Macron: Africa's problems are "civilizational"

How France allowed a racist to become president?

Sounds about white

That's my president!

Is his solution to import them all into France aka New Africa?

He needs an excuse to recolonize them.

So, what's with this Macron guy? I thought he was a globalist. Is he just playing the anti-globalist crowd or is this genuine?

I'm willing to give Macron a chance.

wtf I love Macron now

Our push for le "meme" pen was just a meme front to get the media to support macron. He was our real candidate.

>Trying to become emperor
>Hanging out with Trump
>Redpilling on Africa

Holy shit, is he /ourguy/?

in his speech there he literally says that one of Africa's biggest problems is
>the rapid demographic change.
So obviously, he's concerned about demographic changes. I'm putting my bets down that he's secretly /ourguy/

That's right unnamed ackronym agency we tricked you. We will always be three steps ahead

>marries the first woman he talks to

>retreats to his NEET den to brood on esoteric philosophy that only he understands

>hates niggers

Macron, he's /our guy/

I'm starting to like him more everyday. If he actually brings the monarchy back i'm sold on him.

The EU already shows fascist tendencies.
Macron went on stage to the EU's anthem, there's a chance he knows a national yet socialist way to steer it.
Then again he's a Rothschild slave who's married to his teacher.

what chess dimension are you guys on

drumpfs been playing checkers while BASED EMPEROR macron has been playing chess



he'll walk that statement back in 3....2....
I'll bet shekels on it

I'm starting to like this guy

They got (((civilizational))) problems goy. Better tax you more for international welfare and take more refugees.

We will have to see what comes of this. It's looks like a step in the right direction atleast, so that's great, but the question is if it will lead to anything in practice.

Russia on point as europeans and americans fall for dumb memes, per usual