you just the preface will blow your mind.

And they have no clue what their talking about. Are you saying "Ausrottung" means evacuation in this context? Then why does he talk about "Ausrottung" bacteria later? Why did Hitler use "Ausrottung" to explicitly mean extermination in this speech?


Why does he insist that this "Ausrottung" of the Jewish people have to remain secret, when they had been relocating Jews to palestine since 1933? Why does he compare the "Ausrottung" of the Jews to shooting their own comrades against the wall?


"... we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us."

I think I've had this convo with you before and it's low IQ idiots like you, blinded by your love for Hitler that makes the rest of us look like fools. Hitler was right, but he could've been nicer about it.

it did but it was hugely overblown and pushed beyond normal

Poland alone had 3 million jews before WW2, today it has them in thousands

the holocaust is just a kooky religion

The biggest argument against the holocaust is that you're not allowed to argue against the holocaust.
Seriously, try to think of something else you're not allowed to argue against.

Sent to middle east, rest of Europe, and America. gg Poland.

Racism against white people in MSM.

Oh you'll get in a little bit of trouble for that but lots of people do it. When's the last time you saw someone deny the holocaust loudly and publicly and not have their careers/lives destroyed?

You are in the USA. In other countries you can be legally punished yes, which is retarded and I hope some day we can have a huge re-trial of the Nuremberg trials. I'm sure a lot of things will be found "not guilty", but not the execution of at least a million people.

Oh sweet. A Holocaust Denial Thread. I was just to make a Holocaust Affirmatives one but now there's no need.
DAILY REMINDER: The Burden of Proof is on the Prosecution. You have to prove The Holocaust did happen. I don't have to prove it didn't. That's not how science works.

How do you explain the retarded Jews who say shit like "I was gassed six times" or "they were about to gas me but they noticed I was sick and took me to the hospital?" They're not saying anything horrific to demonize the Germans, they seem like they didn't quite get the message and are simply describing their time in well-ordered, Geneva-compliant work camps in the frame of the Holocaust narrative.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:



Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Found this article: andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/blog/holocaust-or-holohoax-you-be-the-judge/ hope you can make your own opinions.

last paragraph here that goes for things claimed at nuremberg too. which is why i would want a re-opening of the case. i'm still convinced gas chambers etc would be proven beyond reasonable doubt to have been used for killing


Da sufferink! Da sufferink! Da flames lickin at dere bloody haunches!

>I googled "arguments against holocaust" but all I got were instruction manuals on what to do if you meet someone a "holocaust denier.
Yeah I had similar experiences before I became a declared Nazi too.
I notice all my questions led to me being told not to look. And when I found "denial" material, the speaker/researcher was always debunked, but not his evidence/conclusions/questions (this is called "poisoning the well" - literally an "antisemtic" slur from history, look it up) which fuckin reeks of cover up. I'm sorry, but the whole thing just stinks. I can't rationally believe 6 million were slaughtered as told in popular history.
So, officially, I don't take the position that the Holocaust never happened, but rather the position that it's yet to be proven to me. And rationality, reason and logic dictate that means to assume it didn't happen until proven otherwise.






Of course the Holocaust 'happened'

What is it though? We know they were gathered in camps, and many died.

The question is was there intent? did Germany intend to systematically kill all jews in gas chambers at 'death camps'

That is what we have been told. We have altered our entire culture on this premise.

I've come to the conclusion that there has been a lot of distortion. Things are not as they have been sold. It's a sickening thing to realize. If you come to this conclusion, it is a profound thing... it changes almost everything. You start to understand that almost everything we are taught is not in fact 'the truth' but merely a 'narrative'

We have narratives that serve to benefit certain people and interests - and people are working feverishly behind the scenes to create and push them. There is a massive,sophisticated apparatus in place to cram lies/half-truths and spin down our collective throat.

Anyway read up. And never feel that a 'prestigious' publisher or an 'established' outlet is necessarily the one who is most interested in giving you the best, most unbiased information.

>I'm sure the holocaust happened
>I was there
>Everyone tells me it happened, so it happened
>So what if there's no physical evidence of it happening?
>So what if the math doesn't add up?
>Why would someone lie about a huge amount of people dying? Just so the world would hate someone else? That doesn't make any sense!
>See Iraq, Libya, and Syria
>So what if we side with rebels and interfere in civil wars that have nothing to do with us? They were GENOCIDING their own people!
>Not realizing "genocide" is a word created by Jews specifically to cause a more hyperbolic understanding of mass murder
>Supposedly 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust
>5.5 million Jews made it into the US, during the alleged holocaust
>The original number of victims was 600,000
>6,000,000 was either a typo that was never corrected and accepted as fact or an embellishment used to express the urgency of the holocaust
>Believing liars

No, that's a different category. I don't mean the wacky atrocity stories, but the ones where Jews describe the camps as normal. How the Germans treated them nicely and let them have orchestra productions. Some of those have gas chambers tacked on at the end, but are still basically about an unremarkable experience that most of the prisoners survived. The camps that had to be redefined as "transit camps."

>So what if the rooms with gas residue found in them were laundry rooms???
>See these showerheads? Gas chambers
>Ignore the fact that there's a drain in the center of the room and signs of water damage
>Ignore the fact that the FUCKING DOOR IS MADE OF WOOD
>Nazi flag
>Wanting this badly for the holocaust to be real
I bet you're either new or larping hard as fuck right now.

The holocaust as we know it never happened. Hitler's final resolution for the Jews was not murder but deportation. The "death camps" were used as internment stations. What death camps do you know of that have tennis courts, pools, medical facilities, and are located right next to popular roads and railways? Don't be fucking stupid.

The majority of the victims during the holocaust were TYPHOID victims, because of the cramped living conditions. So YES, I do believe that's Germany's fault for not being able to treat so many Jews and not being prepared but they did not purposefully kill them. If anyone meant to raise the Jewish death toll, it was the allied forces that BOMBED those camps, knowing Jews were still in them.

Oh right. Honestly I have no explanation for that. But the thing is, the Jews were treated like shit openly in Nazi Germany. Why would they treat them nicely behind closed doors? I'll grant you it's weird, but then again, I wouldn't base my view on this matter on witness accounts either way.

You're arguing like a retard so I'm not gonna bother, but I doubt a LARPer would recommend OP to read the Culture of Critique instead of diving into the rabbit hole that is Holocaust revisionism.

>Heh, look at this retard with all these valid argument points
>I better just insult his intelligence rather than explaining how he's wrong
>That way I can ignore everything that I didn't even read
>Another effortless checkmate to add to my trolling log!

I'll give you one answer though, took me a whole 10 seconds on google: "The doors presented in the attached image are not of the gas chambers but of the delousing chambers. The truth is that nobody knows exactly what the doors to the gas chambers looked like since the Nazis left no chamber in its original state (destroyed before Soviet arrival)."

You wouldn't argue with that right, cause the biggest revelation or whatever I remember from David Cole's documentary was the fact that the gas chamber at Auschwitz was presented as being in its original state, while later the director admits it isn't.

It's not "treating them nicely", it's showing discipline and maintaining order so that those prisoners that far outnumber you and your weapons don't attempt an uprising out of despair.

The majority of their poor treatment outside the camps was from Politically motivated civilians who basically had the freedom to do so.

I don't think you goys realize that regardless of whether the Holocaust being real, exaggerated or simply false, it SHOULD had been carried on:

Some Jews were treated like shit. Others served in the military. Germany was a signatory to the Geneva Accords and as the current invasion of Europe is showing, Germans are real sticklers for the rules.

Anecdotes aside, prove the Holocaust happened.

Valid point.

I believe I did prove they killed Jews in the form of a "Final solution" by citing Goebbels diary, Himmler's Posen speech, and my refutations of refutations of his speech.

>The truth is that nobody knows exactly what the doors to the gas chambers looked like since the Nazis left no chamber in its original state (destroyed before Soviet arrival)
>Let's also ignore the fact that the Soviets built smokestacks to nowhere to make the "death camps" look more ominous for no reason
>I'm sure they had a good reason, like just enjoying the way smoke stacks look or something
At least you've given some valid points instead of calling someone a retard and dismissing them. Thanks for that.

Let's say the Nazis did kill Jews. How high would you say that number would be? Damn sure it's not even in the millions, since the numbers don't add up, even in a fully automated and highly advanced 1940's Germany.

I don't know about details like Soviet chimneys, but be honest, have you looked for an answer?

I don't understand how you can deny the Final solution after listening to Himmler's posen speech I posted in the beginning of the thread, and my refutations of the refutations.

I have no idea how to calculate that number. But Auschwitz alone had 52 ovens that could fit 2 people (and 4 children), so I don't doubt they could've reached a million easily.

But yes, 6 million is bullshit.

>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.

"Ausrottung" means "uprooting."

In any event, deliberately mistranslated speeches and a diary entry are not able to be proof of a real event. Where are the bodies of gassed Jews?

You think I don't know that? Address the points in the first post you cited.

>They could have reached 1 million but 6 million is bullshit
Thanks. That's all I wanted to know.

"Ausrottung" means "uprooting." He's saying kikes are not welcome.

>(a) In August 1936 he dictated to his young secretary Christa Schroeder the text of the famous memorandum on the Four Year Plan (printed with commentary by Professor Wilhelm Treue in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 1955, at pages 184 et seq.; quoted by the plaintiff in THE WAR PATH, at page 50). In this Hitler stated that Germany must be rendered capable of waging War against the Soviet Union because 'a victory by Bolshevism would lead not to a new Versailles treaty but to the final annihilation, indeed the Ausrottung, of the German nation'. Clearly Hitler is not saying that the Bolsheviks would liquidate one hundred million Germans: but that they would subsume the nation, take it over, emasculate it -- the Germans would cease to exist as a sovereign world power.

Holy shit dude. Ausrottung means literally uprooting, but can also mean evacuation or extermination. NOW REFUTE MY FUCKING POINTS:

>He's saying kikes are not welcome.
So in that speech Hitler is saying "If the Jews think by any chance they can ignite another world war for the uprooting (evacuation) of the European races, the result will not be the uprooting (evacuation) of the European races, but the uprooting (evacuation) of Jewry in Europe". That makes no fucking sense. Replace evacuation with destruction and it makes perfect sense.

You're not even reading my posts, I don't know why I'm even responding anymore.

So how many people were actually killed in the holocaust? How many jews and how many not jews?

The quote I posted is in relation to the same subject. Hitler is not "[using] "Ausrottung" to explicitly mean extermination." He is saying Jewry will be uprooted from Europe, not killed. Suppression under Nuremberg-style laws, presumably followed by deportation. Note that Hitler mentions his complaint that Jews are a nation without a state at the end of the video, entirely in line with shipping them somewhere else rather than gassing them.

Aaand again you avoided the main point which was "If the Jews think by any chance they can ignite another world war for the uprooting (evacuation) of the European races". What does this mean? Do the Jews want a world war to evacuate the European races to somewhere else?

>He is saying Jewry will be uprooted from Europe, not killed.
Exactly. But if he didn't say "from Europe" it would have a different meaning and if you can't see that you're a fucking idiot, I'm closing this thread now, kys my man.

it happened but they have embellished it so much with that it may as well have been fake which is why they made it illegal for people to research it

Obviously the Jews would not be able to deport all the Europeans, but they would be perfectly able to deracinate (uproot) them just as has been done in America. And just as was done in the USSR. Without the soil, the blood weakens.

To know whos in control, just ask who you cannot criticise....

For one...

All those alleged Photographs of the Jew?

How can you prove those victims is Jew?

Looks more like white people to me?

You can't prove "Jew" from some old sleazy Jew photograph?

Just because the caption on the photograph says "Jew" doesn't magically turn all those people into Mongreloids?

(Or perhaps it does...That's part of the Jew smoke-n-mirrors magic?)

Bull-Queer, Mongrel-Theist, Jew Propaganda.

Read this to BTFO all holocaust denial material.


I just cant believe the shit I read on this website.
What a bunch of fucking racist asshole nazis you are.

Did the holocaust happen? What kinda question is that? Of course it happened numbnuts, its a historical fact.

I know, my great aunt told me all about the struggles of our family in Nazi Germany.
Hitler was a monster, a absolute madman, hellbent on destroying Europe and Jews.
He was a sadistic murderer of the worst sort.
I cannot fathom how anyone could defend this deranged lunatic. He and his brownshirts savagely burnt my grandparents publishing firm to the ground, with the employees still inside!
My poor grandparents, Avi and Sara Sphinktorlikur were shipped to the camp Eichenwald to be gassed. They did nothing wrong, they were devoted to thier work, a small childrens modelling magazine, very popular with other jews in Berlin in 1930's. They went to the synagogue every saturday, and always gave money to jewish charities.
Only my poor aunt, Jizzabel Shikulgraaber survived, she hid in belgium, almost made it to the end of the war. One fateful day however poor little Jizzabel was playing in fields of wheat, when she saw the panzers coming. they were retreating from allied forces, though she did not know this. She hid in an outhouse near the road, and thus her fate was sealed. For as the tanks and trucks passed, many soldiers would stop to take a dump, and little Jizzabel was buried alive in nazi turds.

I never learned the fate of my poor Bubbe and Avi, but stories that surfaced of Camp Eichenwald were horrifying. It was equipped with some kind of mechanical octopuss rape machine nazis used on jews prior to gassing.


>Closing point is "You're an idiot kys"
I think you got btfo bud.

I can agree that Nazis *might have* killed Jews but I don't think it reached over 600,000 - as I stated previously.

>I'm closing this thread down
It's not your thread.

Flat earth is also a (former) historical fact.
Did you take the NyePill? Do you also believe in global warming and GENDER FLUID?

>fake nazi tries to prove a conspiracy theory about Germans committing genocide with literally no evidence at the same time Aaron Richards has shown back up on a different thread


Oh shit, I responded without reading. I was so ready to call out your bullshit, I didn't realize it was actual bait. My bad. Well played, you got me.

kill yourself kike

It was estimated as between 6 and 12 million by Jewish Anti-Defamation League. They of course have the best holocaust researchers, and are completely unbiased. Camp Eichenwald alone murdered over six million. Only one man ever escaped, they gassed him six times, but he made it out.

Camp Eichenwald was a secret nazi extermination camp, some believe it operated even after the cessation of hostilities. It had special facilities for gassing cattle cars, without even unloading the passengers. The nazis had constructed these special "gas cars" and they could do whole trainloads of jews. There was a soap factory, a lampshade factory, and a secret hospital for medical experiments.

It's simple, really. You just need to ask yourself on what basis you determine the truth of the assertion. How can you determine that the sad pictures you see are all Jews? You are presupposing the fact that they are Jews. All in all, taking the images at face value still doesn't add up to the millions who are claimed. It touches into the lack of willingness to excavate the mass graves and identify the corpses as being Jews, how they died, who they were, etc. They left them to rot for decades, now it's impossible to examine the dead.
Not to mention that it is impossible to cremate as many bodies at the rates that are alleged, even assuming single units in cremation caskets w/ the ovens heating up. It's just an unfalsifiable claim. There were a bunch of Jews, but they aren't here anymore because people say they saw them all die, so we trust them. Without the slightest inkling of investigative initiative to look where they died to see if it is true. For example: aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/04/suspected-mass-grave-excavated-serbia-2014423122824445921.html
Notice the estimation that is taken to the information and proven false? There is no way to prove the Holocaust false, you have to resort to appeals to anecdotes as if they were objective.

Let's archive that

True, forgot.

>Between 6 million or ... well let's just double that amount
You're forgetting the kikes that get on the news, even today, claiming it's as high as 20.

Don't forget about the masturbation machines and the self loading, self cleaning, automated furnace carts! Oy vey! And the furnaces that burned at ONE MILLION DAGREEES, leaving no trace of any previous victims. Such a modern marvel, that Goyman engineering!

Privet pindostan!

Пиндocoв ceйчac бyдeт нecти))))

Oп! Eщe oднa!

Keep making threads Aaron
You're only helping debunk the holocaust when you post those stale memes.

Oп! Boт тpeтья :D

no Germans hanged for Katyn, that's complete bullshit

Гитлepoвcкиe хyecocы в yжace!

>пиндoc пpигoтoвeл ceбя к aнaлнaмy ceкcy :D

the red text at the very bottom of this is logically flawed..doesn't follow

>references to one thing render references to another thing invalid

thank you for the info user

>le burning body fat meme
Top kek
Also coke ovens would leave behind bones at minimal cooking time. Then again I know you love your bone crushing machine theory too. So either it's
>there was nothing left
>they crushed the bones/dispersed the ashes via magic

>HCN is used to kill people today in gas chambers in the united states

no state today uses the gas chamber

>be on the internet
>people seriously deny the holocaust and shit
look jews are all teamed up against everyone else and they're in power, that's kind of bad

like 6 million jews didn't die it was probably 3.5 million to 4 million, in fact growing up in the 80s i read in school it was 4 million, now its 6 million, interesting.

but seriously denying the holocaust happened or that death camps were death camps? you used to have to be intelligent to even get on the internet. who are you people? do you get on the internet at wal mart or something?

If duh hall of cost happened why isent duhr juden gone???

What's worse is the official claim is that they dropped zyklon soaked pellets into the gas chambers.
In the middle of winter.
No heating elements at all.
So either the Jews thought they were candy and ate them or it's not real at all.

don't respond to me with that garbage faggot

That's not garbage that's legitimately what they claim.
Huddled the kikes into a concrete bunker with holes cut out of the ceiling and dumped pesticide pellets in and the pellets would magically fumigate the room with no heater to make the pesticide evaporate.

It's completely verifiable. The Soviets started the claim too.

Do research and follow the rabbit hole all the way down.

Can you link me to some report examining mass graves filled with hundreds or thousands to examine the specifics, like if they were even Jews? Where are these mass graves? Retreating armies don't destroy all their evidence, there had to have been some left behind. Even if 9 out of every 10 bodies were destroyed, there would still be one million left over. Where are the bodies?

Exactly, look at the German craftsmanship on this on this door.

>gas 6 gorillian in 4 years..do the math kike.

Can someone post the expanding brain meme where the last panel is a screenshot of someone questioning the existance of Hitler

Aren't you the same guy who spammed me in the previous thread? Why ask me? Ask someone who knows more about the subject.

the very phrase 'death camp' makes no sense.

if youre killing people why do you need a camp?

Again, admitting to only posting images with no knowledge of the subject. If you cannot defend your claims against criticism and your own standards of evidence, then your claim is thrown out.

I hope the Holocoaster was real, just so that it can have existed in real life/history.

Dude just look up interviews from WWII veterans.
End of discussion

Why wouldn't you just kill them where you found them instead of taking them all the way to some camp to starve,gas,torture and burn them alive if you had a agreement to send them to a island?

>the next Fuhrer got his work cut out to top the six gorillian.

top shelf internationally known ideas being spread there m8