Why didn't the black nationalists ever actually move to Africa?

Why didn't the black nationalists ever actually move to Africa?

Because too many niggers live there.

They're an entitled bunch. They feel responsible for the success and wealth of the United States. It's the same mentality you see with "we wuz kangz".

they moved to Liberia, now they run around with machettes and burn things

Work doesn't come naturally to the black.

Welfare checks can't be mailed internationally

Why should they have to? America brought them here. Besides, a big part of the goal is getting enough people to go with them, they might have trouble attracting enough to go with them. Really what they need the most is an extremely charismatic leader to make more people believe in doing it.

they want black nationalism in white countires



because they are retarded niggers and still love dem gibs

Because they built everything here.

Pic related. BLM reminding TORONTO that it was built by black people.

It's more profitable for them to stay here and complain.


real africans look upon african americans with disgust

They're just a bunch of cry babies that don't know how well they have it here under white mans control. Most of them are too scared to go back to africa.

yeah, the cotton pickers were also the brick layers, the chink and potato niggers didn't even help them do it, it was all nigger slaves

I will.

the noble savage hates the american welfare nigger for sure

>White people to lazy to do their own work
>Steal people from another continent an ocean away
>Use and abuse them for decades
>Generations later
>Nothing really changes despite a fucking war and countless laws and amendments are put in place
>The almighty white race somehow can't figure out why blacks are mad

White people really live with their head up their asses


because low IQ and they miss the Savana?

But you're right, let's ship them back!

Whites would've done the agricultural work just fine without the blacks. Picking cotton does not create court systems, schools, etc.

>Why didn't the black nationalists ever actually move to Africa?
>Why didn't the mexican nationalists ever actually move to Mexico?
>Why didn't the turkish nationalists ever actually move to Turkye?

Because theyre shitholes and these sons of bastiches want to live in civilizations, where they get money for shit

They did. It was called Liberia but we don't talk about that because it proves blacks can't do civilization without white people.

for the same reason the jews don't all move back to israel.

The hate being around their own people, but they like being around white people and lecturing them on how much they should hate themselves.

Almonds should be at least somewhat activated here faggots.


are these niggers retarded? they literally fled to our country to escape slavery...

Actually, since niggers can be bred and don't count as actual humans those times, you can malnourish them, and breeding em means more so it means more workforce for less resources.

some of them did and monrovia wasnt half bad in the beginning, but the native super niggers eventually came in a detroitified it.

You have 38 million niggers in your country, why wont you offer them $100.000 for each one of them willing to return to Africa?
It would cost $3.8 trillion dollars, which is a lot of money, but on the other hand it would be a net positive because without them the US would be debt free today.
Whites on average contribute more to the government budget than taking out of it while blacks on average take out far more than they contribute.

Look like people who never actually worked a day.

If they all moved to Africa they'd have nothing to complain about apart from no gibs me dats. They would have only themselves to blame which kills the black person. Also Africa in general is one massive clusterfuck of a shithole but in their minds it is because of muh whitey.

Just stop trying to apply any kind of logic to it because it almost impossible. They're mostly lead by impulses and very short term gain.

>they built everything here

Because whites made them do it

Why don't you move to Africa then? Look at all the beautiful societies your people have built there.
Who`s enslaving them there? There's no white armies there brutalising, controlling and stealing from blacks there.