Porky Thread

Post your rarest porkies!
Who is Porky? Why he's the TRUE enemy of the working class!

So porky is the juice?

Is the communist a skeleton because communism kills?

Porky CAN be Jewish, yes, but he represents the bourgeoisie upper class as a whole.

>Communism doen't work
>B-but... Stalin was not a true communist!
>Well the bolshevik fucked up pretty much everything, and nothing worked.
>B-but there were not a developed bourgeoise in Russia at that time, and there weren't good production system to take from it!


Stalin wasn't a true communist, however. And the USSR actually did see large increases in production and GDP, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

wow it's like the merchant meme only painfully unfunny

protip: even jews on Sup Forums laugh at and use the merchant meme, but nobody with a sense of humor gives one iota of a fuck about /leftypol/ garbage memes

Jews destroyed Russia, Ukraine and all people in Russian empire.
>large increases in production and GDP
went in Stalin era and after, idiot!

>they haven't figured out that porky is the Jew.
so adorable. I remember being that bluepilled.

Porky is Pakistan obviously

Russia was a 3rd world shithole before communism.

Porkies are commies? Or is this more class warfare bullshit to push your shitty agenda and failing ideology?

Ah, and name ONE case, just ONE where anarchs did not live as parassites in a more complex society.

Where are the funny commie memes, I want funny memes.

This pic is pure cancer, and im from the former USSR. Go away you larping American faggot.


>muh Jews
When will you classcucks reject identity politics and realize the oppressors are always those with money? It just so happens that Jews have money now, but even if you overthrew them you'd just be replacing them with the same rich people.
>stalin era and after
Okay, so you admit a self-described communist nation had economic success?
Porky CAN be Jewish but you're missing the point.


What country is this?


We already have merchants

All the bolshevicks were jew, idiot!
And they killed all farmers in Ukraine and caused caresty in all Russia, what the fuck.

When will you take the dick out from your mouth OP?

>working together
You mean like agreeing to do X service for Y units of currency, for the mutual benefit of all parties involved?

Communism is the ultimate politically correct ideology.


You mean like the D&C thread you have up on /leftypol/ to fuck with real Sup Forums?

wtf i hate top hats now

Unfunny version of the happy merchant.

>I need a s-safe space!!
Not all of the Bolsheviks were Jewish.
It's funny you say that when the alt-right loves traps and other homosexuals.
>mutual benefit
>you working 10 hours for let's say 6 hours of pay is a mutual benefit, simply because rich people say it is
everything is divide and conquer with classcucks, that's the price you pay for idpol.

especially tophats that change their size based on relationships between anarchists and socialists.

it's because he is fucking starving, that's what happens when you live off fucking food stamps

porky came before the merchant, unfortunately for your narrative.

Daily reminder that the guy who drew the original porky got sent to the gulag.

So.... A communist?

>you working 10 hours for let's say 6 hours of pay
What the fuck? I'm paid the salary that I agreed to, because it's decent and allows me to enjoy a life free of worry, more or less. How is that not mutual benefit?

Daily reminder class consciousness is identity politics.

gommunism :DDD

Why does his nose grow three sizes once he gets shocked?

Come enjoy communism in our multicultural paradise, marxist faggots

He's a commie so the idea of finding employment elsewhere is forign to him

Capitalism can work under whitey, because whitey isn't a selfish fucking race of monsters.
>muh slavery, muh indian genocide
We are the only people to end slavery and we are the only people, who when conquered land, didn't wipe out it's people, no other group would have even tried to spare them.
We are angels compared to what the rest of the world has done in those situations, you just think otherwise because of kike propaganda

Look at this pic
The way Men and Women are represented in it is no different then Whites verse Jews/Shitskins
Whites men will at least attempt to be fair.

What is this post supposed to mean. Are you implying Brazil is remotely communist?
It's not though

True, Brazil is a socialist identity politics free paradise as everybody is mixing into a brown goop of 85 IQ proletariat. They got plenty of trannies too, so half of leftypol would fit right in.

If you like capitalism so much why dont you go work in a sweatshop.

Daily reminder that deep down inside they all know about the JQ and that they're the majority of the "bourgeois" but refuse to call out the kikes as that would mean to agree with the nazis for once, so they come up with cringy memes like this

>hes telling me about marxist policies while in some flyover state in the US

Both racism and class consciousness are self perceived material benefits stemming from how you identify yourself.

>Stalin wasn't a true communist
>"T-t-that wasnt real communism guys!!!"

lmao you're one of those faggots who thinks commie filth is even remotely compatible with anarchism of any type.

What a faggot.

Cause he's worth enough not to.

Communists just use anarchists as shock troops. Catalonia in Spanish Civil War is a good example of what Communists think of Anarchists when they actually gain power.




some people are actually capable of more than manual labor

>look at my thread, goys it's about my idealistic safe space without porky
>I need a s-safe space!!

Because my country has secured itself wealth and prosperity in the modern world, through many decades of global trade. The acquired wealth and prosperity, together with technological advances fueled by the search for efficient and effective production, gradually allowed us to better the conditions for the average worker, so that no one has to work in sweat shops, as we can afford not to.

Over feminization of a society might be a bad thing if we didn't have an automation and overpopulation problem. Who cares if ugly men drop out of society because they can't get a girl? Who cares if women chase chad until they're old and barren? All of that is a good thing.

Russia was a 3rd world shithole during and after communism too.

How so? I'm sure a good deal of people who work and die in third world countries could accomplish a lot more than he could.

rare porky during classic porky activity

Sweatshops only exist in socialist/commie shithole countries. Why aren't you helping them? Better yet why aren't you storming one of the many houses your communist leadership own? How do you plan on being taken serious if you can't even live by your own ideology?

You can tell that this image is communist propaganda and not anarchist because whenever this happen without fail the communist murder every single anarchist. Solidarity is a meme commies use to get into power and then kill all non-commies. Anarchists are fucking retards who fall for it every single time. Ill take the greedy cunt over the drooling retard or the genocidal mad man.

Well, the 1% is over 80% Jewish, so......

Yeah the new Einstein dies every day from drinking stagnant water in Africa.

You have posted a wrong pic. The original is this.

>I can't read
mhm keep pretending your "intelligence" is more important than labour, Why do you capitalistists dislike the Jews for being your superiors?? They are statistically smarter than non-jews after all.

Bourgeoisie is just another word for middle-class. So yeah, go ahead and try to destroy the middle-class, and see what happens.

and the flag of international porkyism
its kind of weird and ironic that we call them porkies when they actually dont eat pork

>thinking the middle class exists
>implying there isn't just 2 classes
>he really believes this

I love it how each tile is numbered, it's like it's meant for people who are too dumb to realize the order themselves.

I know communists are retards, but you're going way overboard. Tone it down a bit if you want to be an effective troll.

The state is the porky in disguise. commies wholeheartedly give the state all the power with wishful thinking that it will become a utopia
Pic related modern "communist"


Or start a business, dipshit.

Russians, aka negroes with white skin.

There is one very simple way to debate Communists: list me one single example of successful Communist implementations.
If there are none, then the entire ideology is based on faith over actual real-world examples.


letting people tell you what to do is the ultimate submission to pork

No it didn't, fag

>haha but look at these soviet official statistics
>check mate capitalism

Somethings fucky here. No way Latin America is anywhere near Europe, sound like they need restructure how they calculate this.


>not true communist
>trusting soviet propaganda as stats

Porky with English captions. I have now seen everything.

Kinda sad, you're the one thing more pathetic than stormfags.
Enjoy your dirt, peasant.

Gorbachev, tear down this barrier wall!

>B-but capitalism leads to fascism!!!11
Mussolini was a marxist
Hitler was a socialist
Stalin was in practice a fascist.

read these

>B-but Hitler privatised a bunch of shit!!
And so did Lenin


Now get your commie shit of this board.

>shooting porky with a rifle bought with bourgeois bucks
>wearing surplus bough with bourgeois bucks
>eating food payed for with bourgeois bucks
>inciting a police crackdown that will increase the procurement of equipment for police, IE more bourgeois bucks to the military industrial complex

Your efforts are well within the system red.

>>stealing all the water
Who the fuck said corps were allowed to do this? Quit strawmanning

>Europe and central asia
>central asia


LOL there aren't really any classes anymore, just pro Anglo-Semite/Illuminati leaders, their privileged mostly White assistants help in ruling the 90% Lemmings who don't care about politics, actually ehat all Neo-Nazis,Nationalists and Fascists, Anarchists,Socialists and Communists fight against is the System, it Needs to break. But for that you'd have to stop sucking Trotzky "Counterrevolution" dick financed by Brits and French and stop accepting Soros money and go like Stalin, be against Jews (See opression and fighting against Jewish influence in late 40's and 50's) and stop beeing like Anarchists, that's their Job, Stains successors for example at least allowed some religiona and were pretty conservative and Nationalist, so stop Antifa copying SJWs. I personally see Third Reich and DDR problematic in some way's, but both have something iin common, see, all People wanted to get away from Capitalism in Weimar Germany, either going to KPD or NSDAP, they all wanted dictatorship, values, fair social terms and spread their Revolution, see we both aren't that unsimiliar and have similiar Goals, see Soviet-German non.aggression pact, our enemy of Course is the Social-Democracy and Corperatism that ruins us. I personally consider myself Nationalist(politically) and Socialist(economically/political), both my parents come from Communist/Socialist states, but are Nationalist or Conservative in many things, what do you think Porky will make a face of when he sees Radical Left and Right preventing Weimar-style street fights. But don't worry, we to are filled with Defeatist,Dgenerate fucks and foul fighters or retarded Hooligan scum or useless Populists changing actually nothing. Both idelogies come from the same Country, they can't be that unrelated.

Reminder that the rich only possess wealth and land because the state tells them they do.

Ever seen Snowpiercer? That was on the fucking nose. The artificial creation of class.

lol, every damn time
