Other urls found in this thread:

"I hope the Bush tax cuts don't keep New York City from rebuilding". - Chelsea C. 2001

Hillary actually gave uranium away to Russia.


It's funny how if Donald Trump was anyone else, the left would be screaming yaaaaasss slayyyy about his daughter stepping in for him.

SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums:

>I, CHELSEA CLINTON, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God."

The left is the worst at fighting back what a train wreck


What do you expect from a group that never has their ideals questioned?


Yeah we know

Look how corrupt this bitch is

That is why they are losing. Let them continue.

>dems are stupid enough to let another clinton run for office

Looking at the comments on her acct compared to Trumps is very interesting. It looks like the ones that are nice to her show up, butt the ones that hate Trump show up on his? I would almost bet this is done on purpose. The twitter people are Clinton fans last I knew.

The illiterate memer's guide to sweetieposting

I like how Trump didn't say Bill Clinton on his tweet because he knows bill is not chelsea's real father top kek

Take back my life song

God damn.

This woman is a fighter.

A bare knuckled brawler.

Even more so than her mother.

She is basically now out here seeking to avenge.

If I were the Trumps, she would be my number one focus and area of priority.

She alone can bring down the end of the Trump Organization's reign of terror.

She is the true woman of the people.

I read that in their voices, Trump's was gloriously smug.

The even scarier part is that Chelsea and Ivanka used to be friends.

The gloves are now off for Chelsea.

She has delivered the first blow in what will be the final battle for the Republic.

Chelsea Clinton vs. Ivanka Trump.

For the fate of all mankind.

haha holy shit that is some weak bants
what a stupid cunt

so the plan was:
post this tweet
post screenshots of this tweet to chans and shit
have fucktarded shills reddit post bullshit like "wow, that was amazing"
fuck off you stupid shills
trump: fuck the clintons
chelsea hubble: I am rubber you are glue

so she asked a stupid question to avoid acknowledging that he is right about what the media would have done.

Yassss sleigh

Mud wrestling
But anyway his tweet wasn't an insult
He was just saying if they did it people would find something good to say about it
But since he did it they'll always find the negative thing to say
So it's weird for Chelsea to attack this
She's just as cynical as her mother


Chelsea is horrendously less charismatic than her mother, is love to see her run it's a guaranteed loss

That woman sold uranium to Russia.

Your father is literally a womanizer.

Why is your ugly ass talking?

>your mom was selling our country and not even to the highest bidder, you little cunt
>I know she was, but what are you

"sold" it. the russian narrative was a build up to war to get it back by force--it was a nuclear-tipped shakedown scheme orchestrated by a mob daughter.


>cant handle the bantz
>comeback is shit banter
>democrats still keeping the clintons around
I honestly don't know what the democrats are fucking even doing anymore. On a strategic level it just seems like they aren't even trying any more. Someone explain how no one in the entire party is competent. An illiterate downy could run that shitshow better.

She's fucking dumber than a bag of rocks

thick as a brick

And Jesus Christ she's ugly

Remember when Sam Hyde called her ugly? Good times.

>It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me.
Because I'm an obviously half retarded overgrown lab experiment gone awry

Oh look, she is buying likes and retweets

Good morning [comma] M[iste]r President [comma] it would never have occurred to my mother or father to ask me (implying they still would give the country away). [Are] you giving our country away?


[I] hope not.

Tick Tock, chelsea. Tick fucking tock.

Hillary's server had spyware installed on it.

"With each new WikiLeaks dump, the rabbit hole in the feud between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band seems to grow a little deeper. The most recent disclosures included a November 11, 2011 email from Chelsea to John Podesta, Cheryl Mills and the Clinton Foundation lawyers at Simpson Thacher in which Chelsea clearly lists out her issues with Clinton aides Doug Band, Justin Cooper and someone referred to only as "Hannah," which is presumably Hannah Deletto, Director of Membership at the Clinton Foundation. Among other things, the email alleges that Justin Cooper installed spyware on Bill Clinton's computer in order to monitor his email traffic, that both Justin Cooper and Hannah Deletto stole "significant sums of money" from the Clintons and that Doug Band / Teneo "hustled business at CGI."

Mr. Justin G. Cooper served as a Senior Advisor to Teneo Holdings and Decision Sciences Corporation until December 22, 2016. Mr. Cooper served as Senior Advisor to President William J. Clinton

Let's archive that
>politico com/story/2016/09/clinton-aide-no-show-email-hearing-228090

chelsea is a brainless spoiled brat.

> It's 2017 we need to start empowering women more
> Trumps needs to stop empowering his daughter

Liberals. They always win the floor exercise in mental gymnastics

Is this English? I can't parse this inanity.