New Zealand yes?

New Zealand yes?

Other urls found in this thread:

I absolutely fucking hate our media
They are 100% against western civilization
They are indoctrinating millions of kiwis to be slaves for our chink overlords
If Winston Peters doesn't win this election, we are FUCKED

Fucked how?

So who here got their posts into the article?

Funny to think Granny Herald is hanging around looking for crap to throw. Hi, Granny Herald - you're the ones ruining the country, and it's sad you don't even realise.

the gooks are going to own this country in less than 10 years

They already do. Our economy is subservient to them.

Just see if they try put boots on the ground.

I am thinking about forming a militia to report to (((elected))) government. Tag line will be "because the defence force is weak". Anyone keen to form a regional branch?

> He seems briefly despondent about the lack of interest in the alt-right in the New Zealand political scene. But then he begins talking again, about his own website, about the liberal media, about social justice warriors, traditionalism, the need for a hierarchy, about his many, many beliefs.
>Around him, Starbucks has emptied out. Following his rant on feminism, the girls at the next table have packed up in disgust. Two more leave after he loudly declares refugees could swamp New Zealand. Chen doesn't notice. He just keeps talking, on and on and on.

Does this Chen guy even exist? This reads like a straw-man attack. Why would a Chinese person even be on this side?

I want someone to get rid of the Indians and Chinese, those f****** are stealing our country right out from under us

ABSOLUTELY BASED. Winnie has my undying respect

I remember getting him to sign a program from my primary school production when he came to see it. I hope I can still find that we he becomes new Zealands god emperor

No mention at all of the fact that the most diverse party is NZ First.

Fuck this racist "journalist"

Peters is the best option for our election this year. I think his policies are the only policies that can end the housing crisis without costing tax payers a lot.

(((They))) wish to control our cats now

lol at this dumb fuck nz herald slut thinking that any of the "alt right" communicate via Sup Forums anymore

You know, immigrants (and muslims) are often way more right wing that the average white NZer. Can we afford to isolate them, don't we need their numbers to win anything?

The most racist people I've met are Chinese and Afghan

Followed closely by Islanders

Watching banter on duke. They have some fat pig with enough vocal fry to incinerate an ice berg, Chloe Swarbrick who looks like a steampunk lesbian and white faggot behind a desk. So far this has been utter shite.

>our media
NZ herald is barely that anymore, I'm amazed they still float.


Throw in most Islanders in there as well.

>Several replied with threats, or by sending penis photos via Facebook instead.

Haha NZbro's the normies know!

suck my big abo cock Kirsty