Still waiting for Finland to take over the world.

Who has the cheapest alcohol?

You choose a very odd time to be awake, Finbro.

Still, have a bump in recognition.

pekka kokko is a real name


Latvians right now. We fucked up and let a pro-russian party in power, so they instantly hiked up the taxes to fuck everyone over.

1% Fingolian here

That sucks. Stay strong and determine your own destiny.

sad day for both of our countries

come home white man



They will be out in the next election, but the damage has been done. Still, live and go on, always on.


Why didn't you deport the Russians as soon as you got independence?

ayy Im american pole-finn mix

le master race

come home white man

Because in part, we got our independence thanks to some russians who fought with us. To boot them out after they fucked over their own countrymen would have been too harsh.

But it has a bit of a silver-lining in it. Due to the russian population, my ethnicity has always had an "other" to define itself against, and with russia being as big and large as it is, they always had a real sense of "threat" if mishandled.

In a way, they are what wards us against western liberalism... Sadly it does not ward us against the aids they spread.

Yep, that's me

At least fix the fucking image, gook.

good... good

Finland is our best military ally and one of our closest allies, I wouldn't mind extending that to Esti

>let a pro-russian party in power
In the fuck


Russians form 20-25% of the population, and their party scoops up all leftists, communists and contrarians. And when the former primary party has had a historic fuckup by appointing some limp-wristed newcomer as their new central face after their old leader retired, it was easy for the party that had played as the pimary opposition to scoop up a victory. Also it helped that the pro-russian party had a face-change, as the old face of the party was replaced with someone else so it seems less of a full-on extention of kremlin, and more as a coalition of misfits.

However, they have fucked up massively, and will be out in next election. Nobody likes the tax hikes, and the only ones estatic about it still are our own russians who are simply happy they got their own in power for once.

You should rid yourself of them. The russkies have proven themselves to be an infection on the face of the nation.



>59745 BC


For better or worse, esto-russians are our own people, and at this point in time, they are so mixed in with us that its not a genetic, but a cultural assimilation that has to happen to soothe over the differences.

Simply the staggering ammount of NAXALT russians we have will make any ethnic cleansing impossible, since we will always have that one based russian we know who can speak our language without a trace, and has changed his family name from "Vladimirowitch" to "Tamm".


>at this point in time, they are so mixed in with us that its not a genetic
What, in 70 years? Doubt that.

Yeah, that move didn't make any sense considering your greatest export is alcohol for us Finns.

Why would anyone give a fuck about some shithole called Estonia?

you came to the wrong neighborhood

Consider that we have had contact with the russians for hundreds of years, either as imperial subjects, or as neighbours. To draw a line in sand now out of the blue would be as easy as to separate from Sweden all the people with finnish roots, no matter how well or how little they have integrated.

There are problems between ethnic groups, no doubt about it. The language barrier and occasional bouts that we percieve as undue "arrogance" from the esto-russians is there, but dreams of cleansing them when nearly every third family has some historic roots related to russia is pointless.

As much as we like to larp about it, russians are not niggers. They arent a visible ethnic group that is unassimilatable. They are full of aids, and that i can understand from their predeliction to abuse drugs, but thats a problem we are working on.

Fuck you. Viro + Soome 4ever.

>le 54% face having an opinion


Winland stronk :DDD

Finns don't vote to undermine Swedish sovereignty. Any Russian worth keeping has already changed his name and main language, it's completely unreasonable to keep the rest around.

Hispanics are still better than somalis and inbred muzzies

>constantly bitching about everything
>need to be included t everything
>rainbow flag gets blacked
>more movies with black people
i can why you guys are so annoyed

The rest are pensioners, larping as the last children of the great USSR as they bemoan their better days of waiting in bread-lines.

The rest are slowly integrating, or taking abuse of visa-free travel and escaping to the great welfare states of europe. And rushing it along will unravel the progress done so far in severing the esto-russian ties to their motherland, or making them feel hopeless enough to either migrate back, or away to other states.

"Non-Hispanic white" is a Jewish media meme, because they're to be grouped up as a monolith "oppressed" minority group to think and vote like niggers.

We're 76% white including Hispanics who self-identify as white on the census.

Well, when you put it like that...

So a political party was voted in due to the Russian pensioner vote? I don't buy it.
Fatherland. Mothers don't build nations.

but fathers can't give birth

No, the russian party was a standard opposition party, scooping up everyone who was against what the current government was doing. In most times, they would not be popular enough to be included in the governing coalition since majority of other parties disliked their politics. But since the primary party fucked up massively, they got in power for a single election in a slim margain, and proceeded to fuck everything up.

And lets be honest. If it was not russians, we would have had the same social positions being filled by our own souls.

Giving birth is a basic biological function one can do while in a coma. There is nothing impressive nor noteworthy about giving birth, any one woman can do it in their sleep. Fathers produce healthy and productive children who carry on the torch, they produce the physical and spiritual material which makes up the nation. The word "motherland" is not only irrational and ridiculous, it's also disrespectful and obscene.

>being WOKE
choose one