Mandatory vaccination introduced in Italy!

Parents need to pay up to € 7,500 and lose custody if they resist poisoning their children!

Reminder: Half of the revenue of pharmaceutical companies is used to spread misinformation, to finance false studies, to bribe researchers and to discredit critics of vaccines. And you have no idea if they secretly add harmful substances to the vaccines.

Other urls found in this thread:

and its real, what the fuck is wrong with europe

so what? what's wrong with helping your child?

I've swallowed a lot of red pills but I'll be honest if you want to die of preventable disease thats fine but please don't fuck up my herd immunity

Just because it's coming out of the medical industry doesn't guarantee positive results. Look at what was considered medicine less than a hundred years ago.

This, fuckers tried to tell people Heroin was safe when they first introduced it.

Remember that our governments are openly anti-White. Right now they are commiting a genocide against the White people according to the UN definition (repopulation) with the mass flooding of Africans. Also, they speak all the time about overpopulation.

It would be easy for them to add substances that lower our reproductivity, to give our children cognitive illnesses, make them weak or which have other harmful effects. I do not trust the government to forcefully give my babies/children injections.

>herd immunity
It's a lie. Most adults are not refreshing their vaccines anyway which would be necessary for most to remain active.

They're taking it to the supreme court, we'll see

>critics of vaccines

>muh kids can't have le autism if they're dead! Scientists BTFO!

Why is that a happening,you fucking brick?
In Croatia,vaccination is mandatory since forever.
I was vaccinated when I was a kid,and so was everyone else.

Jesus fucking Christ stop watching Alex Jones and listening to what Trump says,you fucking imbecile.

Probably all of the New Europeans who have diseases that were eradicated in Europe until recently.

Vaccinate your kids you dumb cunts


>not understanding how immunity works

Just look at it as stupidity tax - if you aren't smart enough to properly take care of your children, you wouldn't deserve them in the first place. I can totally dig that

By all means dont vaccinate your kids if you want to give yourself severe depression once they die of a preventable disease.

Pic related

But I do. It is no secret that most vaccines would need refreshment after some years to remain active.

The vaccine will slowly kill off anyone with an iq of less than 90, so immigration and white trash don't even matter

Take measles for example, kids get a whole list of vaccines, but this would suffice.
Measles is extremely rare in The Netherlands and only pops up in pockets the " biblebelt": fervent anti-vaccers.

If vaccines do lose their potency, for whatever reason ( do people lose memory B-lymfocytes over time? for example ) I should see a country-wide increase of measle cases among older people.

>being this fucking retarded

Yes, completely trust the government and pharmaceutical companies to inject our children substances. They always only want the best for us citizens - just like flooding our countries with millions of Africans. All governments in the Western World are very concerned to preserve and strengthen the White race and by no means interested in lowering our numbers. It is totally safe to trust them. Here is my body, I gladly hand it over to the government, it shall do whatever it wants with it.

Active vaccines do lose their potency, this vaccine for measles is a common passive vaccine.

An active vaccine would be administered against the annual outbreak of the flu.
Making memory lymfocytes of any nature would be futile, for their proteins tend to differ each year.

Italy did nothing wrong.

Oh noooo, the measles! Without the injection of the anti-measle vaccine we would all d-

go away genelet


It is not about the vaccine itself, it is more about substances that may be secretly added and which could lower the fertility rate or give the children cognitive illnesses.

Do you blindly trust the government that it wants the best for the German people? Do you trust Mama Merkel who at this very moment commits genocide against the Germans according to the definition of the UN (repopulation)?

off yourself freak

People stopped getting vaccines because "IT HELPS PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES XD" (so whaT? we don't eat anymore because it gives money to the food industry?) and as a consequence kids have been dying of stupid shit that could have absolutely prevented
In normal places it's not mandatory because everybody do them and there's herd immunity. No such thing here


France is doing it too.

Besides, it used to be mandatory here too, then it wasn't anymore and idiot parties like M5S just to get votes of the average baby boomers who barely got out middle school started saying shit about conspiracies, now kids die

>only cases of measles originate from pockets of anti-vaccers
>herd immunity is a lie

Also, neato graph.
Wew amount of deaths due to measles declined as time progressed?
Also, no deaths after 1972 got me thinking as well.

Medical technology didn't stagnate in after 1900. and it's curious how after the implentation of a preventing measure deaths ceased.

The lethality isn't the problem.
These deseases can inflict irreperable damage to a child and still keep it alive.

A graph of the amount of people contracting measles would be real proof.

This is not the best you got right?
You must have something better to believe this so staunchly.

Have you ever thought that the government could easily add substances which are harmful to citizens and reduce fertility, give them cognitive illnesses etc.?

>herd immunity
This is a lie. I already wrote about this earlier in this thread.

The point is practically nobody has to fear to die from measles.

Europeans have no rights, they have been living in a very comfortable despotism, and now the comfort is starting to end.
Notice that this is happening alongside strenuous efforts to cram unvaccinnated foreigners into every Italian port. If the authorities were really concerned about an epidemic why would they rescue and even meet migrant boats?

Yeah, because no one would speak out about it, and all the independent scientists who run a multitude of tests on water sources every year just never detect anything.

I could tell you the same thing about food and water treating. If you tell me that something so important to go in our veins must be checked, regulated and not privatized I completely agree but not believing they are useful just because of being scared they can be manipulated is out of this earth dumb. I have two questions to you:
1) do you know anyone, maybe yourself included, being an adult and vaccinated? People fail to understand that a reason they're still around to spout idiocy is because they didn't get smallpox as a children, and for a good reason
2) do big pharma literally corrupt and buy all the medicine universities of the planet? in my city alone every year thousands of new medics are made. Do they pay all of them one by one? Why random dudes on a fucking imagebaord have all figured out and millions and millions of people with decades of extensive medical studies don't? Are you the new Hyppocrates or some shit?

>These deseases can inflict irreperable damage to a child and still keep it alive.
Extremely rare exception.

finally realised how many fags are actually on Sup Forums, have fun not being able to walk


And you're also just cherry picking the US's stats. Go find a large country that didn't have the budget, medical research, and infrastructure needed to combat measles effectively without vaccines.


Ignore shills babbling about normal, stock disputes. The entirety of this issue is the government claiming it cares about public health at the same time that they act as Europe's Unsupervised Entrance.
We recently had several problems with disease thought to have been ended. None of them were native anti-vaxxers. 100% of them were unrestrained undocumented hostile aliens coming in with diseases that had been eradicated here.
tldr "Invite the world" = "infect your children."

>Independent scientists
Hahahahaha *breath* hahahahaha

And there are many speaking out against vaccination.

You need to be aware of though that the pharmaceutical industry earns billions and a large share of their revenue they invest in marketing, to make us believe vaccines would be totally safe in order to sell more. As almost everyone blindly believes studies they just bribe researchers to find anything they want.

Ah, got you.

That you one has to fear the measles becuase you could die wasn't my primary concern, I should have made that more clear.

Inflicting disability is children is my concern for these things still occur, in regions where herd immunity is extremely weak,

I also want to add a comment to your graph in relation to herd immunity.

Vaccines where introduced in 1963, and measles mortality rate hit 0 in 1968

Herd immunity predicts that inorder to contain widespread outbrakes, 95% should be immune.

The seamingly unimpressive results of 1963 could be explained: 95% of the populace was not immune.

I'm not an expert of herd immunity so I might get some of the details wrong. but it's something I wanted to add to your graph.

Thinking Pharmaceuticals make tons of money on vaccines.

That one*

If your argument is to have faith in doctors then you have done absolutely no research on this matter and you are not going to get a good result. If your model us that doctors start out good but "get corrupted" one by one then I'm not sure what to tell you. Are you under the impression that politicians start out good but are, one at a time, gradually worked on by lobbyists?
Doctors are scum, at their absolute best they are imperfect, all-expenses-paid pharma junkets are thing, the opioid epidemic us 100% from one family tied to one big pharma company changing US law, and "engineers" who studied in the third world are not real doctors.

So what's the big news? In Poland vaccinations are mandatory as well and this is the only right way. Im pround of my country once more.

>Inflicting disability is children is my concern for these things still occur, in regions where herd immunity is extremely weak,
It is extremely rare, thus irrelevant.

Almost everyone who wins a monopoly-style government concession gets obscenely rich for minimal effort, that's why they do it.
The issue isn't vaccination, it's the government guaranteeing a captive customer base.
At the same time that they ship in unvaccinated African immigrants.

Neck yourself, you're truly retarded. Vaccines make up a very small part of the pharmaceuticals revenue, with the largest part made up of patented drugs and branding.
I bet you're the cuck spending 8€ on (((Bayern))) aspirine when the unbranded version costs a mere 4€.

Well, it totally depends what the government may secretly add to the vaccines. The Polish government may be trusted, but I would never trust the anti-White other European countries who want to eradicate Whites.

Sure, there are a lot of people speaking out against it because those people are all conspiracy theorist on imageboards and reddit who believe that the government could run a large scale operation of poisoning it's populace without anyone at any level of it speaking out. Good luck with that while you cry about how many "leaks" come out of the intelligence agencies and bureaucratic departments.

Heroin is safe. Thalidomide on the other hand.

Italy gets flooded with 100,000 disease infested 3rd worlders coming in on boats,
Make vaccines mandatory because of all the migrants.

daily reminder that if you are a anti vac retard you are no better than a soccer mom that gets her news from Facebook

Came here thinking it was a troll, realized pol is even more retarded than I ever conceived possible. Also odd how most antivaxers are American hmm.

If they're good vaccines and you are not simultaneously importing thousands of unvaccinated Africans then yeah you have nothing to worry about (apart from corruption, which as a Slav you dot not mind).
The real issue is that their position is totally indefensible because of the contradictions.

As a medical student i can assure you that despite of some obvious potential risks from vaccinations - they are foreign proteins after all and we are developed by evolution to be aware and protect ourself from them - are really beneficial for maintaining healthy and fighting with infectious diseases.

>without any level of speaking out
There has been speaking out about the corruption issue, all the major sources on vaccine concessions are former big pharma employees, and as far as modern governments not being able to handle secrecy on a major project that would cost them their leitimacy, I suggest you read more.

Trusting people out of pure faith as bad as distrusting them without a reason. At least I'm backed up by nearly 2500 years of medical tradition, you only have your tinfoil hat. Besides I bring it up again: are you vaccined? is anyone in your family, or friends? have you ever heard of anyone getting the smallpox? Go read how life was like in the middle age, or merely 100 years ago, and so some thinking
Unless, of course, big pharma and the jews also brought history departments and depicted a fake human history full of deadly illensess to justify their revenues

Still they make a tremendous revenue with vaccines and if they can make you chronically ill with it, then they can make a lot of revenue with it later.

And I do not need any medicine, I am never ill because I eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Still better than denmark, whose only provider of vaccines is saudi arabia.

Based Ben is right again

Do you think some courageous individuals are more powerful than the billion dollar pharma industry?

Also, another huge redpill for you: Look into endocrine disrupters and xenoestrogens.

>Reminder: Half of the revenue of pharmaceutical companies is used to spread misinformation, to finance false studies, to bribe researchers and to discredit critics of vaccines. And you have no idea if they secretly add harmful substances to the vaccines.

I mean considering diseases like smallpox, poliomyelitis, HBV, HPV and related cervical cancer or rabbies and many others how can one with a clear mind even considering to not vaccinate?

Your daughter should have some poliomyelitis, that would really fire her neurons.

"Vaccines" have never been what this issue is about, it's a dishonest goalpost move, like claiming that "Luddites" hate technology itself. Luddites had no issue with technology itself and got their name from their use of the printing press (propagating a fictitious "General Lud"). Their issue was with the unrestrained implementation of mechanized weaving in a "shock therapy" style. Similarly ere the issue is government mandates.
As a medical student would you have ay issue whatsoever with having to buy all of your disposal supplies (gloves etc) -- from me? If so you are an ignorant mom who gets all her news from Facebook. You must buy everything from me, the government says so, and you go to jail if you try to buy from another company or claim you don't need it.

I am still not speaking about the vaccines themselves, I am speaking of substances that may be secretly added to them and together injected into your body.

Talk to someone who is over 80. They will tell you about Polio, Measles, HN1N flu strain. They all knew someone who had lost someone. Yet, you don't. Why do you think that is?

>These vaccines can inflict irreparable damage to a child and still keep it alive
Extremely rare exception.

I don't watch TV any more but when I did every other commercial was for drugs. Have you got any compelling evidence that TV airtime is free?

We trust the science, you fucking idiot. You can go online and read mountains of fucking research

I mean, yeah? That's generally how a lot of things go throughout history. It's why leaks happen and governments fall. The "speaking out" generally applies to people getting kickbacks for assigning certain projects, and things similar. The cases where bad things actually do happen generally tend to be major, like Flint.

>endocrine disrupters

wew lad, are you gonna tell me about the healing power of crystals next?

List man, I'm the fucking stoner here. I'm supposed to be the one coming up with half baked conspiracies.

This is what happens when you bring in millions of 3rd worlders who are carrying all sorts of diseases.

>2500 years
No, there is no serious way to use that figure. I've been in and out of hospitals all my life and many of my relatives are doctors. I am not getting my information from radio transmissions via cookware. Learn what Thorazine and Gardasil were, then talk to me about how leeches are relevant to this discussion.

Yeah, the Native Americans sure got fucked by that, didn't they?

>Be pharma industry
>Bribe several researchers
>All "independently" verify vaccines are safe

>compromised imune system
So you have aids or a genetic problem, you should be euthanized either way

You know this whole post looks like schizo ramblings right?

Sorry but this is a fucking conspiracy theories lvl for me. Do you have any proof of that proceder?

I can't speak for other countries but here in Poland every doctor that came to contact with a patient with ANY side effects after vaccinations has to report it thoroughly to country-wide registration and guess what beside of those which are well known to modern medicine they any suggesting putting anything else into vaccinations.

Will absolutely not happen, she will have a strong immune system from eating healthy, exercising and following standard hygiene.

But let the French government inject substances into the body of your daughter. I have heard that your government loves the French people and wants to preserve your race.

Nothing you can point to can look crazier than claiming to care about public health while effortfully importing Africans.

You also might meet someone who was paralyzed by the polio vaccine, like I have.

It's always hilarious to see the people that are too dumb to understand science or understand how it generally works, seem to believe that major companies can influence it in a long term manner in the modern times.

It doesn't work. Take Cigarettes. Big Tobacco threw everything into paying for their own studies and buying off scientists. And sure, they did okay with that for a time. But with enough independent research and verification, cigarettes are no where near as popular or prevalent

So why did science not prevent the asbestos or thalidomide catastrophe?

>Muh science
You are a complete retard if you blindly trust science when it is well known that billion dollar industries have all means to finance studies and get any results they want to fool naive people like you.

How the fuck health food is going to protect your weak immune system? It's literally doesn't know what to do with this disease, so it will let it in, thus killing your fucking nervous system.

That's why vaccination for, to train your nervous system on weak sample of a dangerous fucking disease.

God people are retarded.

What's next? Mandatory clean water?!?!?

Your immune system wouldn't be weak, it will would able to kill many viruses.

Because with cigarettes and smoking it is much to obvious and incredibly easier to see the effect. Yet, for vaccines it is much more ambigious and complex, for example because the ingredients differ and change greatly over time.

Also, you ignore that the government could add harmful substances any time.

Learn some history. The biggest threat to clean water is the government and its concession-winning buddies.

>How the fuck health food is going to protect your weak immune system?
Hahahaha, are you serious? My immune system protects my body against diseases all the time. Have you ever heard about AIDS? This is when your immune system does not work. There are millions of diseases for which no vaccine exists.

Because of healthy eating I get all the nutrients my body needs to have a strong immune system. For example, I do not get a cold or anything. I am just always healthy.

Xenoestrogen water.

They are usually women. Women believe in all that shit.

>There 1000 diets that don't include exercise, >Health stores that sell 'The latest must have supplement'.
>Pumping coffee up your arse,
>All that superfood crap.
>Putting crystals up your vagina.
>Drinking vinegar.
>Smart water.

They feel like shit after they have done all the above. They then blame vaccines and buy more snake oil.

>Be Mexican.
>Have dozens of children.
>Vaccinate some and others don't.
>It doesn't matters which ones die because we can keep making more of them.

git gud gringos