What happened to Hitler?

Since the skull the Russians claimed was the one they found of Hitler after he shot himself is a grand fake (it's a woman's skull) what then really happened to Hitler?

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It's a mystery


How did they determine Hitler had a micro penis? Was it based off of this skull? Cuz that would make sense...

Wasn't hitler a fag?

He never had sex with a woman and told instructed his troops not to have sex with women. He felt a man would be distracted and they should not have sex until at least 25. That's not gay?

Hitler was a woman? Wow.

New Swabia

Maybe he would have been with today's technology. He did have rather feminine features.

I've seen him drinking at my local a few times.

Gimme some deets

Hitler went transgender and became Gold Meir.

The story i like to imagine is, think of it like this. He was a highly decorated war hero. He had seen a lot of action. Id love to think he went down fighting, stg44 in hand.
>ywn fight bolsheviks to the last man with Hitler



To Argentina, into the hollow Earth South Pole entrance

Did you just assume Hiter's gender?

The Soviets threw his body down sewer shaft.


Wake up sheeple


In times of war, it's different and you must also remember the time period, it wasn't 2010, it was 1930-40s. you didn't have Jew scheming up society with twerking and social medias, you only had Jews scheming.

He escaped in a sub to Argentina, and lived well into his 90's.

Huh? He definitely had sex with multiple women in his life. His niece Geri and Eva were both sexual relationships confirmed by Hitler's closest circle of friends.

he was raped and eaten by the slav hordes

This is the truth.

Source ? I'm interested

Sounds more like a plan to sneak in a bunch of boys asses to me

Well given by your comments, seems you are suppressing some inner homosexuality, they always say those that mention gay shit, are gay themselves.

>it's okay, you can come out. No need to project...faggot

is it not possible that Hitler was just trans?

What is dead may never die.


That's just jewish propaganda. The same as the when they say his penis was tiny/deformed/lacking a ball. They cook up kinds of insecurities for hitler.


Doing what?


Jewish propaganda.

Hitler believed (as his contemporaries reported) that if he was a bachelor he would be more popular with women as they could imagine getting married to him, and that if he actually got married it would ruin that fantasy. His long-term relationship with Eva Braun and their marriage shortly before their deaths confirm that she was essentially his wife in everything but name however, and that his bachelor status was a political appeal.

Hitler can't hitli alone for that long period. He need millions to Hitle properly.

Smart ass, that is a very intelligent move.

Hitler escaped to Agartha.

well he probably paints too

paints pictures of the argentine architecture and people using many shades of brown paint

sometimes the hand of fate must be forced...

Hitler was a girl. Screencap this.

Hitler was a life long drug addict and probably impotent most of his life as a result.

t. Adderall

Hitler is Walt Disney, quadruple agent. WW2 was a massive money making psy op

Hitler/Disneys house: youtube.com/watch?v=wuB6_tnfFIM

Eva Braun aka Lillian Disney: i2.wp.com/www.whale.to/c/10421254_1446998792279308_2792005515740569250_n.jpg

He shot himself in the head so that he wouldn't be taken alive by the Soviets and then his body was burned by his closest associates.

He told his bunker-friends of burning his and his wife body after they killed themselves.

What a coincidence same thing happened to osmosis binksden

Was on hrt. First trap ever

>It was 1930-40s. you didn't have Jew scheming up society with twerking


>Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….

>The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.

>It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.

>The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family.


In jews own words:
>Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.” — Dr Manfred Reifer, in the German Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung, September 1933

I love how woke the WoW community is, sometimes. Keep on keeping on.

He left on space ships to clean the universe up of the Jew

For more info about the child prostitution of weimar germany (after the succesful jewish communist revolution, before hitler)



Probably escaped to Argentina, along with many others in the Nazi party

>(it's a woman's skull)
What if Hitler was trans all along....

It was confirmed by the FBI that Hitler lived and died in Patagonia post WW2, what's odd is that every other intelligence agency across the planet had the same information but didn't bring him to justice or assassinate him.


I remember in school asking how we really knew he was dead if the Russians, who were famous for propaganda, including editing photos, found him and only had a picture to show for it.
Good news, my teacher told me not to worry about it, so Hitler really is dead!

it's like the last line of a brain expansion meme

Wtf is this actually legit?? How'd you come across the link user??????!!!

bangin' your niece is pretty fuckin' based

Hitler was probably buried in a secret place in Berlin so the commies wouldn't disturb his remains.

Jews literally believe that whatever they imagine is true. It's an obscure part of their religion.

I am no prepared.

Whenever I think of this it also reminds me about how Osama Bin Laden "died" too.

>"We got him! We shot him!"
>Oh really? Cool. Show us the body.
>"Uhh... We threw it into the ocean."
>Show us a picture then
>"Uhh.. That's all top secret!"
>Then where's the evidence he's even dead?
>"Shut up! Stop asking questions "

>discard thots
>attain power
It sorta worked

>Jews literally believe that whatever they imagine is true. It's an obscure part of their religion.

Umm...where did you get that from?

keks hitler is still alove and so is osama


Also from reading a little bit of Mein Kampf it seems like he was truly married to politics

>he was one of four men who met hitler and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina

Lol what the fuck

>hitler was walt disney
>hitler was rosevelt

Im glad i never left

He went to South America and twenty years later, died in his sleep.
Which was the biggest "Fuck you" you could give to the russians and the jews.

He shot himself in reaction to the loss of World War 2 (which was apparent by that point), and the story you told about Hitler's skull being a woman's skull, is fake news, and it's actually Hitler's real (burned) skull.

>fake news

It's well known that it's a woman's skull just examining the shape. It's been covered a few times already, no fancy DNA testing even needed.

Whether that means Hitler went to Argentina or died in some other way is debatable, but the fact remains that the the skull is not Hitler's.

You can all go to hell, I'm going to Argentina.

Fake news.