Breaking news: memes a threat to (((democracy)))

Never meme again. It is a threat to democracy. The professor who wrote a book on how satire is saving our nation has said so.

You are admonished.

The real violence, of course, not the physical violence, but the real violence is Blasphemy, as contained in this meme - to merely dare to think it is to incinerate six gazillion Jews on impact. Don't be violent. Stop hate.

I had to move out of two mansions in the last year for believing this nigger.

That was not funny. This was wrong think. Your are a thought criminal. Remember, when you police yourselves there is no need for Goodthink Enforcers

Memes are just rhetoric condensed down to image form.
They are no different than political posters.
The French leftoids used to make monotone lino prints and paste them around the cities to get their message out.
Now we can use full-colour mixed-media and can paste them around internet because of advances in technology.

She wrote a book called “Is Satire Saving Our Nation?: Mockery and American Politics”.
Satire is also a form of rhetoric which uses comedy to deliver its message.
I can presume her answer was yes.
So why does she think some rhetoric is helping democracy while other rhetoric destroys it?
Help me understand.

The rhetoric from the Jews at (((CNN)) can be compared to Holy Writ in its inspiration, purity, high level of morality and inspiration to virtue. By contrast, anything that opposes (((CNN))) can be considered hateful, bigoted, racist, blasphemous and should be censored and those who promote such ideas should be punished psychologically or even physically.

Remember, closed minds STOP thought crimes

Why do Jews sperg out when you mention that they're Jewish?

One rule for the Jew, another for the Goyim. Expose shit like this to the normies and watch the lights come on.

You posted a link to the Daily Stormer.

Because all of their conditioning is meant to make you not realize race, and, if you do, to believe that Jews are the victims. So for you to point out a Jew wielding influence it means the conditioning is wearing off.

>Breaking news

This too is Blasphemy. The only permissible opinion about Jews is that anyone who opposes anything that they say is basically Adolph Hitler and about to put them in gas chambers - even by having this thought you also are basically a virulent right wing NAZI - just stop!!!! Basically, everyone got along with the Jews before Adolph Hitler - sure they were banished from 107 different nations over hundreds of years but that is because every single one of those nations is crazy and 100% evil and Jews are perfect and 100% good everybody knows that nowadays.

Closed minds STOP thought crimes

stormfags CONFIRMED!

I am shocked at the hatred on this board. (((CNN))) has told you exactly what to think, and here all of you are violently disagreeing with them when they have your interests at heart. Never meme again.

You are admonished.

I agree we need more control over the memes of production. Dissent from the (((CNN))) party line is hatred/faggotry/irrelevant/primitive/hateful/feckless/mean-spirited/irrational. You summed it up perfectly. Thank you!

no no. what we need is to blame the jews. for instant, sometimes you might chew food, and (((accidently))) bite your tongue. we all know it's the jews fault. we must expose them for their tongue biting manipulation, and fight them. for more information:

That pic, CNN Jews, many people see as "anti-Semitic" (even though it's really not). But I think we could spin it into an even better meme, a subtle red pill for normies appearing as an anti racism/pro diversity meme.

Replace all that text with this-

boom, easy to digest meme for normies, and takes away any perceived anti-semetism.

Not just memes , radio stations are also the cause of violence says a new wash. Post bullshit article.
UK is anotheer matter , 25 hour call to arms by Islamic Jihad was allowed to air in Sheffield England. Expect attacks soon. Frontpage Mag.

A variant on this would be to put all Russian flags and say that "no wonder Russia can steal elections - look, they control CNN, which is basically run by ethnic Russians!" This lets the normie fill in the dots and makes them do the work

>tfw memes will be illegal in your lifetime

Thank you greatest ally. The jews truly are the chosen people

Isn't it amazing how Muslims control immigration law and the mass media of news and entertainment to prevent any criticism of their crimes or attempts to restrict their activity? Think of what would have happened to the Middle East and the West had Iran not crushed Israel Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) in their plot to overthrow Assad and the Iraqi government.

CNN HATED this meme the most. Nothing pisses the lefty off more than the truth.

Because if you point them out for being a jew, they know you know they are different. That's why they push multiculturalism. So everyone is different, there is no huge group that they are against. Just lots of small ones. When you point out the jew, it shows that you are aware of their differences and can easily recognize Jewish trickery.

They do best in an environment where people can't distinguish between themselves and jews while they themselves hold a powerful distinction between their own people and you.

It lets them have all the benefits of nepotism and do what they want without a perceived link to their social web.

Basically think of it as a hidden nepotistic web, once exposed and all the terrible things are traced to it, well they get terrified of the repercussions.

Kikes always changing the goal post mid game. Fckin kikes...