Did the Irish potato famine really happen? Or is it a hoax like the holocaust?

Did the Irish potato famine really happen? Or is it a hoax like the holocaust?

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Really happened. That's right. The irish are so stupid they can even grow potatos.


Oh the irony...

it happened, much like holodomor they depended too much on one staple and when it fucked up they were all screwed

if the potato famine really did happen, then why are there so many potatoes?

The Irish: the only Island people to ever suffer a famine.

a famous geologist investigated the potato fauxmine using a sonar device to see if the soil had evidence of a tuber induced soil disruption during the years in question but we will never know his findings because the NRA blew him, and his equipment, up with a car bomb.

that wasn't a typo. the NRA and the IRA are one and the same. So is the NBA.


Ireland has suffered colonialism, slavery, wars of extermination, revolution, a civil war and this all only ended about 50 years ago.
There were famines, plagues of typhus, the black death and tuberculosis.
It's geographically isolated.
It has no resources on the island. The weather is cold and windy. The summer growing season is short.

Within a couple of decades of self determination and with modern technologies it's rated as one of the best countries in the world in terms of quality of life and gdp per capita.

Non Europeans have no excuse.

Yes, my ancestors left Ireland and my great great grandfather was the only survivor of my family once he arrive in Canada at Gaspé. Left with the Family, tried tout make a new life at Waales then go to Canada and arrived irphan

yeah, the west of Ireland has ruined abandoned cottages scattered all over the place. Most of Ireland is fertile as fuck and produces food like mad but the soil in the west is shit. Excellent grass so it's perfect for cattle (all beef in Ireland is grass-fed, even in McDonald's) but not great for crops.

From the 1650s a huge number of people were chased out of better land in the south and east (Oliver Cromwell was effectively a raging Protestant jihadist at the head of the most effective fighting force the world had ever seen) and had to move to the west, and eventually there were way too many people on way too little shit land where the only thing that grew efficiently enough to feed everyone was a variety of potato that was vulnerable to a fungal disease that wiped out potato crops all over western Europe in the 1840s. This was a considerable economic problem for other countries but they could handle it. In the west of Ireland it was like taking out all the rice in China. Meanwhile food grown in the rest of Ireland was sold to Europe to replace dead potatoes while people in Ireland starved. About a million people died and another million people left, and afterwards the country was left in such a mess that people kept leaving. Between 1850 and 1950 about 6 million people (that's right goyim) left Ireland to join the NYPD.
Ireland (Northern and Republic) now contains about 6 million people. That was 8.5 million in 1840. If Ireland's population had grown like the rest of Europe there'd be about 25 million of us. True story.

Ireland's growing season is incredible outside Connaught. Sunlight in June lasts from 5:30 am to 10 pm and the land doesn't freeze over in winter or dry out in summer. You see fields in north Dublin and Meath getting harvested three times with three different things in summer.

That said, non-Europeans still have no excuse.

fake news, Catholics were literally banned from owning land within 5 miles of the sea. The pure genocidal hatred in the heart of the eternal Anglo is beyond hyperbole.

>believing in the irishhoax
they just wanted to get in before drumpf built the atlantic wall

>excellent grass so it's great for cattle
this is incorrect, the west is trash land, it's why a majority of the livestock there are sheep.


>less than one hundred years since independence and we've already thrown ourselves at the feet of another imperialist regime

Pretty sad state of affairs. It's true when they say that Ireland's greatest enemy is self-serving Irishmen.

It wasn't their fault. A disease they'd never seen before began ravaging their crops.

Israeli song calls for open borders and peace worldwide.