Liberal and conservative Jews are fighting

Liberal and conservative Jews are fighting

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One of the dumbest memes is that jews are monolith.

No one hates Jews like Jews.

They're not monolithic

This. We are not that different from goym

that is to be expected. Just like how some Jews decided to follow Jesus when he outed the Jewish religious leaders as hypocrites and members of a synagogue of satan.

This isn't a new way, not is it particularly fun. Can you out-innovate a Jew, Sup Forums?

>One of the dumbest memes is that jews are monolith
Jews are a monolith the same way that niggers are a monolith. Fuck Jews and fuck your retarded Canadian ass.

It's even happening in Israel. Over the weekend, an Israeli envoy to Hungary charged the government with antisemitism for their anti Soros ad campaign only for Bibi to make them retract the comment. I still suspect this is 6d kikery rather than goodwill by Bibi since they didn't apologize for this outrage. But it still shows (((they))) are losing the narrative.

When shit hits the fan, Jews are always monolithic. They will always play both sides up till that point.



I'm 1/16th Jewish and I can fucking sniff out pennies
This isn't a joke or anything, I'm dead fucking serious
Around places like couch cushions I can smell the distinct scent of copper


Thats cause the elites happen to be jewish, know that, and paint the idea that you should hate them not because they're elite, but because they're jewish, so they can use antisemitism as a scapegoat.
And all of Sup Forums walks right into it like good little sheep.

Also I can't believe its a fucking Goldberg that speaks out against this
Fucking hilarious, just imagine if the biggest anti-zionist is someone named Shlomo Goldshekel-Bergenstein

Conservatives start telling the truth about the Elite Jews who have nearly total control over Money Creation through Central Baking. Education, Entertainment and Media.

The Elite Jews failed to ban free speech on the internet so now everyone can talk about how well the "poor persecuted" Jews are doing these days.

Lower level Jews are studying up on World War 2 also and learning that Stalin persecuted Jews who had served in the Bolshevik revolution. They are getting worried about being sacrificed by the Elite Jews as part of a sympathy/world control scheme.

Blacks are being replaced by Hispanics as the new method of cheap labor. They are starting to wake up to the game too. Hispanics are surprisingly aware of the game if they have worked a bit in the USA and word is spreading in their community too.

The wild card in the deck that was played is that the Internet allowed free speech for about 10 solid years and now days only websites like Sup Forums allow free speech.

It is difficult to estimate the damage that free speech on the internet is doing to the Elite Jews and their white enforcers rule everybody else narrative.

Norbot would be proud

"We are not so different, you and I..." - Every villain in every movie ever

I want to believe.

Jesus christ fucking this.

Unpopular opinion incoming.
The Jews out Meritocracy'd us and their spot (right wing ones at least) is well earned and I begrudgingly salute them. We should have outcompeted them and we did not. Butthurt NatSoc kiddies need not apply.
The Jews have leftists elements that I suspect they despise. Scapgoating the Jews for ALL of the worlds goddamn problems is a mental shortcut of the same breed Stalin committed with the Kulaks and Mao with the 'city dwellers'. I secretly cannot fucking stand ((())) posting. Imagine if we shilled successfully to the point that our based Jewish allies started using the word "kike" to described be their non-Judaism practicing Marx fellating cousins in a MASS surprise event. (((Zuckerberg))) ect.
Furthermore, The patently moronic notion that Nazi isn't leftist is Soros-tier counter narrative in work. Hitler was just a filthy statist socialist.
>B-but NatSoc is different
>muh Hitler indentified Socialism differently
And he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. I don't give a shit how he thought his Soicalism was/should be; it matters what it actually IS.
Hitler beleived in massive public works programs, complete gun control, government control of the economy, and cradle to the grave benefits. NatSoc wasn't diametrically OPPOSED to Communism; it competed with it.
Ayn Rand's criticism of him in 'Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal' is irrefutable. As far as stereotypical kikes go, Hilter was far closer to a kike than Rand. Dumbfuck Hitler would have unwittingly paved the way for GloSoc if he had won so thank fuck he didn't.

Some of the biggest anti-Zionists are named just that. The ultra-Orthodox Haredi are opposed to Zionism.




It started recently.
Its the same as every western nation accepting they will swing right.
Anti semitism is coming back, but not just in one slamm country, but all over the world. The same as the right wing.

Thats because American Jews are the worst of the worst

Stormfags didn't pay attention to the cries from leftist jews when Netanyahu was elected. It was just like for Trump. A lot of national conservative Jews have gone to Israel, so it's mainly the cultist ones that remain here, and some brave holdouts.

Just imagine if the biggest anti-zionist is someone named Shlomo Goldshekel-Bergenstein.
Not quite but it was someone named Alisa Rosenbaum. Reminder that all these smear attempts by commie, cyrpto-commie, and NatSoc shills of Ayn Rand are borne out of their gut wrenching realization that Objectivism is the greatest threat they have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy. ALL of the andversaries she descibes in her novels are EXACTLY what Sup Forums describes as the sterotypical kike. Kikes exist but Rand is quite literally the most based jew to ever live. I do not exaggerate.

Ashkenazi here. I've been trying to convince my Jewish family that Jews are trying to destroy the west. I think they might be coming around.

Yes, like all the Jewish capos in the Ghettos and camps working for the Nazis.

Or the Jewish commissars who carried out pogroms on their own.

Jews are people, and people are shit who will fuck over their own if it benefits them.

Look at Soros - he's actively undermining the state of Israel because a Jewish state undermines his borderless world order.

"Left leaning"

Always with this kikery. If they were truly based they would accurately describe them: extreme left. "Left leaning" is how the kikes in the global media describe every shitbag leftist on TV like Rachel Maddow, while calling hannity and rush far right. Jews in america are leftist extremists.

Forgot to greentext

That newspaper is the most ultra liberal leftist in the country

Best post I've seen on here for a while.

This is the truth, almost all of the 'conservative' Jews will side with the Marxists if anyone ever actually tries to stop the Left. Playing outliers up as though they matter is part of the game to get Whites to stop taking their own side and instead surround themselves with tokens from other groups.

>The Jews out Meritocracy'd us and their spot (right wing ones at least) is well earned and I begrudgingly salute them
kindly kill yourself. Jews are the most nepotistic, snakey, conniving people on the planet. My issue with them isn't their industry, it's that once they get there they do the same thing they preach against: they discriminate and hire jews. See hollywood, academia, finance, big business. You're brainwashed.
>The Jews have leftists elements that I suspect they despise.
You suspect? They push it on the world, and love it for themselves.
>Scapgoating the Jews for ALL of the worlds goddamn problems is a mental shortcut of the same breed Stalin committed with the Kulaks and Mao with the 'city dwellers'.
The Kulaks and city dwellers don't have a history of subverting every civilization they dig into. Jews are different. Do you think it's a coincidence they've been kicked out of everywhere they've been?
>Furthermore, The patently moronic notion that Nazi isn't leftist is Soros-tier counter narrative in work. Hitler was just a filthy statist socialist.
There's truth here, but socialism in a monolithic group WORKS. Hitler wanted to unite the germans, the same way the israelis want to unite jews. But it's okay for the israelis to do it, but not the germans?


This in addition to Objectivism is the /final/ fucking redpill.


Yes. All races, cultures and religions are monolithic when the shit hits the fan. We are not an exception
It's true though. Look at any Hareetz article and you'll see that they constantly shit on us and jewishness. We have subverters just as much as you do

Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, and most Israelis I know who have actually had to live in the shit will side with the right.

Blind hatred for any group is peasant tier stupidity.

t. Jew

Jews despise Meritocracy despite their intelligence, they are the most nepotostic and tribal people on Earth. 'Scapegoating' isn't real outside of Judaism, it's a Jew meme to project their own sickness on other people.


I had a number of interesting conversations with jews redpilled about WW2 and how things escalated to it.

One juden intrigued me, he pointed out hitler should have won and rothschild fucked up everything. In his words:

Can you imagine what the world would look like today if britain didint screw te haavara agreement? Europe would be free of jews, and jews would basicaly have their own nation as they wanted, a paradise island nation in temperate climate, witout stupid border conflicts, and very likely a major naval trade hub to ensure the wealth without relyng on american and holohoax gibsmedat. Instead we are stuck in a small patch of infertile land with almost no resources, surround b billions of people who hate us. Europe would be a superower with a strong culture, tradition and miltary might, we would have a dream homeland and the marxist plague would have been exterminated long ago.

Instead now the world is on the brink of collapse, whites have been brainwashed to the point of self-mutlation, international jewish baking is screwing everyone over, israel will eventualy end up getting fucked or nuked because jews are brainwashed by their priestly class with holohoax worship. Britain lost its empire and is becoming a multicultural hellhole, america is starting to make orwell's world into a reality, the middle east has turned into a powder keg that soon will be crawilig with nukes everywhere because the geniuses at the cia decided it would be a good idea to give nuclear technology to pakistan. Everything is fucked, history feels like a mockery of what it should have been.

We've been pushing the overton window for anti semitism and working class yids and ones who observe the Torah don't want to be victims for the fallout between western civilization and Talmudic kikes.
They've hated each other for a long time and the more religious right leaning Jews were more than happy to help the Nazis purge leftist kikes just as the leftist kikes were more than happy to purge religious Jews in Russia.
No single race is absolutely monolithic but orthodox Jews have legitimately got the worst of history by being grouped with those that practice the Talmud.

American population is realizing the Jews are trying to kill them via Hollywood and the media. Soon we will ostracize Jews for not living in Israel. Then we will go gold standard and laugh while the Jews flip shit

Which 'right'? Likud? They are conservatives FOR THEIR OWN IDENTITY. Not yours, not mine, not blacks, not Chinese, but for Jews. They are not us and they don't care about us. It isn't 'hatred', it's recognizing that they are alien and have their own interests. Wherever they see Jews as threatened they will side with their own.

pic related

>fucking (((Goldberg))) namedropping the Frankfurt School

What the fuck is this timeline?

>Falling to jewish tricks

Wow, i thought you guys were supposed to be enlightened and shit. Every single social media post made by every single jew is discussed thoroughly in the zionist scheming room. All the jews are in on it, they're playing both sides and they're playing YOU. Scheming is in their blood you retarded goys. God help us if you are the best we've got.

Do secular Jews count? I agree.

As a pure bred Brazilian jew living amongst apes, I can assure you this.

Even here, we absolutely hate each other. I honestly only enjoy Israel because I can have a second citizenship and run away from Brazil if shit gets really shitty.

and the one on the right is still kvetching.

secular jews should be gassed.

would he care about the browning of isreal tho

>hurr Jews are monolith
>hurr Jews are monolith
>hurr Jews are monolith
All the notions you posit here are borne of this dipshit axiom you refuse to abandon or heck even question.

You probably think that Capitalism is a shekel-rubbing Joo invention rather than the 1:1 appreciation of objective reality it is.


Anyone with half a brain knows that most normie Jews get kiked just as hard as your average goy. The elite doesn't care about their own, they just their own families and inner-circles to be world dictators in the future. Look at what's happening to (((white))) kids now thanks to cultural Marxism:

i dont know what any of that means but if you kill them you are cool

they're a monolith in the same way whites, blacks, or gypsies are a monolith
certain monoliths aren't worth their weight

Not if they're Ayn Rand secular. Left-secular? Gas as fast as possible.

This everybody is reading up on this shit. We need more threads explaining bolshevism and how Jews forced the rise of nationalism in ww1. Commies created by the Jews. Frankfurt influence Columbia University influence. We need huge thread on idealogical struggle and how the cards are lined up the same.

>Jonah Goldberg
This name comes up a lot (pic related)

That just a characteristic of all Abrahamic religions.

No one hates Jews like other Jews.

No one hates Christians like other Christians.

No one hate Muslims like other Muslims.

All three religions are designed to keep people divided and fighting, so that they may be taken advantage of easy.

My last name is McA______ faggot

>they're a monolith in the same way whites, blacks, or gypsies are a monolith
So in that they're fucking not? Gotcha. Really activating my almonds over here.



Literally some spic telling a jew he is an anti-semite. pottery.

ireland seems especially cucked with feminism / gay rights

in that there are aspects that are true for the most part across the the whole race.
In general would you say niggers don't work? Are impulsive? Aren't very bright?

It's happening. Trump did this.

You are a spiritual Jew, just like all else who think Ayn Rand was anything more than a mentally diseased Jewess who wanted everyone to be as shallow amd materialistic as she was.
So in that they are a group with a clear trend in group behavior and no one other than you is talking about absurd absolutist strawmen? Outliers don't undo trends, With Jews You Lose. The fact that a few Jews lose too doesn't make the group any less of a problem.

Conservatives are Liberals.

Capitalism is the liberal ideology. Read a fucking book.

Hitler was an instrument of God's chastisement of Israel for disobedience as witnessed via Egypt, Babylon, Persia and Rome before them.

"So-called future racial demographics don't matter!"
"So-called genetics doesn't matter!"
"So-called behaviors don't matter!"
"So-called intelligence doesn't matter!"


My proud Democrat Jewish boomer mom recently started noticing how rigged the Democratic primary was against Bernie, and when she was telling me about it she pointed out how most of the backers for Clinton's primary campaign had Jewish last names. She chuckled and started talking about how it made her cringe, meanwhile my stomach just sank.

Not so much with the feminism really but majorly so with faggot rights. Funnily enough, I read an article in a paper this week written by some dyke complaining about how gay men are mainstream now but the lesbians and trannies have been left behind.


See? Trump can hire every jew in the world into his cabinet and jews will still call him anti-semite. Republicans could vote for nothing but leftist policies and leftists would still call them fascists. Just ignore these people and laugh at them. It doesn't matter what you do or say, they will hate you and try to ruin you unless you let them be the boss of everything.

are they parading down your city streets yet?
How is the church responding?

>in that there are aspects that are true for the most part across the the whole race.
Keyword "aspects" skipper
>In general would you say niggers don't work? Are impulsive? Aren't very bright?
Yes, and? But that doesn't stop based motherfuckes like Thomas Sowell and entire organizatios of people like the Tiskeegee Institute from existing.
I would posit that Anglos, Nips, and Jews are in constant flux at the top of what constitutes the masterrace.

I have the ultimate argument that you will not be able to deny:
The trappings of civilization haven't been around for long enough to even begin to color our dna and genetics but this is exactly what is implied of the stereotypical meddling parasite jew.

Wow, so this is what triggering feels like? Fucking hell. Leftist snowflakes are worse than Muslims.

>jews are not monolithic
sure, you have your little arguments like any family, but when push comes to shove you will give a hook up to your biggest jew enemy over your best goy friend.

Spoken like a true gender studies major. Next tell us about intersectionality

Reminder. Low IQ people are more likely to vote for communism. Fools are brainwashed more easily. Fools give up liberty for short-term gains and globalist tyranny.

I'm actually counter-semitic

>trashes Rand with the same tired old leftist-engineered talking points
Straight to the trash

Objectivism is the only possible /final/ redpill.
Libertarianism is incomplete Objectivism. Objectivism without the epistemology.
Cultural Marxists are terrified of Ayn Rand as she represents the American Constution completed; a rejection of the Primordial evil that is Altruism that the US founding fathers lacked. Epistemologically validated, metaphysically defined, and ethically expanded, Objectivism is the greatest threat Commies have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy.
The dreaded, horrible secret that academic philosophers face is that Objectivism is not -a- Philosophy but THE Philosophy. Hers holds the particular distinction of being the first ever formulated META-Philosophy. And psudeo-intellectuals the world over are perpetually butthurt over this incontrovertible fact. Yes fact, I do not exaggerate. Including it among their other disaparate half formed, half actualized "philosophies", they find it eats everything it comes into contact with. This disrupts their vested interest in keeping a fanciful salad-esque collection of philosophies to catalog away and do nothing objectively meritous with it on their own terms. Despite what these sorts of people would have to say it isn't Ayn Rand but academia as it stands that is "the joke".

>I read an article in a paper this week written by some dyke complaining
YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO STOP THIS.LEARN FROM US. your lesbians are showing you everything you need to know. If you give in to them, they will find something else to complain about. They will never stop. Don't give in.

Yet another proof there are at least two factions of Jews, the most notable and hateful of each otther of which are Globalists and ZIonists.

So next time you hate on jews, slap yourself hard and then kys. The goal is to hate on globalists (some of which are pseudo-christians too).

I want to believe

>The trappings of civilization haven't been around for long enough to even begin to color our dna and genetics but this is exactly what is implied of the stereotypical meddling parasite jew.
well I have some bad news for you. Jews have been around for millennia, and they haven't changed.

Church dropped the ball and fucked up. The Protestant church allows gay ministers so they are fucked anyway but the Catholic church didn't put up any kind of fight against gay marriage which was allowed here since 2015.

Although most of the reason why that passed is that the US media got wind of it and then Liberal and LGBT groups in the states bankrolled the entire campaign. Our side had maybe €4m to run our campaign, theirs ended up with over €40m and had big name celebrity endorsements.

That why I wish those liberals understood the irony of them crying about Russia in the US election. They subverted our democracy in Ireland but they can't deal with it when someone might do it to them.

We've been having the faggot parades in Dublin for years and they've been getting progressively worse. The only people that beat up gays anymore are the Polish and Muslims.

Our prime minister is gay mixed race pajeet. Things are fucked up.

>Hitler, who saw himself as a rebel against Western values as evolved from the slave religion of Christianity, never got many lectures about non-violence from his friend Gandhi.
jonah goldberg means enlightenment values when he says western values ie. get the jews out of the ghettoes values

Don't lie nazi and tell me you wouldn't support nationalist zionism if it meant commie Jews bite the bullet in Europe so they can be anti semited and leave for Israel bringing about revelation when all kikes are in Israel. I choose zionism if it means Globalism dies. If they get border walls so do we. If they get to close their borders so do we. How is this bad?

Now that the conflicts are out in open, I wonder if Russia and Israel would align better? I'd love to see a

US + Russia + Israel + Japan + India faction


HollyJew pedos + Middle east + China


Antisemitic is a meme term. Laugh at the term whenever you get the chance. Jews don't represent millions of other Semites/Arabs. It's hateful and scheming of them to claim they do. Remind them.

Millenia aint shit is my point dumbass

It's extremely rare to run into someone as retarded as you are. I am half convinced you are just trolling, this is Jehovah's Witnesses or Raelian tier retardation.

the pasta was still delicious.