The stuff ((They)) don't want you to know

I believe the time has come where I finally give you all the final red pill...

Sup Forums... You have a soul.

Last night an user posted a thread relating to the Kyle Odom incident. This is a link to his manifesto. An autobiography of an ex-marine delving into madness from his experience with astral projection.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice fan fiction

Kyle got ahead of himself. Managed to get way too deep in it and suddenly started experiencing a psychotic episode.
But if you practiced restraint you can do it yourself.

See Astral Projection is quite possible as you can see for yourself.

Take the time to actually get into it. If you are heavy a skeptic at heart it will be difficult to do it. You would have to think of it much like hypnosis, where if someone is hypnotized they would have to believe they were.

Why would their technology only be a million years ahead of ours instead of 500 million, or a billion. That would make more sense. Were our species created at the near geological same time?

This guy keeps talking about how smart he is. What a delusional faggot lol

>Why would their technology only be a million years ahead of ours
reading comprehension?
he has no way to know exactly how much more advanced it is. It is just very very much more advanced. That's what he means.

dont be so literal

p.sure hes fucking psychotic.

Read the generalized scribble

>no real details
>no hard evidence
>he is basically a gang stalking nut

You have the capability to actually experience an out of body experience. Your soul can disconnect from its silver cord. When a person dies it happens and has been proven by pragmatic conclusions; people seeing what happens around their corpse. A patient was able to see what was happening in his examining room:

The link provides a more further study on NDE's.

What if we archive it

why are parts blackened out?

Pic related: orgasm and anus are my guesses


But that's not all. There are times people say they see dark, ominous figures in what would appear to be lucid dreams. Like the creature that supposedly sits on your chest after an exposure of DMT or the time you were a kid and ran to the bathroom only to wet yourself in your bed.

We call these psychological episodes unaware from what these words actually mean in their roots. Psych in Greek means "soul" which is precisely what it means. The immaterial part of your body which is intangible.

Now what if we can believe that such a thing was possible to manipulate?
Basic radiowaves show a instinctual pattern to affect a human being neurologically but can it also be manipulated psychologically as well?

This study shows how certain frequencies from simple machines like cell phones and microwaves can actually penetrate your brain.

The law of One says different things about martians. That they destroyed their planet's atmosphere so their souls were transferred to earth, and are a big portion of the people here, to let them continue their evolutions towards unity (after 7 densities, humans are in third of self-awareness trying to get to 4th of universal love) They said many feel the need to give back to earth because of what they did to their own planet. or maybe there are different ones now. This sounds like a negative/Orion like contact.

Frequencies are extremely important when considering how someone may be able to perceive things. Hypothetically speaking; frequencies could be the reason why many individuals describe identical experiences like sitting demons. See Kyle referred to his experience with an entity as being a white light that had gave him a feeling of unconditional love and warned him without speaking. This is when he was speaking coherently of course.

Now I would like to show you a spirit box designed by a man named Huff. He too is also stepping into madness the more he produces videos.

This is what a spirit box sounds like as it picks up random frequencies and displays them in an order. Steve would later say in a confession that it was a white light that had saved him from his attack.

astral entity?

Do you want to hear what is even more eerie than that? This is a schizophrenic simulation:

There is reason to theorise that a schizophrenic individual could be facing a psychotic breakdown due to infiltration of frequencies. The soul has absolute influence over the body and mind therefore it controls them. If a soul is manipulated then whatever is manipulating it has control of the material of the individual; the body and mind.


>dont be so literal
Why wouldn't I be literal? He named the number and says he's super smart and they told him all the information he's conveying.

These frequencies are their own entities. And there is a logical reason as to why to believe this due to it also being energy and a vibration. They have the ability to manifest into a perception that has a common attribute experienced from person to person. But here is where it gets more surreal.

You yourself are a frequency. You are able to transmit your soul and live in an intangible; immaterial existence. You have an ability to project yourself through astral projection if you want the evidence to satisfy the truth for yourself.

But there is something else you must know. It will be absolutely unwise to believe that you can project yourself without running into other beings that can do the same. Apparently if one were to astral project themselves they can meet others doing the same. But where could a soul go if there is not a body anymore? Some say they go as far as even space! Interestingly Saturn has so much history behind it as it goes as far back as being the planet named after the Roman god 'Saturn" who was inspired by the Cananite god "Bael". I'm pretty sure Pol is familiar with him. Let's here what sound the frequencies of Saturn produce shall we?

Now what is the purpose of life then? To test yourselves! Life is meant to be sufferable your ability to restrain yourself from pleasuring yourself at the cost of others is the right answer. It is the philosophy in the Noble Truths and the New Testament.

((They)) Are the ones in frequencies unparallel to our material dimension. They are the ones that tell you to cheat for a one night stand, steal cheap candy from a store and masturbate to other people having sex. ((They)) Are Jews, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Rich, Poor, Authoritative and Degenerate. They are people being convinced that the conclusions they have made are the absolute solution and will aim to achieve it all costs. ((They)) Are the manifestation of evil itself and they affect all of you to behave in ways the gives evil propensity.
To be evil is to cause suffering to fulfil a gain. Mankind can not avoid this, they will always cause suffering to gain because they are susceptible to the frequencies that plague the dimension they are perceiving. But there is a place the soul can go if it were to escape such feelings.

NDE's of Atheists:

NDE Atheist becomes Buddhist :

NDE Child:

The internet is littered with experiences; testimonies that aren't looked into and ignored. Countless people have had perceived things similar to Kyle when they died. Look into it because I am not here to tell you what you must and must not do but follow your intuition and watch and read the testimonies of the dead who came back to life and you will be able to save your soul with your own conclusions.

I am out. Please screen cap or archive. There will be more I will share later.

Thanks for the post, I've played around with a lot of LSD over the years in high ug dosages. This kind of philosophy really sings to my soul and I don't know how I would be, without clicking into some truth every now and again.

Good thread dude.

Ever listened to Neptune's sounds?

Saturn, Jove and Uranus sound super creepy.

Neptune? Neptune is chill as fuck.

If Saturn is a sleeping voidgate or a dormant elder god, Neptune is either home or a total bro.

Thanks Anons. The veil must be pulled. I have to do this despite of the dangers it will imply.


Damn bro...

MK Ultra much?

I totally wanna build a "spirit box" now. As an engineer, I am curious to see if it would actually work. In doing so, I could prove one way or another whether or not this video was real, or if the box was just a tape player with some special effects and a prerecorded script.

I'll build a spirit box. For science!

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked! - invite/ - cY6TJ (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil

your link is broken idiot fix it before spamming every thread

Dude me too. If you do it pls thread. I've seen some videos with these and if they aren't fabbed, it is just too much to be coincidence

Can I control to only meet the “good guys“?

bless you

i feel like half of these /x/ tier threads would vanish from Sup Forums if you fucking retards would just read more pk dick.

Don't, the good guys will come find you when you die. They get pissy if you Astral Travel with your body still intact judging by the evidence. My ancestral heritage is Druze and I guess their crypto society hides some crucial knowledge that I always romanticize to learn on my own. If anyone wonders what a druze is, they go deep and really far back. My purpose is to educate and help gather sense of what is around you so you can spot lies and not be so torn when life is feeling like it's too hard to pursue.

Some information you might feel fascinated with regarding Jesus' genetics.

The DNA of Jesus' father is not from Earth:

Mary was a Druze:

Druze Bio

My other family knows a lot more than I but I was race-mixed and will never be apart of the fraternity to know absolutely what secrets they keep.

oh, also:

It's a radio that constantly changes frequencies. It's a scam

Brilliant book. Also want to remind you all that Sup Forums works in the same way as invasive thoughts work. For example, if you start a thread you will see posters coming in and being heavily critical before the thread progresses. This is an example of what an intrusive thought could be like in which it derails what the thread is trying to conclude by ignoring the hypothesis it presents. You call these people shills and they are in fact real people who have those types of sentiments. This is what a person's mind functions like, a battle over what is going to be the definite decision; should you learn or ignore? Funny, discussion boards are archives of products from a person's consciousness collected to create a mind, body and soul of its own. Politics follows this diagram, it is the precise same thing; people forming the same type of collection in the way state should be managed. The citizen in collection is the soul of the state; the representatives the mind and the productivity and identity is the body. This affects politics more than anything so it is a thread that belongs here.

Who are YOU?

P.s. Pls tell me Trump-sama will keep us all save. Thanks.

Search for my threads. I will keep you all posted. Some of you will dislike what I will tell you and that is understandable.

i keep seeing 22's and 44's everywhere, could it be something leafbro?

You have more? Where?

What are they called?

Yes, look into the post before and after those ones.

I heard those are godly numbers and those are numbers of angels surrounding you.

This says something about your psyche friendo.

Same title as this one. I also am the poster that usually lurks in the Christ threads where I clarify misunderstandings.

yeah i get these digits all the time, still could be just my inner uncounsious clock looking for them, or remembering when to glance at the time. shits fucked hans

No worries. I used to see them too, but not so often anymore. Pls send me your energy ;)

I know you might be LARPing (or just mixing truth and lies), however in case you aren't. Tell me something ordinary people don't know, stuff from the other side.

What about always catching the clock at 11:11 what the heck does that mean

1=1, means youre one bro

I am a mere man. Don't let you're second guessing get ahead of yourself. I also am an athiest who happened to do research and found through evidence that there is a reason to investigate. I was a skeptic until I managed to actually find this phenemenon through astral projection where my body actually left as I passed out from the heat. I was able to percieve what had happened in my class while I was passed out. This lead me to dig deeper allowing me to enter meditative states quickly. I want to share it with you guys because you will be able to extend my work even futher.

Fool proof logic my Euro friend

Dude I swear there was this time, where I slept and was awake at the same time and I don't remember to well, but I think I was astral projecting too. I felt really spooked and wanted the experience to end, so my mind wandered through my room and when I got to the door in order to get out, the door wouldn't open and the door handle kept going down and up on it's own. Thoughts?

not my fault you dont think about what being "one" means, imagine the numbers representing a line in a code. Or go by the 7 days of creation, with each day representing a different stage. One is the first step of creation, the first thing, it is alone, it is merely one. dumb euro nigger

I started to put my collage together of the people in his list. I went to post the start of it but I was banned from an earlier incident so I drank a few beers and went to bed. I will work more on it tonight, I can assure you every one of these people look extremely strange. I'm almost convinced they're not human

You're a bully and an outcast

Yes, that is astral projection. Many people experience and every human being can do it. It never provided anything and dogma had made it banned for really good reasons. Your soul will not be able to come back in certain circumstances which is why a white light appears and warns you to go back. Something is protecting us.

post work in progress my man

You just dreamed being in your room, not a big surprise considering the time you pass on it.

This can also be true. If you can recall you being in your room you can produce a lucid dream that makes you feel like you are in one. This is due to DMT being released in small amounts but still greater than your usual production.

bully? definitely. Outcast? I create my own shit and cast others into it

was it frank? aka Anonymous5, aka Larper5

Could be true too, however my mind felt really strange. Kinda hard to describe, but it felt really overwhelming and I never experienced something like that before. Thanks for the input tho.

I'm not at my battle station, I'll be home around 1030 and if there's an active thread her or on/x/ I'll post, shills are right we should post this there though.
>tfw this

I've experienced OBEs. The sensation is real, these people aren't making up that they felt like they were out of their bodies. But their claims to be actually outside of their bodies is B.S imo.

I had a simple test, to look at the alarm clock next to my bed, see the time, snap back to my body, open my eyes and see if the time was the same (not that this would be scientific proof, but it would have been enough for me to take the phenomena seriously). Never could do it, actually never really saw the alarm clock at all, everything is sort of a haze, nothing particularly detailed.

It boils down to sleep paralysis while being fully mentally aware. Now sleep paralysis is scary as fuck, for years I would have a bit of a panic attack when experiencing it (thought I was dying), but over time I got used to it and could relax enough to experience the sensations of astral projection. It's been years since my last episode.

dude me too

> could be this in disguise

>look at the clock just now
yep wtf

>Guy in STEM
>Mentions lie detector test non-ironically
Stopped reading at that point, it's beyond ridiculous

these fucking martians coming here stealing people of our race to have sex with

the frogs (ie. martians) are alright guys, shitposters just like us

someone already made a collage

I see them less now. Is my faith not strong enough? Aaaahhhh

so the kikes are the descendats, or carriers of the martian soul energy thing. Shouldve known, its always the jews


Where is this from? Thread?

soul, not body. ofcourse he's gonna see their "true" form in spirit form

This is false. What you are describing is a mental episode which is more in tune with lucid dreaming. A psycho state is what distorts the dream from reality. I want you to think for a second; if you were completely alone; nobody percieving anything around you; would what you believe be real? There is nothing contrasting the thoughts therefore you are in absolute unison making whatever you project a reality. The frequency plays into the equation because it exploits this distortion and forms a consistent manifestation not different from anything else people percieve. The frequency in itself is in existence for it thinks therefore it is and if it is infiltrating in your absolute solace it becomes real and uncontrollable. If it was a byproduct of your mind, it would be easy to imagine it going away when it doesn't. This is the base of most psychotic episodes where others don't percieve what the maniac is thinking but if the maniac percieves it to be true and is apathetic to those around him it is true to him and him only.

Oh shit thanks user, I'll work to layer their faces to get an average image of people on the list. It's probably nothing

Did u experience something too? Side note: A friend of mine claims to have seen the marijuana ghost, while on drugs lol.


Guys another experience I had. I know I might be a nutcase for some, but anyways lol. I had a very strong headache once, however it felt like the pain was in the middle of my forehead and I began to experiencing/ dreaming? the worst experiences. However I tried to change that and started thinking positive and as soon ad I did...
All those negative thought/ dreams went away and the bottom below me started transforming into a beatiful landscape and flowers literally started popping up. They slowly grew and I became happier and happier...

Lee Rosenberg is already suspected as reptilian lel

This thread should really be on/x/ not/pol/

One more lel none of these people look normal

Whadda fug man?

My mother can literally feel electricity. He also saw ghosts on several occasions.

I tested it, i put her a blindfold on and walked her into my room, i had there two power sockets on the ground laid out, one was plugged in, the other wasn't. There were no sounds whatsoever coming from it.

Everytime she could feel which one was plugged in, really weird stuff.

I want /x/ to leave.

>An autobiography of an ex-marine delving into madness from his experience with mental illness.

FTFY. He never projected anything.

Tesla could too. And Qi Gong masters...

Awesome man. Pls tell more...


all that matters is the "believe" part, dumb catholic polacc

I'm read The Exegesis of PKD.

I've read and own pretty much all his novels too.


Astral Projection is hallucinatory and thus could cause mental instability. Think someone on LSD. Once again, this plays in your politics and I will make another thread detailing this.

Well she saw last week her dead grandma after my sister moved out, the spirit said" let her go" in a screaming voice. She just saw a weird shadow.

Maybe it was just a coping mechanism idk.

As teenager she played this weird board game, forgot the name. Windows were closed, everything silent, curtains moved like a tornado broke out for just 1 second, and they were at least 10 feat away from it. Everyone checked, nobody pranked it and everyone freaked out.

A day later the host of this session, her best friend got very sick and actually fucking died.

Not joking here..sadly.

Then she had a near death experience when she was 18 and had to go under a routine procedure at a hospital for her polyps in her nose.

She told me about golden light and her grandma waving to her, but then she heard a voice telling her "come back" and she woke up again, apparently the doctors pumped too much anesthetics into her and lost her for a minute.

This hospital has a history of such shit, they even let me drop from the table when they removed my appendix, wanted to sue them but its too late now. fuck.

Tons of more stuff happens, all small and very weird things, but these were the biggest i think.

The creepy thing is he shot that preacher point blank in the head with a .45 and the guy was out of the hospital in two days.