What in hell is this abomination? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What in hell is this abomination? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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We should use the faggot flag in revenge.

fuck off to tumblr, nobody gives a shit you redditor.

>Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

They're gonna hack the meme-frame!

>muslims launch a new campaign to kill and destroy something they don't like

Quick, rev up those spicy Blepe

>attempting to out meme a board of autistic fucks whose soul purpose in life is to troll

...how dumb are these people, they create a new outlet to get fucked with

i'm not going to lie, this is one of the dumbest things i've heard of coming from the left.

>implying that's how memes work

Yes, yes. So upsetting. We will simply steal the meme and turn the toad into a racist icon and we'll win again. It's what we do.

Sauce OP?

The memewar brought forth the anti christ


Im not a redditor you twat , and don't hide behind that glorious flag, show your true face!

They fail to realize that r/The_Donald did that already

>that fucking pic

>Leftist memes
Why are they so bad?

This people are pathetic, why are they so lame and narrow-minded? Can they create something original and at the same time funny?

HiddenLol ,(Beware of gore and Nazi memes)

So they are going to spread PEPE causing normies to look up what he is and what people use him for?
Basically they are going to redpill a fuckton of people for us.
I totally back this.


>Feminists, SJWs, Liberals and Muslims launch...
What do you know, the article just said the groups mentioned are on the same side.
they said it themselves ,feminists=SJWs=Liberals=Muslisms.

How to piss epep followers ignore them that shit would be funny as fuck

This is literally nothing. They are "killing" Pepe by posting other pepes. How much more stupid can you get?

Im trembling in my boots user. Pepe has already died several times. Just an opportunity for some dank revival memes

epep the false god will be crushed by kek on it's return the 23th of september

I'm not entirely sure hildawg memes weren't ironic.

Shitty forced meme


just bring back caca, peepee but with pepe doing shit to epep

of course some of them were. but there was a push by the hill camp to push meme's etc. of course no one who worked for her liked her so the memes were all shit.

>Feminists and muslims


>feminists and mudslimes teaming up

This is why they can never meme. They are too afraid to offend anybody, except the internet nazi frogs of course, and you can't offend the offender.

But there is a bright side bois , now we can mindfuck the normies, making them praise the Kek,
Without them even realizing it!

This is a new anti-semitic symbol, invented by the leftwing media.

i would also argue you can't offend someone who simply doesn't give a fuck.

That's actually pretty clever, for pinkos that is

EPEP will die so quickly because SJW's cannot feed their meme the tendies it needs. They will make it their fad in resistance (too little too late) and give up on these silly motifs in a week.
That or it gains traction and then they have to hate hate hate EPEP for being shooped into an SS uniform.

>trying to offend frogposters by drawing mildly gross ms-paint cartoons about frog that is best known for nazi memes and pooping in jugs

Well said Finanon

Memes based on deceptions have no true power.

The leftist's entire worldview is built on lies on abstractions. It seeps into their creations, and makes them ineffectual.

I must reee
but i have no memes

this is hands down my favorite meme of 2016. it sums up the election perfectly

can't believe he said that
the nazis almost nothing but only propaganda


i agree that the left's "power" came from deception and avarice. their play book is literally "rules for radicals" i thought that was just a meme until i started reading the book...

>What in hell is this abomination?


Yes you are we can tell by the way youre sperging out. You think we care about your shitty meme, we couldnt care less. See yourself out


Et tu, epep?

God damn. I wish I was that creative and original.

Even if you believe that they did nothing but lie (they didn't) that still sounds like a completely reasonable statement that somebody would make in order to convince people he was being truthful.

Do you think he got on stage and said "i'm lying to you" ?


I actually never went to reddit , I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me, brit cuck. Don't you have a bridge to wash?

Clearly we need to start dressing him in KKK robes and nazi uniforms and the skins of liberal feminists, then flood the superwholock tag with the pics.
Or, we could just ignore lame attempt at memeing. Whichever is more fun.

The fire rises


Everytime these buzzfeed-ass places try to force a meme or something, you just gotta go to the absolute extreme with it poo poo pee pee style and they can never ever ever handle that level of gore and filth...it makes them want to disassociate and go take a shower

They arent immunized to the internet as we are

Second option is funnier.

Why are you wasting your breath on brittish cucks, frogbro?

Goebells was a mind-fucker.
As straight-up and honest as he supposes to be: Its an act.
Convincing isn't it?
Hear that enough times, huh.

The best way to force propaganda is to confuse it with truth.
There isn't some universal rule that you cant call your lies truth.
Its annoying how non-aware political larpers who think Nazi germany was perfect and they would have a great life if this rat faced chicken farmer was in charge of their news.
It'd be a million times worse than CNN, as duplicitous as they are.

Just copy paste it faster than they can meme it themselves

Nothing is set in stone
Mold epep into Sup Forumss image

So are they legit pretending Thoth and succ and the other bizarrely similar attempts weren't their abortive first five tries?

>what a "crappy" campaign

Would be pretty good if you were white and German. Relatively speaking at the time, they had one of the highest standards of living.

why is the hillary pepe cross-eyed?

>engaging in meme war with the meme masters
there are more pleasant ways to commit suicide

because she is retarded, just like you and your fellow people

Just start putting Epep in Nazi Uniforms, and show him lynching jews & fags.


I guess we'll never know because you fucked that up. Enjoy your rape gangs, anglo

Get with the times grandma. Sup Forums is already doing that


Could it be that the smart people are on the right?

Didnt they try to destroy pepe before?

Yeah good luck with that.

I miss CTR

sage this shit it keeps getting posted but epep the toad doesnt even exist on tumblr


>normies will take existing pictures of pepe, colour them brown with mspaint, and repost them, claiming epic win

This shit will never go anywhere.
Normies will never put in the "effort" to make OC, all they can do is cut, paste, and crudely recolour things, then apply a liberal layer of artifacts and a watermark.

Kek will never lose to keK.

The absolute state of warfare in 2017. This statement is absolutely correct, and absolutely horrifying.


this isn't warlock, you can't defeat a meme by saying it's name backwards and then burying it in salt.

The left is so bluntly cringe, and they'll never get ahead like this. The main thing about memes is their highly amorphous nature, they are not a singular object, but an entire set of tools.

The left only sees memes as a blunt object, a hammer. Or better yet, a wrench.
They are hammering away with a wrench unsure why they fail each time.
But us?
We use the wrench to tighten the bolt, thus being successful.

They don't understand what a meme is, they don't understand how to use it, and they'll never be able to get ahead.

can we make poopoo pepe into oopoop epep?

To this day I haven't figured out of this is real or a parody.

>tfw life is hard

just host another tumblr raid but with Epep memes being spammed alongside gore, racism, sexism, and general bigotry.

like Epep showcasing pic related

They'll forget about it in 2 days

I wonder if they miss this place :^(


Epep doesn't exist you blithering fucking morons, none of these articles that keep getting posted are real. There is no Epep Tumblr, you're literally making retaliation memes for a meme that does not fucking exist.

>trying to out-meme weaponized military grade autists

Epep Akerlund
before Islam and after
Meme it

I secretly wish I was born Australian

Yeah, too bad Epep isn't a meme and all the articles about it are photoshopped, including the screencaps of the Tumblr. Seriously, why do you bitch about fake news so much yet can't be bothered to do the slightest bit of research on a screencap?

Is Pocahontas going to use fake Pepe while she stumps for the failing blue wave meme?

you expect anyone to care enough to google "is epep real" to find out? id guess 99% of us just give a slight giggle that liberals are retarded and move on. lighting up kid

Epep has to go back

someone screencap this

Considering that the people who keep making these threads continuously talk about wanting to "fight back" to reclaim the meme that they think Tumblr made and CNN is reporting on, yes, I fully expect for them to do a little bit of research before jumping the gun.

muslims call for a jihad to either convert or behead all the pepes