Daily reminder that trump has done NOTHING to remove cannabis from schedule 1


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Daily reminder that he never said he would dumbass

He should round up all of you addicts and use you as free labor in building the wall.

When was that promise made? Or is the left generating more strawmen?

daily reminder that trump wants to leave it up to the states

this. or as mortar.

It's legal in some form in over half the states. You can always move.

So what? Maybe it would be a good thing if he did. All the fucking socialists would be too high to act retarded.

>no drugs
>no cigarettes
>no alcohol

Wow,that sounds like hell!

uh good. pot is bad.



Oh yes I'll just uproot my entire life so I can smoke a fucking plant without getting thrown in prison

Aren't you supposed to hold the smoke in?

Why can't people be both against the use of weed and for the legalization or decriminalization? People should not be going to prison over having smoked weed or having a personal amount of it on them. People shouldn't go to jail for having personal amounts of other drugs on their either. Degenerate and stupid doesn't have to mean incarceration.

It's like Trudeau all over again. That's it, I'm moving to Canada.

This. She bypassed the smoke completely. What a n00b

Nigger you think cigarettes are fun!? I need this shit to not murder people. WTF FUN DO YOU GET FROM THEM???

Not really. Thc gets in your bloodstream in fractions of a second. The holding it in thing is a meme and just damages your lungs more.

>no cancer

i do construction and work long ass shifts.
i just like to come home and unwind with a marlboro and a bottle of jack. its relaxing.

Post more Sasha, she's wife material.

If your too stupid to hide it you shouldnt be doing it.

Don't assume a guy who was worth 10 figures before he started smoking has the correct answers.

Yes and then throw your ass over it.

Ha ha ha. Canadian wall is next. Enjoy being world's #1 nation as far as demographic enrichment goes. And that is according to your own statistics bureau.

Cannabis should be fully legalized and deregulated for personal usage as drug.
i.e. cannabioid containing products can not be sold, but can be grown as much as you want it by registered licensed growers.

Hemp fabric, hemp oils, hemp seeds (for stock feed) non-cannabioid-containing sources growth and usage in turn should be encouraged, so anglo can fuck off with it`s shitty cotton.

There is only so much place to grow cotton, but hemp can be grown anywhere and does not need anyone to pick it. Perfect way to start local manufacturing of it and defund anti-americans.

This is an excellent point, and I stand by this . Finding the drug use of weed to be personally or morally bad doesn't mean it should be illegal.

id even prefer the northern wall first, since illegal immigration has dropped so much.

the day of the rake is coming weed head



>smoking anything

If you aren't using a volcano or equivalent vaporizer to inhale your weed you're a fucking idiot.

Because he's a fucking douche.

Politicians are for fucking retards

he never said he would you leaf nigger. you need to get your shit together. your prime minister said he would not our president

at last check justin got you your stupid weed. go back to watching happy tree friends

Volcano feels like I'm filling my lungs with faggot juice

Pot degrades your memory to retard tier levels
>former serial stoner
Seriously dude, if you want to do something with your life get out of that time trap.

You'd be better off with an artificial slope. Kinda one way like a diode. There's still a fuckton of illegal crossings from US to canuckistan there every day. You guys are profiting on canda's expense.

useless libspergs smoking themselves retarded and eventually dying out or commiting suicide is sort of what Sup Forums wants

Better than cancer juice.



>casually accepting that life is so dreadful only poisonous intoxicants make it worthwhile
This has become part of culture. And no one takes the time to objectively look at how fucking absurd this is.

> Thc gets in your bloodstream in fractions of a second
some of it does. however, you don't get the full effect unless you hold it for at least a full second. the people who don't hold in their hits are weed wasting faggots.

>fucking douche.
weird way to spell moral person...

I'd prefer burning it like it's coal.
if I really need to conserve I'll use my lil MF box.

This. Only 3 years use here, but I regret all of it. Makes you fucking dumb.
>forget common words used in conversation
quit while you still can

>drugs have a morality

just like guns and cars amirite?

You must take professional wrestling seriously if you think a world bank approved mainstream goy candidate is ever moral

>mainstream approved
right, hence the 24/7 nonstop character attacks by the media prior to, during, and after the election

Freeing yourself from the drug Jew is acting morally.

If you are using drugs you are becoming a Jewish puppet, any politician who legalizes drugs is bought by (((them))) and is acting immoral.

Yeah I lost 3 years too. What a colossal waste of fucking time that was.

I live in Washington D.C. We have fully legalized marijuana for recreational use but Congress has blocked us from implementing anything beyond medical use. Does pol support this?

Nah u just have no IQ to begin with.
Used it for a decade.
Good times... Smoke cones, play videogames.
Paradise on earth.

I-is using a Boundless CFX o-ok, user-kun?
It's pretty decent, I'd say

just dont smoke that plant then. see? not such a big fucking deal

You obviously do not know how deep the rabbit hole goes. (((They))) have controlled both sides since Napoleonic times. You wouldnt even get in the door of politics if you were not on the payroll. If he really was a threat he would of had an (((accident))) long before hand.

How comfy is Colorado?
It seems like a more comfy state than Washington.
>tfw no american

>play videogames
Kek how old are you?

Daily reminder that DRUGS ARE DEGENERATE. Drug addicts deserve to be in Auschwitz 2.0

That's because he doesn't have any real power and does what he's told.

Who cares if they're degenerate?

>being too stupid to recognise a false dichotomy/controlled opposition/ placebo alternative relationship in which the world bank families' unlimited wealth buys all winners and calls all

stay brainwashed pleb
THC is the healthiest, safest medication on Earth and its use predates judiasm by aeons. Are you a shill or a retard?

She just looks like she stinks from every crevice in her body...her breath must smell like cock and bunghole! Take a shower stinky burn out!!

daily reminder all potheads must die

marajuana is a brainwashing drug

calls all shots*

Ah I forget you socialists like to trample civil liberties by labeling anything you don't like 'degenerate'

>tfw not ripping a fat hit and fugging that slag qt patootie

>THC is the healthiest, safest medication on Earth and its use predates judiasm by aeons. Are you a shill or a retard?
You are controlled by the Jew senpai.

I encourage you all to drink heavily.

Daily reminder that pot is fucking degenerate loser shit and you shop to supporting its legalization and usage.

It's still hot and I've noticed it causes me more throat issues than a water pipe. I'm probably going to switch back from a vape to water pipes.

The awesome thing about vapes is that it doesn't smell and you can eat the weed still after vaping it.

It is provably the lowest toxicity of all naturally occuring compounds that are pharmaceutically active.

Tylennol is 12,000x more neurotoxic.

please make a meaningful argument

Who cares you fucking hippy

Top kek you must be dumb

Been smoking for 15 years and I'm smarter now than I've ever been before.

When you smoked and study your brain has to create new cells and guess what? Cannabis promotes neurogenesis.

Why does my tv want me to hate him so much?

I dont care what the fuck anyone says. Heavy pot usage affects your brain. And not just a little. I got forgetful as fuck and couldnt synthesize linear reading material. Not at all. And I used to do that effortlessly.

wait you can study and smoke at the same time?

Because I like smoking the plant, faggot. I'm not hurting anyone.

>daily reminder
in typical stoner fashion, thread is nowhere near daily

"Burning bush" amirite?

its multiple times a day

It takes practice numb nuts.

If you smoke a joint and try to do pull ups you will do really shitty the first ten times you try. After a month of smoking and training your pull ups will the best you've ever done.

must have just seemed like a whole day, man

Sure, goy...

Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

Completely healthy.

Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Nothing to see here

Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Don't worry, just smoke it.

Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:


>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:


>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:


>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

dont worry about the white race, goy.

It takes training but yes you can. It's actually a lot of fun. The material can be fascinating.

What is virtue

How can you even make a living if you are a stoner? (When you also have to pay for all the weed)

Being a stoner seems chill, but it isn't chill anymore when you have to work your ass off at a shitty job because you are a procastinator that didn't learn anything to become a business owner or having income streams.

Maybe that's why only young people who live on parents money or student loans smoke so much weed.

>Cannabis promotes neurogenesis.

Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

ahem, WRONG

You are an imbecile. I had 6 stoner friends. We all tried to go to the gym high. Every single one of us reported diminished performance. Your a fucking liar dude. To what end I do not know. Maybe you are smoking rosemary the local nig is fooling you with. I dunno. But you rwport the exact opposite multiple people have confirmed. Anecdotally and scientifically. Kill yourself k thnx.

I bet you have food allergies too.

That's cool, I smoke at least a quarter gram of wax a day and I'm completing a doctorate in history at a prestigious university. Have you considered that maybe you weren't working with too much to begin with?

Not a single one. I hate fish though.

>the best you've ever done.
>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):


You tried it once you gaping vagaina.

I said do it every day for a month. It takes training.

So then move or vacation. What's the problem?

I hate druggies, but consume alcohol myself. Does that make me a hypocrite?

I have more testosterone than your cuck human father who spawned your faggot copy pasta posting ass. Have you even read a single one of those articles? I have and I know their results are FAR from conclusive.

>I'm completing a doctorate in history at a prestigious university

let's see how you will perform in real life, when you have to pay for all of your bills and expenses yourself. it's easy to say "weed doesn't diminish my performance" when you're basically on student welfare.
but you can still work at mcdonalds right?

Haha look at you. Have fun talking about irrelevancies why i play around with DNA manipulation.
Jesus dude never try to gloat with that useless shit.

You should ruin fish for others. It really has no medical value.


I have a full time job I've been working for 4 years. Earned $30k in raises during this time.