Place the generations on a cos graph with x being time

>Place the generations on a cos graph with x being time.
>Notice how society is always going to be alternating between good times and degeneracy.

We're currently coming to the bottom of this periods degeneracy. The people who will change it have already been born. The men of generation Z and generation Alpha who have been and will be growing up in this degeneracy, surrounded by terror attacks and the disgusting behavior of their predecessors are going to be initiate the cleansing. Then in another couple centuries some spoilt degenerates will start the process again.

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That quote is about the worst bullshit you can imagine, it's literally what feminists use to justify treating men like shit. It's not because they're hateful people, it's to make men better, seriously!

Will creates strong men. Don't want to be strong? Then you won't.

Just because some braindead women use quotes to support their degeneracy doesn't mean that's what the quote means. Will creates strong men. But if you don't have to be strong why bother? You think the baby boomers had to have a strong will? They had it so easy. They used money they didn't have to buy houses whatever else they wanted to pass the debt onto their children. That was the beginning of the end for this periods civilization. They didn't need to be strong because they had everything they could ever want.

> Will creates strong men. But if you don't have to be strong why bother?
To become.

You're not anywhere that accepts post modernism, you literally can't convince me to treat white men badly to make them stronger firstly because I know that's transcending their will and forcing them to become something they might not want or deserve and secondly because I know it's bullshit. If it's not their choice then it's absolutely meaningless.

Bullying men from a young age and keeping them unemployed or feeling like they're lucky to have a job isn't making them strong, it's making them weak and unwilling to negotiate.

I see mostly gen x women in HR positions "accidentally" losing white male resumes.

You completely misunderstand what I was saying. I'm not advocating to treat me like shit to make them strong. I'm saying that is what happens naturally. Look back as far as you want in civilized history and that's what has being happening over and over again for centuries. What I am saying is that once you have a great society that's thriving people will become weak and destroy it naturally, like what the feminists are doing. Then men will rise up to fix it again, not because they're forced to, but because it makes life better for them and their prodigy in the future.

You're not, but the only action you can conclude from (even to begin to assume men actually are weak, which really is the vocal minority a hostile mainstream media is shoving in your face) is to treat men bad.

If men are weak (again, they're not), if it's because society is soft (again, it's not, it's actually rougher for white men than it has for 100 years besides war) then the solution is to treat men badly. You think this isn't what you're arguing, but it is, what you're doing is literally the same "millennial men have it too easy" shit that's used to justify why only millennial men get the negative effects of quotas or why only millennial white men are falsely accused of sexual harassment and other races even have their race censored even when it's genuine.

Look, you're blue pill scum and the first step is realising it. The millennial men here know they are their own responsibility, calling "us" weak is either a pro war statement or a blue pill.

>I see mostly gen x women in HR positions "accidentally" losing white male resumes.
This is so fucking true, out of the 200 + applications I've filled out the past 6 months looking for an IT job fresh out of school I've gotten 6 interviews, I've watched less qualified women and minorites get the job I went to school for with fucking marketing degrees because the manager wants to fuck the girl or get a diversity check. I've given up on applying to careers and am back to looking for fucking internships at this point. I wonder what will happen if I start clicking the nigger button on applications when they ask for my race?

Then how do you explain the increasing faggots and cucks? How do you explain all those pussy whipped bitches voting for the left?

>We're currently coming to the bottom of this periods degeneracy.
No. When peak degeneracy comes you'll know it.

Yeah, everyone with a STEM degree has a story like yours, they actually want you to get discouraged, quit and drag the standards down. Marxists hate STEM because it's everything that implies equality of outcome isn't possible because not everyone is good at STEM.

They don't exist, that's the media shoving these people in your face and collectivist morons in real life thinking it's normal.

You are not same or mentally healthy if you believe unequal treatment, especially for opportunities, is equality. If you think this, you've been brainwashed into believing up is down and down is up.

There are no mentally sane left wing millennial men.

>Generation Z
>then Generation Alpha

holysmokes. hadn't occurred to me.

I feel like you're taking what I say and then completely reversing it. Faggots are very real but I didn't say they were normal. There are a lot of left wing millennial men but I didn't say they were sane. Finally, equality of opportunity is not equality of outcomes.

It is actually fairly well documented.

well its odd. those little kids have to be shown the degeneracy early on to keep them safe. I have a young son and I'm starting to discuss bullies and already he's run across asshole kids, so I'm telling him how to deal with it, dignity intact, fight if he has to, how to fight soon enough. Eventually I'll get into just how awful everything is, then later how relentlessly awaful it all is. But you gotta keep hope alive, man. He's a brave little kid.

That's the thing, you haven't said anything besides
>hurrr muh millennials be weak!
To which I say, fuck you.

I listen to classical and work out. I am not weak and I believe rejecting post modernism affords me the modernist philosophy (like Nietzsche) who can make me strong and inb4
>lawl dat millennial is doing the speshul snowflake routine

No. This is the ideal of every young man, especially Peterson fans, here and he either plans to do this or is already doing this, I don't fault the former because it's not easy sometimes and it fucking shouldn't.

Men don't need to be told to be stronger. The weak men need to be ignored and die socially infertile from cuckery and women need to be told they're weak and should take responsibility.

>he doesn't know
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Not all millennial men are weak, just like not all millennial women are whores. But the majority are. You say weak men should be left socially infertile. That's not what's happening though. Sluts love a good cuck that can raise their kids while they fuck niggers.

It's the same bullshit excuse at every interview "Sorry we went with x candidate with y experience but you were our second choice!", when that other persons experience was being a fucking woman or brown person that did a marketing internship where they uploaded pictures to social media for some goofy company. That and boomer fucking managers don't want to pay for training so they now are expecting you to have 2 plus years of experience in multiple fields for entry level positions. I saw a job yesterday that asked for 5 fucking years experience with SQL, 2 years of .NET, 2 years of automation testing and whole other list of things of things for an entry level position.

>muh endless cycle

Trips of truth. That's what every job in Australia is. At least 2 year experience doing what ever. Even fucking waiting at a diner requires experience now.

i wouldn't say majority weak but millenials when they are weak are holy fuck do you see that wtf is that kind of weak

I hate this quote because literally anybody can use it for any purpose at any time and claim that current times are 'hard times'.

That being said I think we're fucked and shit's gonna get busy in the next few years.

That doesn't even make sense. Only a retard would use this as "proof" of hard times. It's a non-sequitur. I don't even understand how someone could see this quote and even imagine for a second of using it as proof of something.

I don't think so. Too young. We can't wait. It will be those who are in their 20s and early 30s now.

Protip, they only advertise those jobs because they're legally required to. They've already selected someone internally which is why they put the ridiculous requirements on there.

Well that's just fucking stupid. It makes it harder to find an actual job because of this spam.

Of course. But it also allows the government to say "Look how many jobs are available!"

You sure have a grasp of the internet fringe dweller's lingo.
Pity none of it has any connection to reality.
Poverty has halved worldwide in the last ten years. Terror attacks while gory and noisy, are not killing the thousands/millions needed to make a dent in the prosperity we've made.
Every ignorant 20-something male thinks the whole world is about to go up in flames, nobody listens to them because they're just noticing how precarious life is.
Yes, we live balanced on the edge of a bottomless pit of savagery, we always have.
Grownups are looking up with knowledge and acting, not down in fear while whining.

Aus govt decided that 2 hours a week of casual work takes you off the unemployment figures.
That was back in the 90s.
The actual rate is closer to a fifth of the workforce unemployed or underemployed in casual, unsecured positions.
Get skills, make connections. You gotta push, this isn't school anymore, you don't just stand in line and get stuff handed out.
If any of this pisses you off, quit with the white superiority bullshit, you live in the top 15% of the world's riches with about 90% of opportunities.
Dudes breakin rocks all day in Thailand for a dollar a day. You can't make it in Aus there's something wrong with you, not the country.

OP's quote is the iron cycle. Nothing short of unique and direct intervention from God can break it.

Barbarism WILL triumph over civilization because civilization makes men weak. This is written in fate, it is written in the stars and under the earth. The question is do you want to be the barbarian who conquers and reforges the world based on your values, or would you rather be a cuck and let the muslims and hispanics do it?

>women need to be told they're weak and should take responsibility.
They know they're weak and forcing them to be responsible is a male fantasy that aint gonna fly.
Responsibility is a masculine virtue, women are excused because they are a) women, b) ruthless and c) the reason every person you ever see is here and they risk death by torture to do it.
Anyone who argues with any of this is a weasel who gets thrown overboard when the ship starts to leak.

>Degeneracy: faggotry, promiscuity, consumerism
>>Not real.
>Alpha: literal name of the generation.
>>Not real.
>Cuck: Emasculation of men by women, destruction of family values.
>>Not real.

>Poverty has halved.
Source. Also where and at what cost? If someone lives in poverty it's at what cost are you "helping them"? You think the Africans are thankful for all the free gibs? You think it's making a difference? What about the Abo's? You think giving them petrol money is helping them?

Wake the fuck up, pic related.

>barbarian or cuck
you've let life paint you into that corner?
you're not up to this.
We will escape history and humanity will go to the stars together and in peace. The barbarians will be incorporated or incinerated.

muh end of history

That pic related is all true. And sub-saharan africa is the centre of the world's genetic diversity and the next best hope to be a place of developement and refinement. I've actually been to africa a few times and that post is true. It's used by kids who've never seen the ocean even though it's 20km away. To reinforce their racist ignorant argumentative bullshit.
Generations are only named when you want to sell them something.
>wake the fuck up, sheeple!!
middle school.

history is the story of what went before, you don't let it determine anything.

tfw 29

Oh I see. So the Africans are living in mud huts because of 'muh galatic opression'? No-one is holding back the African people yet after all this time. After the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, blah blah blah. Africans are still living in mud huts. There's a difference between racism and race realism. I don't hate Africans for being the way they are. But I'm sure as fuck not going to say that an African is exactly equal to a Caucasian. I'm not going to say that Man is equal to a Woman. I'm not going to say that that biology is defunct because 'muh current year' or 'muh fee-fees' or 'MUH UR RACISTSSTST'.

>boomers think they are ''strong men''

Holy fuck I completely missed
>African is the center of the world's genetic diversity.
while I was laughing at how bluepilled you are.
There's literally no way you can think people with completely black skin, completely black hair and completely black eyes are the last bastion of genetic diversity. They're some of the most inbred humans to ever exist. Most villages started from a couple of common ancestors.

We're not in hard times, friendo. We're in a transition period: currently the weak men are coming to power. The hard times lay ahead.