This thread is for Portugal only.

Tell me PT anons, what is your take on the political situation of our country?
Who are you voting for next elections?
What do you think we can do to make Portugal a non-shitty place in the future?
Do you feel hopeful about the nation's future?

Thanks in advance.

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You need a bump

Freedom bump from 'Murica

Thanks. I'll use this op bump to answer the questions myself.

1- I think we are leaning more and more to the retarded left, I think antifags will swell their numbers here, perhaps we will have social conflict in 10 to 15 years. The right-wing parties are pathetic, PSD is more of the same old same old (eurocucks), PNR is a bunch of retarded neo-nazi larpers, CDS is a bunch of crooked fags. Curiously, BE and CDU (be biggest 2 far left parties) agree with PNR in gtfo of EU and get back to our original currency (Escudo). The central party PS, which rules now, is a socialist eurocuck piece of shit.

2- I'm voting in BE (far left party) because it is the only anti-EU party that has a chance to get some substantial votes.

3- I don't think I can do much, I think we have been way to demoralized and there is simply to much of a left leaning momentum, that even if we got out of the EU, lefties would still defend the cultural marxist bullshit that will leave most ppl starving in the future.

4- No really, I want to gtfo to Poland eventually.

>country had the largest gold reserves in the world
>commies and socialists "overthrow" dictator and financially ruin the country
>STILL vote in commies and socialists
>literally vote for a fucking brown Indian to lead your European nation

Sad. And the old Portuguese people I talk to are happy that young Portuguese people are getting an education and then leaving the country to go work in other countries. You just invested in people that benefit another country. Very sad.

I see Portugal's future looking like Africa.

> Poryugal is ruined.
> We are too lazy to change, we prefere to blame each other than improve.
>we will be forever trapped in PSD/PS LOOP
>Our last hope is in the north.

>literally vote for a fucking brown Indian to lead your European nation

we didnt vote for him, he sucked other partys to join him and make a govern

I just got here, how can I help keeping non-Portuguese out of Portugal? Next election are the autarkics?

>1- I think we are leaning more and more to the retarded left,

>- I'm voting in BE (far left party) because it is the only anti-EU party that has a chance to get some substantial votes.

>, that even if we got out of the EU, lefties would still defend the cultural marxist bullshit that will leave most ppl starving in the future.

What a contradition, user. Voting in BE just will be Syriza 2.0 in Portugal. They were also euroceptics but got BTFO. Left Bloc are just more concerned with implementation of your "retarded" social policies.

At least vote CDU - PCP / Greens and I'm not even lefty. They are even more euroceptic.

He worked Jew tricks into forming a coalition that he had no authority to do. If he wanted to make a coalition, they should have held a new election and had the commies and socialists on one side and CDS and it's coalition on the other since the voters needed to know beforehand that their party was going to form a coalition, especially since they said they wouldn't before. He just Jew'd the political system but it's only okay when commies do it.


Um belo esterco.
Do cenário político nem vale a pena falar, é claro como água que nos encontramos na posição mais perniciosa de toda a nossa história.
Do ponto de vista de mudança não temos hipótese. Não temos juventude.
A juventude portuguesa é completamente americanizada. Sem qualquer fervor histórico e patriótico. É por isso que o consumo de drogas e álcool é tão elevado.
O "povo" português precisa de ser vítima de genocídio em larga escala.
Não estou a ser irónico senhores agentes, mas também não estou a ser muito literal, como devem imaginar tenho um sentido de humor, ainda que seja seco.

>Our last hope is in the north.
Where exactly?

Honestly, I would rather stay and fight for it, but the cuck mindset is EVERYWHERE, I think we're gonna go down in a spiral of lower and lower standards of living, ever increasing regressive leftist (((brain washing))) and ever growing number of Bangladeshi and Indian stores in the big cities. I do not see any possibility to change things, so I'm going to join FFL and then when I have a nice amount of cash saved I'm gtfo to Poland (would love to have a gun store with a range and tactical shooting courses there).

Hi there. Tourist here, wtf is up with your country? I just spent a week in a village in buttfuck nowhere in the middle of your country. Frankly I am confused as all hell. What the hell are you racially? If it weren't for the lack of niggers, I'd have thought I was in Brazil. Everyone is some shade between poo in loo and Argentinian flavored white. How can you be so mestizo after centuries? Why isn't everyone the same color?

Típico. Vai lá invadir outro país zé povinho. Antes invadias França e Inglaterra mas agora que o pão foi todo para os pretos e mouros vais para a Polónia. Alguém que aplauda este herói.

>but the cuck mindset is EVERYWHERE,
Being a cuck is leaving and not fighting for your country, sorry mate.

We are niggers with straight hair. Same thing applies for spaniards. Dont believe in the memes. Spanish and Portuguese nobility had European racial origin but the people have a clear semitic origin.

>Tell me PT anons, what is your take on the political situation of our country?

well, cultural marxism won the battle for the last 40 years, so now with multiculturalist propaganda 24 hours per 7, we are fuc... done.

>Who are you voting for next elections?

Any conscient person, that knows that we are being replaced by the third world, must vote Pnr, cause at least they are against immigration. And also because that would be some lulz and make all the media went crazy.

>What do you think we can do to make Portugal a non-shitty place in the future?

First of all we are not shitty, look at the stattistics and don´t be ignorant. Portugal is one of the best countries -- quality of life in the world. But we have big problems, due bad options, corruption and some more bad options.


I don't see any of our current parties doing anything signicantly diferent in the near future.
I think there needs to emerge someone more aligned to the right who challenges the current political paradigm.
Honestly, I have no clue who I'd vote for in the next elections. Prolly some meme party just for the lulz.

Lol, I don't think that is the only problem, I see that as a symptom, but most here would probably disagree with me (I'm pro-civic nationalism, but only, if my wishful thinking came true, after our country got it's corruption problem handled and we had a well oiled prison, police, health and education system running, unfortunatly, the leftist retards are probably start doing more and more id politics for the minorities which will make it so that the only answer politically viable would be a white id politics party, which will never happen here I think, and if it did it would be microscopic like the PNR retards).

I think that the leftist regressive leaning is growing in momentum and only after an implosion would ppl reconsider their paradigms (and even after the implosion, that WILL happen when the pension fund crisis and sovereign debt crisis hits, it's not a guarantee they will be rational about (((why))) it happened).

1st thing to do would be getting out of the EU, for that your only chance would be BE, BE would probably be pretty much open borders, so, yeah. PS/PSD will forever remain eurocucks until the collapse of the European Soviet Union. Passos Coelho was right, the young ppl better gtfo before it the shit starts hitting the fan.

That's false.
native portuguese people and spaniards genetically are completly separated from semites. We are only near other europeans. Why don't you inform yourself first?

Previous thread:

>Tuga em Angola. Fiquem contentes com o que têm aí. Sempre passamos ao lado de muita merda que se ta a passar na europa com os mohameds.
>Escusado será dizer, isto é um shithole de niggers incompetentes
Uma mensagem para o OP tuga - pobre e mal-agradecido.

Portuguese aren't white. They're mixed with Arabs and blacks. Moroccans look like Portuguese.

>Passos Coelho was right, the young ppl better gtfo before it the shit starts hitting the fan

Muito bem goyim ouve este homem que casou e teve filhos com uma cabo verdiana. É isso. Foge tuga foge. Não fiques. Deixa o país. O medo é tudo o tens.
E depois perguntam-se porque é nos chamam os pretos da europa?

>What a contradition, user. Voting in BE just will be Syriza 2.0 in Portugal. They were also euroceptics but got BTFO. Left Bloc are just more concerned with implementation of your "retarded" social policies.

I know, I just want to be able to say to ppl, when it all comes crashing down that the responsible factor was socialism/communism, and if we are out of the EU they can't blame them hehehe. I don't see Portugal not getting BTFO in the future, we would need a fearless anti-globalist non-socialist leader to pull that shit off.

>At least vote CDU - PCP / Greens and I'm not even lefty. They are even more euroceptic.

The commies won't get as many votes as BE in my opinion, I want an anti-EU party to win.

Cala-te com isso, é sempre em todas as threads sobre Portugal esta cena. Parece que não sais à rua e não vês o povo com que vives. Parece que o estereótipo do homem e mulher portugueses não é baixos, morenos e fracos. Encara a realidade. Faz-te homem.

I bought into that meme, until I went to Morocco for a connection. They are very different, the degree of "semitness" is very distant

LMAO, that's a great wishfull thinking, Jamal.
are you projecting?

Lol, the genocide will come from demographics, you won't need to do shit pal, the woke ppl with the means to do so will gtfo while they can and the MENA will take over and kill each other like they always do. Feels bad cuz we have a nice heritage and a amazing history, but it is what it is.

>quando os factos colidem coma realidade, ficas assim?
Encara tu a realidade batráquio, os portugueses em tudo aquilo que quiseres analisar são um povo branco europeu,desde cultura, adn, civilização, história. Não somos nórdicos, mas somos sem duvida caucasoides e europeus. Se tu não és, isso é lácontigo.

Hi dad

Hello portubros.

Fala por ti, eu não sou cão, não salto quando me mandam saltar e não saio quando me mandam sair. Não tenho medo. Mas tu devias gtfo, está-te nos genes. Mas por favor não vás ser parasita para outro país europeu. Já estou farto de falar com estrangeiros que comparam os portugueses aos outros subhumanos imigrantes.

>I would rather stay and fight for it
And how exactly would you go about it? I know it's a shitty thing to leave and go live somewhere else, but I really don't see enough numbers wanting to do anything about anything, I tried to redpill ppl around me, ended up suffering some consequences because of it (no regrets thou, the truth is always the truth), and apathy is all around, ppl just want putas e vinho verde e aplaudir o benfica no marquês whille everything goes to shit and the leftards keep getting ground.

Sonha sonhador. Mas não respondes-te à minha pergunta. Mas tudo benhe.

Brazil is white

We will never get out of the Eurozone / EU by our own means - voting eurosceptic, etc. It has to collapse first in Central/Northern and Italy countries first.

People here in Sup Forums still don't know how electoral circles works.
I don't know where you live first.
Voting in BE / PCP is just a waste in my electoral circles and even more with thoise parties with non electoral representation. - PNR, PAN.

>when it all comes crashing down that the responsible factor was socialism/communism,
We didn't work in 2015 . People forget in a 4 years time lapse. That's PSD/CDS lost majority in parliament.
Don't ever vote Left Bloc. Next time, you know you will have third-gender nouns, legalise people in the suburbs, positive action and etc. They are equivalent to Melenchon, Podemos, Syriza, die Lienke ,

I'm worried about you, user. Don't vote on them. Everyone except them. It's a treason, man. Alas they don't want really get out of Eurozone, they just want the gibsmedats

>MENA will take over and kill each other like they always do.
Yes, our country is fllled with MENA diaspora.
You would rather take some pills, man.

>nigger confirmed

>First of all we are not shitty, look at the stattistics and don´t be ignorant.
I Imblyed without realizing.
I did not meant to imply it is shitty, I meant how would one go about making sure it doesn't get shitty in the future.

Can I post here? I will post here anyway


Como se provou quem sonha és tu. a genética contradiz-te, a cultura contradiz-te, a nossa civilização e identidade contradiz-te. Mas nem com 100000 factos na frente chegas lá, mete mais carvão nisso. Achas que todos caiem nessa esparrela comunista que te deram na tv desde catraio?

Porto was nice when I went
Lisbon was shit

Too many junkies and gypsies selling drugs
It got old quick

Was a red pilling experience on why drugs should never be legalized

Porto was great tho. Amazing food and scenery


>tfw a minha avó era cartomante
Agora ta explicado o porquê da vida correr mal

Pobre e mal-agradecido.
I know the mud problem is real in France, Belgium, Germanistan, UK, Sweden, Italy and Greece, and I know that FOR NOW we still have a stable country, I'm focusing on the leftist momentum trend that makes it hard for me to believe that shit is going to remain this stable in the future.

>Moroccans look like Portuguese.
Wrong. Very wrong.


O país parece estar a melhorar. Talvez volte daqui a 10 anos.

Genética: khazaria.com/genetics/portuguese.html
Cultura: Error not found.
Civilização: "We wuz Lusitanians and Romans" mas comportamo-nos como fenícios.
Identidade: Error not found.

I visited Portugal a couple of years ago. A very nice place, beautiful women and incredibly polite people. I was under impression they were pretty euroskeptic, but maybe that was because of all Euro crisis and austerity policy at the time.

Blame the visigoths

>Tell me PT anons, what is your take on the political situation of our country?
We are completely fucked. I hate these people so goddamn much, I want to see them thrown against the wall and executed by firing squad. I hate the mentality of our people, which is "the government will fix it!", "more government!", "democracy forever!". Disgusting.

>Who are you voting for next elections?
PSD-CDS coalition because at the end of the day I'd rather live with these than with commies or socialists.

>What do you think we can do to make Portugal a non-shitty place in the future?
Physical removal of democrats and communists. Non-meme answer? Leave the country so the only people who remain are public employees and old people who vote PCP. Maybe once the country crashes and erupts into flames, they will realize socialism DOESN'T FUCKING WORK.

>Do you feel hopeful about the nation's future?

Fica, estás no país certo para lixo humano.

I agree with what you're saying, but wtf is a guy suposed to do, stay here when I think this will be like Sweden or Germanistan in 15 years?

Can't we just get along?

>Spanish road ends with another road
>Portuguese road ends nowhere

Antonio Costa got it right


Se te preocupasses mais com honra e dignidade como homem e menos em conforto e bem-estar talvez deixasses de te comportar como um animal que migra mal os ventos mudam. Mas é completamente normal. Não se pode esperar um voo de águia de um povo de pombos.

Any of you ptfags know who owns the Azors rn? My great grandpa burned his bootlegging farm down and fled to Americans, would like it make a deal with the slaves he left in charge running it. I want my land back but I have nothing but the best intent for my homeland, I want to put solar farms and help make your electric cheaper, and bring economic trade with some hydro crops.

Im going to the Azores, give me culinary tips

(captcha BTFOd you)

Não ter a mínima ideia do que se escreve: found.
Cultura: europeia, em tudo,desde o folclore às tradições
Civlização: ocidental, em tudo, o legado romano, aos valores ocidentais
Identidade: das mais antigas e consolidadas de toda a Europa, multi-milenar, com raízes profunda pagãs e indo-europeias, passando pela 'fundação na reconquista

the azores are neat for nature, but their food is kinda weird, their most known dish (imo) is a plate we do on the mainland but they cook it with geothermal heat and it just ends up tasting like sulfur,

Medo tb não tenho, só não vejo de possibilidade de vencer a onda de esquerdismo atrasado mental que vem lentamente a contaminar a mentalidade das pessoas cá. E quando for para a Polónia vou com dinheiro e planos para me desenrascar a nível de emprego, e vou para me integrar e aprender a língua, não é tipo aqueles palhaços que chegam a um país estrangeiro e depois só dizem merda do país que os acolhe enquanto dizem que o país de origem é que é bom. Portugal tem muita coisa boa, mas não vejo um futuro nele sem o virus mental do marxismo cultural a contaminar tudo, e de acordo com essa opinião (quem me dera estár errado, acredita), planeio de acordo com isso.

Tu sabes bem que não é assim. Mas ficamos por aqui.

Is it all weirdly cooked fish?

Should I just eat junk food all week?

Só em Londres e nas outras cidades grandes. A ignorância do teu comentário apenas prova a tua estupidez.

>southwest masterrace

>Any conscient person, that knows that we are being replaced by the third world, must vote Pnr
You fool, we're too poor for mass immigration. People want to leave Poortugal, not come into it. And PNR is just a party of brainless neo-nazis. Might as well vote for BE while you're at it kek.

>I tried to redpill ppl around me, ended up suffering some consequences because of it (no regrets thou, the truth is always the truth),
It's your own fault. You can reveal your power level.

It will never happen because we import our people from Brazil, India and our former African countries with low % Muslim population (Mozambique - 20%, Angola 0-1%, Guiné Bissau 40% Cape Verde 0-1% Goa 8%).
You probably never wondered why we have 03,-0,5% Muslim pop. as former colonialist country.

What we see in Sweden, germany, France is a clash/mix of civilizations - Western and Islamic
And france is three-way battleground plus African Civilization.
What you got is an overdose of redpill and black pills that you're trying to put the same model into our poor country.

Only eat shellfish in the months that have the letter R (in Portuguese)

Do not eat oranges at night.

Always drink water with watermelon and wine with melon.

E ainda por cima foste para uma das zonas mais carismáticas de Inglaterra. É pena.

no you should try it, i don't remember much of it, but it's likely to be very different from your cuisine.

Hi, Im portuguese (from Sao Miguel), born in Canada. I just want to say to my Portuguese brothers that despite the fact that our country is often overlooked we are great people. We can make our nation great by working together. Be proud!!

You are the fool.
500.000 foreigners received portuguese nationality in the past 12 years, do you know what´s 500.000, half of a million are new 'portuguese' people that our elites gave the nationality (a f paper) and now they can mass vote for BE and PS eternally,till we became like the third world. That's what you want.

A maior parte desses indivíduos já nem está em Portugal. Só querem nacionalidade portuguesa para poder viajar livremente na UE.

Thats only in Furnas. Ive eaten it. That whole town is a little weird with the smell, but the food was good.


Só revela a pouca vergonha que isto se tornou. Já não chegou as centenas de milhares naturalizados vindos dos palops. Quando acordares um dia, verás que o teu povo será uma minoria e depois nada haverá a fazer.

>People here in Sup Forums still don't know how electoral circles works.
Well, I'm Tuga, maybe I have the wrong idea (and I come here exactly to be proven wrong and read different opinions, pretty lulzy that only in the butthole of the internet can you get fast meaningful non-PC discussion that really activates your almonds), could you pls explain what you mean by:
>Voting in BE / PCP is just a waste in my electoral circles and even more with thoise parties with non electoral representation. - PNR, PAN.

>Next time, you know you will have third-gender nouns, legalise people in the suburbs, positive action.
Sounds like a good way to speed up the much needed collapse, lel. But more cereal now, the only other party I see myself voting in is the Marinho one, PDR, he seems like a down to hearth guy who is pro-freespeech and doesn't take shit.

>You would rather take some pills, man.
Kek, don't kill yourself over the nigroes m8.

Mentira, só andar por Lisboa, nem precisa ir pros piores lugares

You act as if they're all black.
>That's what you want.
Quite the opposite. But there are no real right wing parties in this country. PNR is a bad meme that just needs to die.

What do you guys personally advocate for?

Fight or flight?

Is staying in this country worth it? All around me I see feminists, gypsies, individuals of dark complexion and welfare parasites? Most of the people like to suck the state's fat titty for the welfare dole, uttering the word "private" means you're a fascist ultra-capitalist savage, our schools are poisoned to hell and beyond (look at Nova FCSH a few months back), what else can I say...? PSD and CDS have sold out to crooks and "boys," PS and BE want to destroy our culture, I could go on and on.

I only know a handful of people around my age who are right-wing, see communists for what they are, and understand the need for less government in our lives.

Should one even bother?



"Portugal a non-shitty place in the future"
Portugal está longe de ser lugar ruim pelo que vi quando estive ai. Se vocês acham que está ruim, olhem para o Brasil e vejam que o seu país ainda tem muito a piorar...

"Do you feel hopeful about the nation's future?"
Portugal ainda é um país bem homogêneo, e esse é um dos grandes pontos que me faz ser otimista em relação ao futuro do seu país.

Yeah, everyone knows they are crooked pieces of shit but when the voting comes, we are eternally stuck in a loop of eurocuck parties.

>Portugal está longe de ser lugar ruim pelo que vi quando estive ai

Muito pessoal aqui não consegue pensar pela própria cabeça, não fazem ideia do que é a vida fora da Europa.
É ridículo quando um estrangeiro neste caso tu, tens mais noção que metade dos meus conterrâneos que acreditam em 'memes' feitos por estrangeiros.

Bifa casa is really the go to dish in Portugal. When youre in Ponta Delgada there are lots of restaurans on the main strip by the ocean and down by the Portes de mar (sp?). Theres a really good pizza restaurant I recommend in Ponta Delgada. Its a little north west of the police station if I remember correctly.

Well, mr. honor, how are you making shit better? I want to help, but I'll be leaving anyway, I think this shit needs to implode before one can do anything.

Run like a bieeacch is the best option and give our soil, that our forefather's died for, and give also our women, to the "new portuguese" citizens that arrive from all the world.

Don't need to act all smug and arrogant user, your answer is to fight, got it.

>Sounds like a good way to speed up the much needed collapse,
If you want to colapse my country and kill me on purpose, you can go and live to Poland and get Polish nationality. I didn't do anything wrong and I'm not just interested drink vinho verde, fuck whores and football. Fuck off. Poor and unthankful.

É ridículo quando um estrangeiro neste caso tu, tens mais noção que metade dos meus conterrâneos
True. The Brazilian dude is right. Their people are escaping brazilian violence - upper row - to here and make videolog how much safe is this place and Luso-Venezuelans are escaping due to its crisis. Portugal is the 3rd safest country according to GPI.
> I want to help (...) I think this shit needs to implode
You can help by leaving us alone then.

hey guys

I'm quarter portugese and really worried about my 'whiteness'. I have English, Dutch, German and Irish genes as well and have brown eyes and brown hair. How white am I really?

Vê lá se não te confundem com um sandnigger e não te partam a cara. kek

>le accelerationism meme
>when your enemies win, you win
You can enjoy implosion and collapse fully right now, no need to wait. Just move to Brazil, or better yet, Angola or Mozambique, which have already fully collapsed. Then you can get your shonen power up and restore civilization.

inshallah i will cut of your head wh*te subhuman

>This thread is for only.

Nobody fucking cares about your faggot country, your awful sounding language, or the manish strong facial features of your women.

Nothing at all special about portugal, so I find it funny that you try to claim ownership to a thread on a board that is open to everyone.



if you have even a little portuguese your a nigger.

>You can't reveal your power level.
Lol, to late for that now, gotta roll with punches. I just own it.

>It will never happen because we import our people from Brazil, India and our former African countries with low % Muslim population (Mozambique - 20%, Angola 0-1%, Guiné Bissau 40% Cape Verde 0-1% Goa 8%).
You probably never wondered why we have 03,-0,5% Muslim pop. as former colonialist country.
>What you got is an overdose of redpill and black pills that you're trying to put the same model into our poor country.
Interesting commentary. But I heard lefties defending the terrorist attackers of Charlie Hebdo, denying the data on rapefugee's contribution to increase crime in Sweden and everywhere they go, going the whole she bang of saying genders are social constructs. I think we might not get the same amount of muds, but we're importing the marxist mental virus for sure, it resonates with the post-Salazar lefty sentiment.

2 questions to Portuguese people

>Why are pt people so cancerous in CS GO? I mean, Portuguese are easily the worst teammates one can get. By far.
>Why do you guys get so defensive when people call you non-white? Why do you care what 54% people call us?

so para dizer que lisboa é uma merda