I am a Turk in germany

I'm having sex with all your white women

good for you mate

Yes it is

oh no im #triggered

You better be wh*Te boy

Pics or it didn’t happen

Ps. I’m so happy that I am aryan phenotype. If I was a Turk I’d hang myself, but then again if I was a Turk I’d be too stupid to realize what a disgusting animal I Am

reported to AfD

Why am I disgusting?

You are not iranian

I'm Greek and I married a Turk so you can go fuck yourself cuck boy

tfw Merkel might be your distant cousin but grandpa doesn't know enough about your German relatives

Why would you marry a Turk? Is he/she a shitskin?



After you wrote that I got bumped to page one.

You have to type it options too genius

Running around inside a kitchen cabinet looking for open bags does not translate into English as "I am having sex with all your white women."

She is from Istanbul and she's white she is a (((moderate))) Muslim I'm Greek orthodox

You will always be a brown tabaco field nigger.


Any proof OP? I need a good fap

Like I said you can’t understand because you are a Turk and clearly reading is not your strong suit

stop stealing german sheep


>All your white woman

What a disgusting piece of shit.

Do you let them cum in your ass, tugril?