Why did the cumskins make their god look like our prophet?

Why did the cumskins make their god look like our prophet?
Description of Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him:
"The Prophet was of a slightly above-average height. Amazingly, in gatherings, he would appear taller than those actually taller than him - until the people dispersed. In complexion, he was white with a rosy tinge; pale, but not excessively so. His hair was jet black and wavy, but stopped short of curling, and was kept between his earlobes and shoulders. Sometimes he would part his hair at the middle. Other times, he would wear it braided. The Prophet (pbuh) had the physique of a powerful man. He had a broad upper-back and shoulders between which was the Seal of Prophethood. He had long muscular limbs, large joints and a wide girth. His lean stomach never protruded out past the profile of his chest. His face was radiant, "as if the sun were following its course across and shining from his face," said one Companion. His neck was silvery white; his forehead, prominent; his pupils, large and black; his eyelashes, long and thick; his nose, high-tipped with narrow nostrils. At the time of his death, the Prophet had exactly 17 white hairs shared between his temples and the front of his thick, beard. He had hair on his forearms and shins and a line of fine hair also ran from his chest to his navel."
Pic related Jesus piss be upon him
Why do cumskins wannabe Mohammed so bad?

Suddenly all the e*ropeans disappear
Wya white boi

>Pic related Jesus piss be upon him
Why do you LARP as muslim while insulting one of our most important prophets like that?

The only Important prophet is Mohammed
One could argue that he was even god himself

>something from 600 AD is being ripped off by something in 30 AD
>The Ottoman Empire never imported millions of sub Sahara Africans for centuries, darkening the skin of today's average low class arab yet keeping the elites relatively white

You have no historic evidence that jesus existed
let alone before Mohammed the one and only true god

Oh, please; argue. I can hardly contain myself. Surely your rambling half educated diatribes on the perfect man will convert us all to believing in your assbackwards sand slaver cult.

I don't speak fag

Mohammed was just a common sandnigger slightly smarter than average. Allah does not exist. You are a faggot sandnigger following nothing. All that you think is true is actually bullshit. Congratulations on living a lie.

If the average IQ for "sandniggers" at the time was 150 then yes, God (Mohammed) probably was extremely smarter than average

Sandniggers are slightly tunes niggers. Half human half animal. Your religion is absolutely retarded. I pitty you. May global warming and less oil consumption in the west show you your place 2 decades max until everything is africa tier

That's a pretty big "if" there, chuckles.

It's not my fault a refugee raped your sister mother and daughter.
stop chimping out in my thread bitch

This is entertaining.

>If the average IQ for "sandniggers" at the time was 150
Is that from the Stanford Binet or the Raven's Matrices?


I do not trouble my self with the works of cumskins and westerners in general
Do not annoy me with your shitty literature snownigger

I actually fucked muslimas. They are easy lays. I am not chimping out i am just explaining you the reality of the situation. I understand that its not your fault you were born in an inferior genepool. Muslims are truly inferior beings like your cousins the niggers of africa. You know its true. I know its true.

Jesus is a prophet in islam. Why would an actual muslim insult him? craft better bait next time

I also fucked tourists and 2 (separate) archaeology however thats not the reason I think your women are degenerate whores and your men are worthless cucks
But I also doubt you actually did fuck anyone for that matter judging by the type of europeans I see on this board
I'd call myself a woke muslim
I am ascended

Yaint shit my swankfiend
*unzips scrotum*

It's okay I understand your low mental capacity that caused you to support communism also prevents from actually being able to have intelligent conversation

>NAZBOL is communist
Off yourself GLOBALIST

>Estimates IQ of ancient towelheads
>Doesn't know names of IQ tests (or that IQ wasn't even a thing until 1904)

I was referring to han's comment about Mohammed being smarter than the average person