What's Sup Forums stance on European subraces "admixing"?

What's Sup Forums stance on European subraces "admixing"?
Allow me to explain, would you consider it a wrong thing for a Germanic person to breed with a polish/med girl? Or vice versa. For example, What if I am 50% med 50% pole? should I get on with a mediterranean girl or with a polish one? the offspring will be neither pole nor med

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There was a lot of mixing during the Indo-European expansion so we're pretty mixed anyways. Although I would avoid it to preserve the little language and culture we have.

wasn't this before there were proper european subraces? From what I've read Hitler didn't want Europeans to "mix" with each other but rather have offspring with people of their same subrace.
Yes we are all mixed but you can clearly tell wether someone is Slavic, Med or Germanic at first sight most of the time

>wasn't this before there were proper european subraces?
Not necessarily because farmers and hunter-gathers living in areas probably stayed there unlike the nomads and thus accumulated differences over time.

>From what I've read Hitler didn't want Europeans to "mix" with each other but rather have offspring with people of their same subrace.
I agree with this because living in America you have generic white people who have lost their language, culture, and features.

>Yes we are all mixed but you can clearly tell wether someone is Slavic, Med or Germanic at first sight most of the time
Slavic and Germanic are both linguistic groups. Poles are probably closer to Germans than for example Serbians. Hitler was wrong about his master race and his actions were ultimately harmful.

>I agree with this because living in America you have generic white people who have lost their language, culture, and features.

I wanted to see what Sup Forums thought of it, or if it was frowned upon in some european countries, but nobody replied ;_; oh well

People often forget that that europe has been inhabited for tens of thousands years ago. Languages changes but the genes stay. For example even indo-european languages are relatively new in Europe.

Languages and cultures changes but genes not that much. Most of us are pretty much descendants of the first europeans that settled here tens of thounsands of years ago

Prehistory goes far beyond than the recored history.

European ethnicities should be preserved, that's the real meaning of european nations, we are all europeans,but our own national identities,languages, make us "special" nside this european group.
So,we should preserve that, and of course, if it is not massive, in small numbers there no problem of mixing europeans, you will have always an europid,, but it should never happen in a massive way.

>What's Sup Forums stance on European subraces "admixing"?
As bad as mixing europeans with niggers.

I think that's the difference between the new world and the old. Nothing wrong with that "white nationalist" movement in the americas since they don't have the same ethnic identity as we do

this chinese girl is polish?

Not all Europeans are made the same
The better ethnicities shouldn't mix with the shittier ones.

>says Alberto Barbossa

I think you are correct, if done in big numbers it would completely erase each countries identity
well this i was thinking about too. What if you have genes from 3 or 4 european countries? Where do you belong in that case?

One could say that we are already premixed.But as it is with cake,it always Has some flavoury spots.I always thought of countries as mix,or base.In such scenario,there is russian base,german base,brit base,italy base and portugal base.Mixes,are made by combining tak or more-poland is russian/ german mix,france is italy/germ mix,and spain is port/italy mix.Same goes to balkans 3 to one russian to german ratio.

>What if you have genes from 3 or 4 european countries? Where do you belong in that case?
You're Argentinian. And be proud of that.
Nothing is more embarrassing than someone saying
>I''m part of this and that from my mom's side and this from dad's side
Just stick with other whites and create your own national identity there.

wow I never thought of it this way, I guess it does make sense. While the franks are germanic they don't look EXACTLY like germans so you may be onto something.

yeh I know, but theres no "white identity" here like in America, many people end up going back to their country of racial origin, thats why I was wondering what I should do

Well I can't talk about other countries, but here the national identity was pretty much artificially created in the 1800s from a several different subgroups or tribes who happened to live in this area at the time.
And suddenly we were all Finns. Not anymore proper-finns, savonians, karelians, bothnians and tavastians
I can't see why that couldn't happen in the new world

well back then it was different, now there are many (((vested interests))) that prevent us from developing a white identity, the country is also far too politically divided at this point

Fucking this. I'm so sick of hearing Americans say "I'm 1/16th Italian, 1/8 Scottish, 1/4 German 1/16 Native American etc"

I would say that this is the popular opinion where I live.

There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with native Europeans mixing. This is the only way we'll ever stop hating each other and fighting.

Then we should all speak a mix of English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish