Are you ready to be culturally enriched you fucking racist goyim stormfags

Are you ready to be culturally enriched you fucking racist goyim stormfags

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>she isn't plus size

What are her superpowers?

Did you just assume her size you ableist pigdog

Summoning foodstamps

The ability to clean Windows without leaving streaks.

Will crash and burn, like all of the other politically correct "heroes".

Heh made me laugh

RIP Marvel


Shot them in the head

Punching Hitler.

How original.
Why not punching Stalin, or any other person who orchestrated the deaths of millions? Nope, always Hitler.

"Punching Hitler shows freedom/tolerance/morality/(Insert what you are trying to convey)!"

It's old now. Marvel really is dying.

Dont you know communism is gud cause it means more gibs

the superhero and powers part is now an afterthought, its more about gender and race now.

This already happened awhile ago. What makes it even more cringe is that she actually went back in time and stole Captain America's iconic punch.

Assholes. Mexicans don't support or need that shit. Send the lime light to the nigs, they love the attention.

Yeah, this reeks of uncreativity.

Can't wait for this genre to die.
Also, stop raging over this, they are trying to use the controversy as a marketing springboard

Being a shitskin. The white self-hating liberals who write this tripe see that as a virtue.

her sales are literally nonexistent

>7000 storefront units

Ya, nobody gives a fuck about Cultural Enrichment: The Comic Book.

hahaha the polish jew is back with s-scary latina dyke degenerate , more like hitler knees her in the balls

it's clearly an homage to the first issue of Captain America

This looks really really made up by some butthurt SJR.

>is that hitler ese
spics dont even talk like that

Heh, women are so reduntant in Marvels opinion that they just rehash them in old stories of cic patriarch?

Such culture, such refinement, such equality.

>Marvel unveils superhero called America who punches Adolf Hitler in the face in the first issue
So they literally just made Cap a butch lesbian spic?

Communism is merely the equal distribution of poverty.

Besides, this is clearly 'diversity quotas.' It doesn't fail to amuse me how they keep pushing a narrative that decreases in popularity.

>reading comics
>political comics of all things
Kek you fucking autists will remain manchildren forever

>at the same time news programs start championing the disabled/minorities/the weak/etc. as who to strive for, they turn superheroes into the same monstrosities

Yes, I'm sure she'll do so well and totally won't get dumped after 5 issues nobody will buy.

Marvel hasn't destroyed itself completely yet?

She is literally THE minority.

She's from an alternate universe.
She was raised by two moms.
She is supposedly completely invulnerable to almost everything.
She has super-strength and flight and can kick and punch multiversal stars between realities.
She is also a REEEEALlY shitty person.

Mowing the lawn with super speed

Holy shit I remember this game, wasted my life on it.

She'll be more obscure than Swamp Thing and not nearly as good.

So diverse and tolerant unlike my racist ass wallet which is full of pictures of the same guy.

Jumping border walls in a single bound. Dropping anchor babies. Cleaning hotel rooms to almost acceptable standards.

It's now mostly soloable via party members like FF12's gambit system.

Punching Adolf Hitler in the face in her first issue.

The ability to phase through barriers

AAHHAHAHHAHA! I can't believe they finally did it! racists and Sup Forums unequivocally B T F O

This is seriously all you will ever need to know about this "comic book".

Yeah i gave it a try after trust and ilvl came in, but it doesn't feel the same as the good old days of bouncing between sandworm and DI or dashing to reach tiamat before the holding group wipes.

do you believe your own ramblings

>white self-hating liberals
this thing write that shit > Gabby Rivera. Marvel is full of Spics and Musslims nowadays

>but it doesn't feel the same as the good old days of bouncing between sandworm and DI or dashing to reach tiamat before the holding group wipes
And then you remember you grew up and would rather supekku than do that all over again because it was just a nostalgic feeling.

>Lesbian latina in a Somali flag suit punches Hitler for diversity

>American culture 2017

How did you build nukes?

We read DC here, faggot

((They)) are paid very little money to.

>How did you build nukes?
German engineers did

with white people
shiskins and kikes make these comics and they don't sell

this is a joke, right?!

This comic is so amateurish it's actually amazing. There's no pacing or flow, every page reads like an unrelated preview page.

I mean, like, 20 jews and a couple of german nationals did...

You should try actually checking who draws these shitty comics before making retarded comments about it and making yourself look stupid. Casey&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3MKkoLs5VAjPNzSyz0rSMspOt9NMyk0sy8_MSc-JL8zLLUouKU5GEkjMSixKTS1KLrJKLUhNL8osAqi927kwAAAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwisoduvsP7UAhUMw2MKHU94D0EQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=901

NO is what Marvel is now, this is the actual roster of characters, that's not Hulk is a chink neither Spiderman that's nigger spiderman

Are you seriously triggered by Hitler punching, leaf?

which numale is which nigger

>And nobody bought it
can't wait for another flop

If it was, somebody forgot that it was suppose to be.

Forgot link.

The ability to shit out babies well into her 50's. Amazing.

>Are you ready to be culturally enriched you fucking racist goyim stormfags

The ability to produce infinite anchor babie minions which she uses to infiltrate whole planets.

you mean (((them)))

The person who draws this comic is a white cuck.

Stalin was a big man, nobody would stand up to him. Hitler was a little fairy, very punchable guy.

Shes been around since 2011 though

Just fucking deal with it. She's perfect and literally destroys any of the previous retarded cis-male heroes.

so who wrote it

This will surely save marvel comics from plummeting any further!

Chavez... Wtf, this is high level cultural marxism

Poor Hitler.
He's the go to, punchable villain.
Punch Himmler! He's the jumped up chicken farmer who ran the SS.
Hitler dindunuffin.

Who am I kidding, they aren't creative enough to view the Nazis as anything less than Hitler's personal monolith.

What's next? Kang the Rapping Pharoah, spitting bars about smashing Eva Braun?

>hear Amerika is still making comics
>look some up
>it's all shit like this
>google sales numbers

My local kombini sells more comics than all your nation's comic book stores combined. Fucking pathetic.

here's some enrichment!

This reads like a masturbatory self-insert character. I mean, she has Superman's power kit plus a ton of dimensional bullshit on top of that. Of course, I'm not sure what else I was expecting.

Joe Casey, the person I linked you to.

>Kek you fucking autists will remain manchildren forever
I think you need a reality check, you're on Sup Forums.

Actually, I'm just bored with it. Hitler is featured so much that he no longer has the same impact on the story when used.

It's lazy writing. I want something more creative.

She is supersized

>Ms. America, not "Miss" America
I'm seriously confused right now.
Assuming this would make sense when written aren't Ms. and Miss homophones?
Also doesn't Ms. stand for Miss anyway?

>it's another idiot jealous that his favorite character is weaker than the perfect LGBTQ+ superhero who jumps into the scene

It's clearly tired old shit that works for Cap because of his origin, but looks lazy and cheap for everyone else. She's not worthy of her own story so what's the fucking point? SJWs and their ilk just need to fuck off now, they've shit on culture for too long.

>wetback with superpowers
>decides to be one of a thousand other superheroes in the USA
>while in Mexico cartels peel the faces off of decapitated victims and stuff their genitals into their mouth

90% of their line is completely failing right now, and Secret Empire is an unmitigated disaster.

They can't even bring themselves to admit that their best selling lines right now are old school gems like Weapon X, Moon Knight, the new Cable, and complete experimentations like Gwenpool or U.S. Avengers. Ditch the virtue signalling horse shit and get back to basics fucking already.

People need to be fired. These SJW "creators" need to be black-balled.

This can not be real.

Drop Marvel sales to 0 in her first issue.

Comics are beloved by children and teens, so when you abandon the more lighthearted aspects of your culture to the Left, you are giving them permission to brainwash your kids.

(()) are the underlings.
((())) are the real threat, fo sure.

Dumb bitch missed him

Oh! She's a Mary Sue! Hahahahah, I never knew Marvel would publish a self-insert fanfiction from tumblr. I thought they had people who knew how to write.

Oh wait, current marvel.

All the more reason fighting HIM is more impressive!

Smelling like taccos.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

His overarching message is that Communist dictators genocided several hundred millions more than any right wing institution ever and they're never under fire for crimes against humanity or cruel and unusual inhumanity because it meshes with these pop media comic book drawing SJW cunts to be sympathetic to their ideology, you obtuse arabic faggot.

This except for the part where it's going to be pudgy 30-something white guys buying most comics these days.

Im all set with this garbage is marvel trying to bankrupt their comic book division?

She's also the "leader" of the current incarnation of The Ultimates.
Over such characters as Blue Marvel, Monica Rambeau, Cptn. Marvel, Black Panther... Glactus...




She even speaks like a shitty stereotype.

I wonder what Latinos think of her.

The Яed Star at background? Way to go, comrade!

Too bad Kate Bishop is.. *kck*.. straight as an arrow!