Debunking holocaus denial

>think of a topic about holocaust you're sure you're red-pilled about
>go to and search for that topic
>try to find any any flaw in their reasoning/evidence that you're wrong
>cant, curl up and cry

I am not saying killing jews was wrong, all I am trying to say is that holocaust as documented probably did happen.

Prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

why would they use this picture of auschwitz with fake chimney ?

I was watching a documentary about the Einzatsgruppen on Netflix.

>just give numbers
>no facts
>no sources
>not even sure how many germans were in the einsatzgruppen
>whole documentary based on speculation and conjecture

I doubt it happened. It is just propaganda.

you do know that holocaust denial is just a meme right? pretty much all deniers, including Sup Forums, know that it happened (crematoriums, gas chambers and all). most deniers are just doing so for satire (shitposting) or to try and push an agenda (get back at jews). lurk more before creating threads please.


>gas vans
Yeah right. How is a gas van even remotely feasible.

Also this site says that the Einsatsgruppen did not kill anybody.
>Local volunteers and police did the killing for the germans.

what ticks me off is the cremation process.

let's assume the nazis actually recycled their stocks of zyklon (that were used to disinfect clothes) into killing thousands of jews a day.

To sustain this rate, they would have to burn multiple bodies at a time in their small ovens, around the clock 24/24.
I can see how dumping a body into a burning hot oven can be done with the stretcher they have, but stockpiling them while the first is in the way must have a been a particularly hard task when you lift a body at arm's length while the oven is blasting 800C

That all seems so inefficient, and far stretch.

Were some not buried?

I've read most autistic jew blogs,there's nothing that debunks the arguments in this video.

>think of a topic about holocaust you're sure you're blue-pilled about
>go to and search for that topic
>try to find any any flaw in their reasoning/evidence that you're wrong
>cant, curl up and cry

two can play the game faggot

>illegal to study Auschwitz
>here's some witness testimony

go find the bones then

To be honest, the holocaust is only a big deal to kikes and cuck Germans. The only time it ever even crosses my mind is when some muppet like you brings it up. Anyone capable of basic math and decent understanding of wartime logistics will come to the conclusion that the numbers don't seem right whether you believe in it or not. Prove me wrong.


dey wuz wasist

>tfw people say nazis were racist

god damn racist nazis, dont you just hate them

> posting an image macro without even knowing what it is

WHOA you sure showed everybody how smart you are.

God this board is ridiculous.

>it's just a meme guys trust me
No, it's not, you fake consensus building faggot. The holohoax is the biggest lie of the century and everyone here knows it. Anybody saying that all the work we've been doing for years has been driven by humor is an enemy agent. Kill yourself, it's done, the jig is up, nobody believes in your retarded holocaust story anymore so fuck off.

what about the fact that every "death" camp the allies investigated ended up a "concentration" camp?
why did the death toll drop by 4 million?

> tfw can't even attribute some of the deaths to typhus and supply lines getting bombed without getting treated like a skinhead.

It was real in their minds
I am not going to go through all of them(somebody should, just to deunk their BS) but here they have a letter saying that the crematory capacity of auztwitch was 4756 corpses per 24 hours which gives 3,81 corpses per hour which is still physically imposible as modern cremtory ovens opperate at 2-3 corpses/hour.
I can theoreticaly go to jail simply for posting this and this progam is state founded, that speaks volumes

oy vey the mass killing of jews = bad silly goyim
i was sent to evil gas chamber by the racists nazis its real

>banned in your country
lol it is like they're trying to hide something

absolutely, this Treblinka documentary was a total disgrace, laughable bullshit, they found fuck all evidence of anything

Hitler and Nazi Germany were progressive for their time. He was anti colonialist and revered East Asian culture while Americans were making racist Tojo cartoons. Jesse Owens said he was treated better in Nazi Germany than in America. Some white supremacist.

there simply were no 'death camps'.

either you have a camp where people live, or you have a place where you just kill them.

the phrase death camp makes no logical sense.

Funny how they hid who owns the site. If you're good, why do you want to stay in the shadows?

b-but the jews were genocided by the racist nazis!!!! take my word for it nazis are evil and if you share any pride in your culture / race you too are a racist nazi


Hitler believed other races and cultures should be allowed to thrive in their own way without interference


I believe in what you see is what you get.

What do you see looking at Auschwitz?

A place where people were taken to be murdered or a huge labour camp where people were kept alive to work in the numerous industrial plants in the local area?

I wonder how they're going to dismantle these storries, particularly the mastrubation machine of death

No mass graves have ever been found and trust me, Jewish academics have searched long and hard for them. Just like Jewish academics tried to find evidence of "The Exodus". They finally concluded that it never happened. The Holocaust is just the new Exodus story.

Or the Holo-coaster


>probably did happen
that's not how science works


>Two front War going on
>going to waste resources and time on prisoners

Seems legit

You've a lot more collectively pressing personal issue including sourcing the FHPs. Worry about that first.

Nobody denies Jew were horribly persecuted and deported to camps.

Nobody denies Jews were maasacred in eastern Europe either by the Germans or locals.

But I do deny that there were gas chambers for humans at Auschwtiz, that there are giant mass graves at Treblinka, and that any Nazi camp was an 'extermination camp'.

>hospitalize a kike you are about to gas
>people unironically believe this

>mastrubation machine of death
i'm listening..


thats a cool picture of Henry Ford's train tracks

Holocaust is just a religion.

>Not one single proof, so it is based on faith
>Only eyewitnesses (with fantastic and contradicting statements)
>Eternal sin
>Miracles (for example ovens that can burn Jews in just five minutes)
>Pilgrimage to certain sites
>Monuments to remind of the Holocaust
>Heretics are persecuted, inquisition
>Money making from it
>Devil, evil = Hitler

Jews died of disease and Hitler had to make sure it didn't spread so he gassed them gave them a quick death and cremate them to make sure the disease didn't spread the more you know

Its the free arab legion.

>he doesn't know what a holocaust is
That word predates the Shoah by millennia, and it's always been closely linked to Semites, dummy.

I wasn't aware they were being used as a fucking burned offering

>That word predates the Shoah by millennia, and it's always been closely linked to Semites, dummy.
Explain how is that relevant to the use of the word holocaust in that 1936 paper without you sounding like a complete moron.
This page is probarbly banned in poland as well

Hahahahha. It's blocked in the UK.

try this

That works, thanks.

oh hey look! How convenient of you to just cut out the part from the 1948 one that clearly states its based off of pre war estimates from 1938!

Funny how stormfags ALWAYS lie and act exactly like the jews they always bitch about

When you can't see something or if you don't want to give (you's) to youtube, just replace the "you" for "hook" in the url. :)

>posting these hour long youtube videos because you cant articulate any actual argument.

Why would the camps even have multiple crematoriums in the first place unless they planned on burning a bunch of corpses user?

>Einsatz Reinhard
That's not German lingo.

Aushwitz at peak capacity was meant to house 100,000 people. They planned to expand it to 200,000. Crematorium was natural since ofc they expected people would die.

>Hitler and Nazi Germany were progressive for their time. He was anti colonialist

No he wasnt. His entire plan was based on colonizing eastern europe, not to mention he wanted all the previous African colonies the german empire had.

> while Americans were making racist Tojo cartoons

how fucking retarded are you user?

Nice one mate.

>Crematorium was natural since ofc they expected people would die.

and why did they expect people to die? And how does this relate to the Warsaw ghettos from a few years before the camps became operational when all those people were starving to death?

>Debunking holocaus denial
will never happen under freedom of speech and gathering
when is your commie tyranny coming, shlomo?

>and why did they expect people to die?

Are you fucking serious, what a stupid question. You put a high concentration of people in one place during wartime, people will die. I'm pretty sure normal crematoriums in Germany were working overtime too

>pretending everyone secretly agrees with you instead of forming an actual argument for your internet conspiracy theory

How many times does pol need to debunk holohoax? Go read about it yourself faggot.

>His entire plan was based on colonizing Eastern Europe

The reality of lebensraum:

Generalplan Ost refuted: (pgs. 236-243) (pgs. 168-192)

Myth of massive Polish death toll:

What's the point of denying Holocaust if there are proven cases of dozens of equally horrible crimes committed by Germans, majorly against Polish people?

What's the point of denying Holocaust if all the holocaust deniers attempt to prove is that there was no INTENTIONAL killing going on in the camps, while people were indeed dying of starvation and desease? While exactly the same thing happened in Russian gulags, and it is still considered a crime agaisnt humanity?

How is it possible they cremated 6 millions of jews in that period of time using those crematoriums? It's mathematically impossible to do.

Sure some jews died but nowhere near the 6 millions figure that even before the war was floating around.

Wew lad

Because the Holocaust is the moral measuring stick of our society. Why did Sean Spicer fuck up while talking about Assad's chemical weapons? Because he using the Holocaust as a moral measuring stick


fuck off Nazi shill

>You put a high concentration of people in one place during wartime, people will die.

Then how come they put them there in the first place? Again, why was there so much starvation in the warsaw ghettos? Dont you think that just MAYBE the nazi government mistreated these inmates based on their anti-jewish philosophy which Im sure youre going to pretend doesnt exist despite it being the main reason you shill for them? Also based on their previous use of death squads on jews in eastern europe?

Do you honeslty think this is "heh, just part of war!"

So again, how is killing people via starvation and bad living conditions any better than killing them via gassing?

Was Stalin "better" than Hitler?


HAHAHAHAH! Im just going to ignore you for the rest of the thread

German experts along with American experts investigated the uncovered mass grave in the Katyn forest and discovered that Stalin was behind the execution of around 30000 Polish officers and soldiers. Source: Katyn forest massacre.

>How is it possible they cremated 6 millions of jews

No one has ever claimed all 6 million victims died in gas chambers or were all cremated in those ovens. Your ignorance of the very basic understanding of the holocaust is really telling of deniers in general.

>Then how come they put them there in the first place?
For the same reason the U.S. put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps. Security measures.

Wow no shit Sherlock, we know that since 1941.

How does that relate to anything I stated in the post?

Gotta take some time torturing the jews with masturbation machines and dog rape before you kill them

What makes you so high and mighty?

Ever heard of deliberate bombing on civlian targets by Americans and Brits? You think you were so noble? The last thing Germans worried about when losing the war was wiping Jewish asses. Stop changing the fucking conversation

Yes mistakes and mistreatment happened, there was no holocaust, no gass chambers, no plans to genocide entire people.

Also your image, and all of the images of "hundreds of bodies in ditches", are all typhus victims. American doctors made tests for all the camps they liberated.

My grandfather was in Stutthof concentration camp I went there many years ago and iv seen building and the "bed" he was sleeping on, his reaction seeing building and bed and stories he told is best evidence for me of shit that was going on in there...

Of course they mistreated them, and I don't care. Sure a lot of them died because of various reasons since the Germans stuffed them in camps. The war sucked, boo hoo. With burned hundreds of thousands of Japanese mothers and their children alive. Systematic gassing still has no concrete evidence.

Refute it kraut

Literally everyone knows this user. The Nazis still massacred even more Poles in A-B Aktion, The Palimary forest Massacre, and Intelligenzaktion which itself alone killed around 100,000 poles. Theres also operation Tannenberg which killed another 10,000 Poles, including hostipal patients who were shot in their beds along with a mass rape of women also. But of course, nazis dindu nuffin.

Didn't read. If it's illegal to question it, I will refuse to believe it. The truth does not fear investigation. When holocaust denial is legalized in all countries in the West I will lend credence to its historicity.

You want to know how to get past the Holocaust/Holohoax?
Just think about it pragmatically, maybe it happened, maybe it didn't. Maybe 700K Jews died, maybe 11 million Jews died who knows? Let's just stick to the 6 gorillion for arguments sake, so that part can be settled.
Now, when compared to Communism, which killed probably 20 times the Jews Hitler did, we should all agree that WW2 was an awful period in time. This was over 100 years ago.

BUT, the biggest problem is the level of sympathy the Jews are able to reap from events over 100 years ago. This should just stop. They got Israel and billions of dollars in aid now.

See >Ever heard of deliberate bombing on civlian targets by Americans and Brits? You think you were so noble?
As opposed to Germans and Soviets, Brits and Americans never took a planned action of eradication of entire social group.

Both Germans and Soviets murdered hundreds of thousands of members of Polish intellectual elites, in attempt to completely wipe out the Polish nationality.

Source: AB-Aktion and KatyƄ.

It also must be noted that Germans were the first to start the bombarding of civilian targets during the war, as soon as invasion of Poland started, so they were the first ones to break the conventions.


fuck off chaim

Is accidentally killing someone in a car crash just as bad as mowing someone down intentionally? Intentions do matter. If you can prove it was an accident then you're innocent of any crime. I do think they should've been punished somehow because a lot of people still died and wouldn't have died had they not been in a camp

>David Cole (Jewish) goes to Auschwitz, 1992

Dude, cremated, gassed or shot dead, nowhere near 6 millions died.
How did they new before the war about the 6 millions figure? thats just basic logic, the 6 millions is just propaganda to fit in into jewish profecy and shit.

If really 6 millions jews were killed thats almost all of the jews living in Europe back then.
The fact you belive in this fairy tail just shows how dumb people like you are.

> Taking war propaganda as fact.

you are a true idiot

Refute the link

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

This is also implying there was an infinite supply of gasoline, zyklon b and firewood available in every death camp that was used.

fukken saved

>over 100 years ..

Correction i mean almost 100